Castorp a écrit:
Une des motivation politique (

) de l'impeachment est je crois de s'assurer que Trump disparaisse du paysage politique une fois pour toute, pas forcemment pour qu'il aille en taule. Du coup ca servirait bien certains républicains et leur permettrait de se racheter une conscience!
Castorp a écrit:
Et sinon, un truc hilarant : les démocrates qui se mettent à parler comme la droite religieuse des années 80. Tout le monde a complètement vrillé aux US, c'est extraordinaire. ... ric-458705Après, voila le niveau de la meuf:
Wikipedia a écrit:
Greene linked Hillary Clinton to pedophilia and human sacrifice[35] and, in 2017, speculated the Pizzagate conspiracy theory was real.[34] Greene claimed Clinton murdered her political enemies in a revival of the "Clinton Kill List" conspiracy theory.[36]
Greene supported the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory, saying in videos posted in 2017 on Facebook that the theories were "worth listening to".[37][38] She stated in a video, "There's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it."[39]
According to her author biography page, Greene wrote 59 articles for the now-defunct conspiracy theory website, American Truth Seekers, including one linking the Democratic Party to "Child Sex, Satanism, and the Occult".[36] When Greene stood as a candidate for the House of Representatives in 2020, she distanced herself from the conspiracy theory and said she had not referred to "Q" or QAnon during her campaign. She said she no longer had a connection with it and mentioned having found "misinformation" in an interview for Fox News in August 2020.[40]