rotary [Bot] a écrit:

D'où vient le titre du film ? Quel rapport avec l'intrigue ?
Z a écrit:
The title of the film is an anomaly and a clue to the absurd, confused plot in which no one is what he/she appears to be - there is no sharply delineated N by NW on a compass - it is an improbable direction. Apparently, it refers in part to the directionless, surrealistic search of the befuddled hero/common man around the country for a fictional character. [In Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet (Act II, Scene II), Hamlet is quoted as saying: "I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw."] The archetypal hero only finds a resolution to his disorientation and troubles by traveling from New York to Chicago by train and then flying north by Northwest (Airlines) to South Dakota and Mount Rushmore, a northwesterly trajectory. The allusion to traveling 'North' by Northwest (airlines) seems to be the most probable explanation for the film's title. [At various stages of the script, the original working titles were Breathless, In a Northwesterly Direction, and The Man on Lincoln's Nose.
L'hypothèse d'un raccourci de North by Northwest Airlines ne m'a jamais semblé convaincante. J'imagine mal le titre s'attardant sur un détail aussi anecdotique, le nom de la compagnie aérienne.
La connotation situation démente/perte de repères - qui colle bien au film - serait cohérente avec le fait que Nort by Northwest est une direction de boussole formulée dans un anglais incorrect. Ca me semble un peu tiré par les cheveux mais pourquoi pas ?