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Trevor McCarthy is drawing a two-part origin for Nightrunner written by Kyle Higgins as a backup in David Hine's Batman and Detective Comics Annuals.
David Hine:
Bruce is in Paris at the same time that a series of assassinations is stirring up civil unrest between various political elements. Paris is burning, and if Bruce can find the perpetrators and shut them down in time to save the city from complete chaos, he will have proved that his organization can be a crucial asset to international policing.
Along the way, we’ll be meeting Nightrunner, who may just turn out to be the perfect candidate for the French Batman. It will be cool to have a new French hero. I toyed with using The Musketeer, from the Batmen of All Nations, but I decided that France deserves a more modern hero. Nightrunner is a Parkour athlete. Parkour or Free Running originated in the deprived urban environment in France, so it’s an appropriate background.
[...] There are some great locations in Paris. We open with a chase over the rooftops of the Cathedral of Notre Dame and the gothic architecture provides a splendid backdrop for Batman – well two Batmen actually. We have both the Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne versions active in this story. We’re also using the Catacombs of Paris for a lot of the action. There are hundreds of kilometers of tunnels under Paris, some of them used to house 6 million skeletons disinterred from the city’s overcrowded cemeteries. It’s a powerful experience to walk for the best part of a mile through this Necropolis of passages lined with skulls and I’ve wanted to use the setting ever since I first visited it.
He is a French-Algerian Muslim and a Parkour expert named Bilal :