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MessagePosté: 18 Déc 2008, 10:40 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:38
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"Vous la ramenez un peu trop, vous. C'est à vous le tank noir dehors ?"

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MessagePosté: 18 Déc 2008, 10:51 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Ozymandias a écrit:
"Vous la ramenez un peu trop, vous. C'est à vous le tank noir dehors ?"



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MessagePosté: 17 Fév 2009, 01:09 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
According to three separate BOF sources, director Christopher Nolan’s recent deal with Warner Bros. for the film INCEPTION, at least includes an agreement between the studio and the acclaimed director to helm his second sequel to BATMAN BEGINS.

BOF was told last Fall that two of the Batman writing trio -- David Goyer and Jonah Nolan -- had already inked deals with Warner Bros. for a third BATMAN. At the time, it was believed that Chris Nolan had not signed on for BATMAN 3 but was “close” to doing so.

Recent reports online certain seem to jibe with this as industry scuttlebutt says that the script for BATMAN 3 is already being written (BOF via IESB.NET - 1-30-09). BOF has been told by several movie biz folks that Goyer, Jonah Nolan, and Chris Nolan have come up with a story/treatment and it is now in the hands of J-Nol for the first screenwriting pass -- very similar to what occurred for THE DARK KNIGHT.

Again, this appears to be inline with what even Chris Nolan himself has said. During the TDK BD Live event in December, the director said that he and Goyer had been “musing” and acknowledged that there was a story there that they wanted to tell (BOF - 12/19/08 ).

No official announcement of Nolan’s involvement with a third BATMAN was made with last week’s INCEPTION press release, and BOF does not expect one any time soon. I will say that the timeline for BATMAN 3 looks to bee very similar to that of THE DARK KNIGHT and the announcement for TDK came in July of 2006 on the eve of Comic Con in San Diego


 Sujet du message: Re: Batman III
MessagePosté: 16 Juin 2009, 17:23 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Non je traduis pas.

Several (and unrelated) industry friends of BOF have been telling me over the last year that it’s far from a given that Chris will do another one. And alarmingly, this one’s starting to pick up steam.

Case it point, a report I received from an old friend of the site overnight via email. This cat works in the business behind the camera and has proved to me long ago to be legit. With that said, this again is what I term “Industry Scuttlebutt,” so keep that in mind. Also, if any of my friends at Warner Bros. or reps of Mr. Nolan want to refute the following, you’ve got an open forum here. Anyway, according to our source…

* The death of Heath Ledger in January of 2008 rocked Mr. Nolan hard. So hard that Chris was convinced that TDK was going to be it for him and Batman on film.

* The Joker was going to return in BATMAN 3.

* “You are correct in reporting that he is developing story ideas with [Jonathan Nolan] and David Goyer, but it will be until AT LEAST 2012 before we see the Caped Crusader back [in theaters]. And that is only an EARLY ESTIMATE at best right now. They are even saying it might not be until 2013.”

* Basically, the BATMAN film franchise is back to square one. As far as a story or a BATMAN 3, “Right now, there is none,” says our guy.

Now, there was some other stuff that was off the record (mainly to protect our guy's identity), but really, it doesn’t affect the jest of this story. The bottom line here is that we may be a ways away from a BATMAN 3 -- with or without Chris Nolan.

Look, I want Mr. Nolan to return as much as anyone else and have TONS of respect for him, Emma Thomas, Charles Roven, David Goyer, Jonathan Nolan, and the rest of the folks who’ve given us the BEST two BATMAN films ever. But if Chris is done, then he’s done and I’m sure as hell not going to begrudge the guy. Despite the fact that I am a “Batman Fan” first and foremost, I’ve also grown to be a big Chris Nolan fan as well. BUT…

As a Batman fan, I certainly hope that Warner Bros. has a contingent plan in place – and one much better than the one they had back in the early 90s.

Despite the bummer vibe that permeates this report, let me remind you of the positives. One, Warner Bros. has not officially announced that Chris is done and the search is underway for a new Bat-director. Secondly, Nolan himself has admitted to “musing” with David Goyer about the storyline of a third film. And finally, the same industry scuttlebutt that produced today’s story also says that Chris’ deal with WB for INCEPTION included at least a handshake agreement for BATMAN 3.

En gros, pour les paresseux et les non-anglophones, il semblerait que ce soit moins sûr que prévu concernant le retour de Nolan à la barre.


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MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2009, 08:49 
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Inscription: 17 Aoû 2005, 14:46
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Localisation: Dans le nord du sud.
Qui est-ce qui raconte ça ?

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MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2009, 08:54 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Des sources (fiables) dans l'industrie.


 Sujet du message: Re: Batman III
MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2009, 09:07 
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Inscription: 17 Aoû 2005, 14:46
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Film Freak a écrit:
Des sources (fiables) dans l'industrie.

Oui, j'avais bien compris, mais le "me" du début, c'est qui ?

 Sujet du message: Re: Batman III
MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2009, 09:34 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Juan a écrit:
Film Freak a écrit:
Des sources (fiables) dans l'industrie.

Oui, j'avais bien compris, mais le "me" du début, c'est qui ?

Le webmaster de Batman-On-Film, le site le plus renseigné sur le sujet.


 Sujet du message: Re: Batman III
MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2009, 09:39 
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Inscription: 17 Aoû 2005, 14:46
Messages: 3803
Localisation: Dans le nord du sud.
Film Freak a écrit:
Le webmaster de Batman-On-Film, le site le plus renseigné sur le sujet.

Ah ok, merci.

 Sujet du message: Re: Batman III
MessagePosté: 25 Juil 2009, 00:22 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Durant la présentation de THE BOOK OF ELI au Comic-Con, Gary Oldman a balancé que le tournage commencerait l'an prochain et que le film sortirait en 2011.
Comme ass.

Puis durant une interview avec un mec d'AICN, il a rabaissé un peu le truc en disant "chuis sûr qu'ils veulent en faire un troisième donc ça sera d'ici 2-3 ans".

Est-ce qu'il s'est enflammé la première fois et corrigé ensuite ou est-ce qu'il a réalisé qu'il avait balancé un scoop et qu'il devait pas?


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MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2009, 21:22 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Dernière rumeur en date : Nolan voudrait tourner le film intégralement en IMAX.
Paraîtrait même qu'il a tourné entre autres Inception entre les deux Batman de manière à laisser le temps aux techniciens de perfectionner les caméras IMAX, voire d'en concevoir des nouvelles (Cameron style).

Les sources sont solides apparemment.

Ca tuerait si ça se concrétise.


 Sujet du message: Re: Batman III
MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2009, 21:54 
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Expatrié en tongs
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Inscription: 15 Juil 2005, 17:40
Messages: 14155
Localisation: The Far Side of the World
Aaaaaah...aaaaaaaaaaAAAAaAaAAaAaaaaaaAAAAAah... *splortch*

 Sujet du message: Re: Batman III
MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2009, 21:56 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Alors que moi c'est :

Aaaaaah...aaaaaaaaaaAAAAaAaAAaAaaaaaaAAAAAah bah non y a pas d'IMAX en VO en France *bruit de débandade façon Pérusse*


 Sujet du message: Re: Batman III
MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2009, 21:58 
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Inscription: 15 Juil 2005, 17:40
Messages: 14155
Localisation: The Far Side of the World
Cela dit, quand ça sortira on sera peut-être rentré en France, alors dans le cul pour moi...

Merde, j'ai vu TDK 4 fois en IMAX... Frustration...

 Sujet du message: Re: Batman III
MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2009, 22:01 
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Inscription: 18 Aoû 2005, 23:40
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Localisation: Rebirth Island
Moi aussi je rentre en France dans 2 semaines, ca va faire un peu juste.

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21 Juil 2008, 13:10

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22 Juil 2017, 11:29

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23 Sep 2010, 09:31

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24 Juil 2023, 15:13

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26 Aoû 2020, 02:30

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Film Freak



05 Déc 2017, 00:15

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19 Fév 2025, 21:54

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27 Oct 2014, 19:17

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07 Nov 2006, 09:04

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31 Jan 2013, 21:02

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