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MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2006, 11:09 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
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MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2006, 12:02 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:47
Messages: 3547
mannhunter a écrit:

Ah il sera peut être à Cannes (le tournage devrait finir mi-décembre)

Des petites choses interessantes :

Character names and the ending have been changed, sequences shifted in the narrative and improvised by Dario seconds before they were shot. This is the first film he’s directed without extensive storyboards because he wanted to be “in the moment”.

Fasano will only reveal at this point that the film will begin in cold muted colours before gradually getting redder and redder as it progresses towards the epic climax.

Dario Argento a écrit:
Look, I know people haven’t liked a lot of my recent films. I was being experimental in my career and I learned a lot from it - enough to get me to the place where I can direct THE THIRD MOTHER with ease. I haven’t felt any pressure despite the massive expectation out there. I’m doing what I know is great work. I never expected to feel that way over such a pivotal movie. If I was scared at any point in my thoughts about making it, such feelings have long since vanished. We’re moving fast, Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni (playing Giselle, Sarah’s work mate) and Udo Kier (Padre Johannes, the exorcist) are back in the fold where they belong, Asia is giving an amazing performance and the Brit actors (including Cristian Solimeno, playing detective Enzo Marchi) are terrific. SUSPIRIA and INFERNO were fairytale based. THE THIRD MOTHER is not. It’s an entirely modern take on newly invented horror mythology because that’s what this tortured and confusing world needs right now

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MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2006, 12:27 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:47
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hal5 a écrit:
Bon et puis le fait qu'il utilise à fond un storyboard est plutot une bonne nouvelle car ça veut dire qu'il aura vraiment étudié sa mise en scène en amont...

en fait l'article dit le contraire :wink:

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MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2006, 13:34 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
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hal5 a écrit:
Dario Argento à Cannes !! Oseront-ils la compétition ? 8)

comme d'habitude,rendez-vous fixé au Marché du Film!


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MessagePosté: 28 Nov 2006, 20:40 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
quelques photos du tournage...Dario s'amuse! :mrgreen:



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MessagePosté: 12 Jan 2007, 13:27 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
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previews des films italiens de 2007,dont le Argento...: ... sp?id=1320


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MessagePosté: 12 Jan 2007, 18:10 
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Inscription: 07 Oct 2005, 10:23
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ça a l'air toujours dans une veine assez "rugueuse" malgré tout... mais j'aime bien ces quelques shots.

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MessagePosté: 28 Fév 2007, 14:16 
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2006, 12:37
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Localisation: Hotel Yorba
J'aime beaucoup le plan fugace de ce qu'on voit derrière la porte.

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MessagePosté: 13 Mar 2007, 11:08 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
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hal5 a écrit:
Finalement le film ne s'appellera pas Mother of Tears, mais The Third Mother (La Terza Madre).

et finalement le film ne sortira pas en Mai mais en Octobre...:


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MessagePosté: 15 Mai 2007, 11:58 
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Inscription: 07 Oct 2005, 10:23
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Ghosts of mars 2


Du coté de chez Clive Barker:


et le reste


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MessagePosté: 15 Mai 2007, 15:14 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
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hal5 a écrit:
Bordel ça sent booon !!

ouf,enfin un!! :lol:


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MessagePosté: 17 Mai 2007, 19:59 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
20 minutes montrées à Cannes ce matin!:

Alan Jones writes:

"Hi Nick, up to my neck in the Cannes labyrinth! Myriad premiered 20 minutes of footage from MOTHER OF TEARS: THE THIRD MOTHER (US title) today (May 17) at 9.30 am at the Gray 3 cinema. The place was packed After a credit roll, and a warning that what we would be shown was very graphic and violent, eight lenghty scenes from the movie were unveiled. I do not want to go into specifics because major plot points were revealed. But the full opening was shown with Asia and Coralina opening the Mother of Tears' urn and the arrival of the demons and the evil monkey. The powder puff scene was next. This was the stuff I saw being filmed in Turin really well put together where Asia is shown how to summon up the spirit of her mother. Then it was the lesbian death scene carried out by the Man in the Overcoat with torture implements. Exorcist Udo Kier's major scene followed, plus Asia running through the panicked strrets of Rome. Adam James major moment followed that with the finale reserved for the entrance of the Mother of Tears herself. I will say it was gory to the max and all the effects looked fantastic. The vibe in the room was mixed. People laughed at the monkey but all jumped at a terrific demonic scare. Talking to everyone afterwards the feeling was the acting was variable (what's new), the scripting had too much exposition (ditto) but that it was beautifully shot - lots of steadicam through the museum - and the photography was fabulous. You can't judge any movie in this bitty way so let's hope it all comes together by final print stage. An unqualified success though is Simometti's music. Wonderful. I'm still gagging to see the whole thing put together. October 18 is now the official Italian premiere date, it's opening the Rome Festival. Dario and Asia arrive in Cannes tonight for the restored SUSPRIA screening in the Cannes Classics strand. A very pecular credit has appeared on the film - music by Goblin and Philip Glass! Quite what that means I don't know, did Goblin's music really need any additional material? While Asia is here I'm finally hoping to pin her down for THE STENDHAL SYNDROME DVD extra interview that she couldn't do in Rome last month. She's in a record four movies here but she's promised to find time to pop over to my villa to be filmed.


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MessagePosté: 17 Mai 2007, 21:17 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
Pendant ce temps là,un remake de "Suspiria" annoncé à Cannes: ... 1117965132


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MessagePosté: 21 Mai 2007, 16:41 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
Mother Makes Premiere Date
Source: Ryan Rotten, The Hollywood Reporter May 20, 2007

Book your flight now or forever hold your peace. If you want to see the premiere for Dario Argento's Mother of Tears (the news-hogging next chapter in the Italian maestro's "Three Mothers" trilogy) plan on venturing to the RomaCinemaFest in, you guessed it, Italy. The fest runs October 18th - 27th. For more details click on the link.

Also, Shock had the benefit of seeing five minutes of the film - a riotous, sick mess of pure Argento magic. The bit we saw featured actress Asia Argento and Coralina Cataldi mulling over what appear to be three statues. Then "the monkey" arrives (and it's one mean-ass monkey)...and an ensuing slaughter that doesn't hold back on the grue. Quite exciting to see - Argento seems to be in prime form and no woman is safe in this one!


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MessagePosté: 19 Juil 2007, 19:23 
Hop, le teaser ! ... 63732.html

PS : faut changer le titre ! C'est "La Terza Madre".

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04 Sep 2009, 12:46

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11 Fév 2007, 12:01

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Film Freak



24 Fév 2007, 20:09

Mr Chow Voir le dernier message

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Le Pingouin



19 Sep 2006, 22:05

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. El Orfanato (J.A. Bayona - 2007)




31 Mai 2007, 11:30

Jericho Cane Voir le dernier message

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Mon Colonel



02 Juin 2008, 17:38

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Qui-Gon Jinn



19 Oct 2007, 10:04

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06 Sep 2007, 04:20

Janet Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. CARNAVAL DE LA MORT (2007)




07 Aoû 2007, 16:36

Tiny Tears Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Lust, Caution (Ang Lee, 2007)

Jericho Cane



05 Sep 2007, 22:42

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