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MessagePosté: 20 Juil 2007, 16:55 
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2006, 12:37
Messages: 3867
Localisation: Hotel Yorba
Jericho Cane a écrit:
C'est "La Terza Madre".

C'est un biopic?



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MessagePosté: 22 Juil 2007, 07:53 
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Inscription: 07 Oct 2005, 10:23
Messages: 8088
hal5 a écrit:

Au fait y'a déjà une date pour la sortie France?

Non. Argento et grand ecran, ça ne rime pas forcément par chez nous...

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MessagePosté: 22 Juil 2007, 14:22 
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Inscription: 07 Oct 2005, 10:23
Messages: 8088
hal5 a écrit:
Ah pour moi celui-ci ils sont obligés de le sortir en salles. Dans ma tête ça ne fait même aucun doute. Bon à moins que ce se soit vraiment une purge...

ou que ça soit trop barge pour qu'il y ait prise de risque. Argento fait déserter les salles du marché du film de Cannes depuis quelques tempsdéjà, parait que ça a encore été le cas à la présentation des 20 minutes de promo pour les acheteurs cette année.

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MessagePosté: 22 Juil 2007, 17:33 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
hal5 a écrit:
Ah pour moi celui-ci ils sont obligés de le sortir en salles. Dans ma tête ça ne fait même aucun doute.

à mon avis il aura une sortie ciné en France,mais sortie limitée évidemment!
sinon il sort en vo le 31 Octobre en Italie sur 300 copies :!:


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MessagePosté: 26 Juil 2007, 12:32 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975 ... e&sid=2601

et ça spoile ici...:

""I had the chance to see about twenty minutes of this film last weekend. All I can say is that it's vintage Argento. Highly atmospheric, bloody as hell, surreal, disturbing and gorgeously shot. There are some amazing kill scenes (which are mostly what I saw) that include a vaginal impaling with a pneumatic spear that ultimately punches up all the way through the victim's mouth as well as someone being on the receiving end of a miniature pitchfork device that is designed specifically to remove eyeballs. This stuff is so tense and shocking that it made a roomful of jaded industry folks immediately sit up and take notice.

Asia looks terrific, and I saw a pretty fantastic scene where she and a friend unleash Mater Lachrymarum and her minions, including a vicious monkey! Other things of note were mouth-stabbings, flaming villains chasing out heroine while catching everthing around them on fire, and a spirit guide helping Asia along.

Frankly, eveything I saw of it was amazing. This is the Argento we haven't seen in almost twenty years back at the top of his game, and MOTHER OF TEARS looks to be a fine capper to the Three Mothers trilogy."


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MessagePosté: 27 Juil 2007, 16:52 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
La première du film aura lieu à Toronto en Septembre...:

Alan Jones writes:

"Hi Nick, as I expected the Midnight Madness strand of the Toronto film festival in september is holding the world premiere of the third mother: mother of tears. The exact date will be announced shortly. Programmer Colin Geddes tells me he loved the film - he's calling it "the godfather III of horror" - and asked Myriad in the US if he could launch the movie before its rome premiere in october. Colin was with me when we viewed the promo in cannes and he says the final film is far better than that preview footage suggested. I trust Colin's judgement and so am really excited by his reaction. That means Dario will segue straight from the canadian festival of fear in late august (The reason he couldn't be at frightfest to host our planned restored suspiria event) to toronto. There he will be reunited with George A. Romero whose diary of the dead is also being screened. On a separate note I had a call from MOT writers Jace Anderson and Adam Gierasch who were shown the film by Myriad in los angeles a few weeks ago. Their reaction was overwhelmingly positive too. Okay, they are the writers with vested interests, but again both are very honest when it comes to their views. So it looks like the film delivers what was promised. Jace and Adam will be at the rome launch where I'm going to see the film with cast and crew members. As much as I want to see it first, italy is the best place to see it from my point of view. Web reviews will hit mid september so let's hope they're as good as we're now expecting. There's still no UK or US distributor for the movie but toronto being the most prestigious venue the film could possibly have (cabin fever, black sheep and all the boys love mady lane were launched there to massive success) it seems certain the heat from the premiere reaction will guarantee sales instantly."


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MessagePosté: 10 Aoû 2007, 18:18 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
Pour quelques images de plus et un clip...spoilers!!: ... hp?id=1039 ... d=15460463


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MessagePosté: 27 Aoû 2007, 09:43 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
le trailer US:


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MessagePosté: 07 Sep 2007, 12:16 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
Première mondiale du film hier soir à Toronto...Quelques avis sont disponibles sur Dark Dreams,Rue Morgue,Imdb...:

"Saw this tonight amazing film. Scary gory even funny Argento in his prime. Audience sang happy birthday to him."

"was interesting, he clearly has a thing for monkeys. and asia gets nude, Yeah !!!
and its his birthday today, it was a special night, never to be repeated"

"Details, I can't give you folks right now it being 3:45am, but, the monkey is worth the show, the look is very natural as opposed to the more gel-like blues, reds, and greens etc. The acting wasn't bad. The dialogue is more informative than any of them from what I remember. The scare factor is there for jumps anyways. I'll have to be more detailed tomorrow. I am beat. I liked it is all I can say right now... Music is very subtle. I was impressed over all."

"Wow, I loved every minute of this besides the fire alarm. Classic sleezefest and overall great, trashy time at the movies. The gore was awesome and first time I've ever found Argento to be punchy. There's a stinger along the lines of the Exorcist 3 hospital scene.
I've never gone into an Argento flick looking for great dialogue. But felt a lot of the goofy stuff he was totally in on and winking. Think there was a lot more fucking with the audience than a lot of people were aware of.
I'll say it again, man the gore was awesome!"

"i didnt think it was crap. it was exactly like all the other films we all love and cherish on this board (eg story, acting etc). i dont know what you guys are complaing about. i loved it.
next time a guy like dario argento does a world premier with his awesome hot daughter on his birthday and we all sing happy birthday to're not invited."

"My initial thoughts are overall very positive, and I'll keep this spoiler free. As Argento's later work goes, I would say this film is Argento's best since at least The Stendhal Syndrome, and probably since Opera. In The Third Mother, Argento really seems bent on pushing the envelope on gore, and generally accepted good the joy of legions of gore hounds. The end result is a very fun film; however, this film is a far cry from the other two films in the "Three Mothers Trilogy" and fails to live up to the standard Argento set with his earlier work.

There is a lot to like about The Third Mother. Argento, at a higher level than I have seen from him in the past, really ratchets up the sleeze in this film. There are moments of random nudity and sexuality that feel as if they are yanked straight from the great euro-trash films of the seventies. At times, the film resembles a post-modern riff on Sergio Martino with a dash of Jess Franco. For Argento, this really felt like new territory as, at least in terms of sexuality, I have always felt that he was much more conservative than many of his seventies counterparts. Not so with The Third Mother.

The gore, and brutality behind that gore (especially aimed at women), is glorious. I cannot rave enough about that gore. One scene in particular involving a jaw and some intestines is simply brilliant. I squirmed and a smile covered every inch of my face. One of my favorite kills in any film, ever. For that alone, this film was something special for me, and thankfully, Argento is not finished. He throws gory buckets of blood and guts around throughout the film, much of it of a very taboo nature. No one is off limits in this film. I got the feeling that Argento was ready and willing to do anything, and that was thrilling. It's been awhile since I've felt that in a theater.

The acting in this film, led by Asia Argento, is also fine, especially for an Argento film. I had heard the dialogue in The Third Mother was a bit rough, and the dubbing rougher, but that's simply not true. Both are as good as, if not better than, most Argento films. The story is fairly nonexistent, but again, for a "Three Mothers" film, that's pretty par for the course. No harm, no foul. The dialogue, dubbing, and story (or lack thereof) take absolutely nothing away from this film.

So while my enthusiasm for this film is very high, I do feel the need to point out some things I did not like about the film. Missing from the film was much of the wonder that is so present in Suspiria and Inferno. The Third Mother, like it's predecessors, is a film set in a supernatural world. But I never felt that otherworldliness that is so blanketed over the first two films of this trilogy. No moment where Suzy Banyon is frozen, walking down the hall in moment where a demon (or Satan himself?) chases a girl from a library. There are of course nods to the supernatural, but it feels forced...disingenuous even.

Also missing is some of the grand camera work that really separates Argento's early work from many of his contemporaries. Nothing like the plaza sequences from Suspiria or Profondo Rosso. No rooftop take like in Tenebre. No slow-mo sequences like in Phenomena. Early in this film, there are some very cool uses of the camera, but overall, like most of Argento's recent work, the cinematography is nothing exceptional. It's unfair that Argento will always be compared to his past work, but the comparison is also impossible, at least for me, to ignore.

But the biggest bummer about The Third Mother is Claudio Simonetti's score. It's downright depressing. It feels so "movie-of-the-week." Like an old Lone Ranger episode even. There were some cool vocal highlights, but even that seemed a bit standard "devil movie/witch movie we have to have scary chanting" music. Suspiria and Inferno both have scores that tap into your soul, scores that pull you into Argento's world. This score is completely unimpressive, and at times, dopey. And it really bums me out to write that.

Other might complain about the ending, or lack thereof...but it's Dario Argento we're talking about...he's goddamn brilliant, but also doesn't really know how to end a movie. No problem on that...I actually find it charming. And I really hope I don't come across as overly negative. I don't mean to be. The Third Mother, while not a complete return to form for the great director, is certainly a very worthy and welcome addition to Argento's oeuvre. It's his best work in a long, long time...and I am so happy for that.

Here's hoping that Argento continues to push the envelope, continues challenging taboos, and continues to bring his dark dreams to the screen for a long time to come (but with a better score!)."

"The best thing Argento's done in years, which isn't saying much, this finds him sacrificing most of his artistic pretensions, and shifting into balls-out entertainment mode. The plot, which features Asia Argento as a reluctant white witch battling evil in a Rome gone mad, is clearly an excuse for a series of imaginative, gruesome set pieces. Extremely gory, and extremely fun (especially with the Midnight Madness crowd), it's closer to a return to form than I would have suspected."


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MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2007, 09:53 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
Nouveau trailer US:


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MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2007, 10:03 
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Inscription: 01 Mai 2007, 12:27
Messages: 12731
Localisation: Actresses
Putain il n'y a pas l'air d'avoir l'ampleur graphique de Suspiria et Inferno. :(


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MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2007, 13:24 
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Inscription: 24 Déc 2005, 19:18
Messages: 884
Localisation: in ze space
the black addiction a écrit:
Putain il n'y a pas l'air d'avoir l'ampleur graphique de Suspiria et Inferno. :(

les bleus et verts Argento c'est fini, on les retrouve plus que chez...james Huth
espèrons que ce soit du niveau du Syndrome de Stendhal

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MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2007, 14:05 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
Peter stuart a écrit:
the black addiction a écrit:
Putain il n'y a pas l'air d'avoir l'ampleur graphique de Suspiria et Inferno. :(

les bleus et verts Argento c'est fini, on les retrouve plus que chez...james Huth

ben il en a fini avec ses jeux de couleurs vives depuis 1982 en fait!
là dans ce trailer,on les retrouve par moments,enfin surtout le rouge à la fin de la bande annonce,et quelques plans bleutés! :wink:
la photo me rappelle un peu celle d'"Opera". :wink:


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MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2007, 15:14 
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Inscription: 01 Mai 2007, 12:27
Messages: 12731
Localisation: Actresses
Je sais qu'il a finit depuis 1982 mais étant donné qui termine la trilogie je m'étais dit.... on sait jamais.


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MessagePosté: 11 Sep 2007, 15:28 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 17:02
Messages: 16802
Localisation: en cours...
Peter stuart a écrit:
les bleus et verts Argento c'est fini, on les retrouve plus que chez...james Huth

c'est plutôt jaune brice de nice.



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11 Fév 2007, 12:01

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24 Fév 2007, 20:09

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19 Sep 2006, 22:05

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31 Mai 2007, 11:30

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02 Juin 2008, 17:38

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19 Oct 2007, 10:04

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06 Sep 2007, 04:20

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07 Aoû 2007, 16:36

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05 Sep 2007, 22:42

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