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MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2013, 11:07 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
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Y'avait Mark Millar (qui consulte pour Fox sur ses droits Marvel) qui avait teasé y'a quelques semaines une grosse news pour le studio. Ca sent l'annonce des FF dans l'univers Xmen, ou mieux, en co-prod avec Marvel Studios.


MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2013, 11:11 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
T'enflammes pas.


MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2013, 20:05 
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Inscription: 15 Nov 2011, 23:38
Messages: 387
Film Freak a écrit:
Outre Punisher et Daredevil, Marvel a également récupéré les droits de Ghost Rider et Blade.

En gros, il n'y a plus que Spider-Man, X-Men et Fantastic Four qu'ils n'ont pas.

Ils vont juste faire des caméos avec ceux là non ?

J'ai toujours rebondi. Quand j'ai fait Jet Set 2 qui a été un échec, je me suis posé des questions et suis revenu avec Camping

Fabien Onteniente, Mardi 12 mars 2013

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2013, 20:14 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
De qui dans quoi?

Et la réponse est non je pense.


MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2013, 20:59 
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Inscription: 15 Nov 2011, 23:38
Messages: 387
Punisher, Daredevil qui apparaissent dans les prochains films Marvel histoire de préparer le terrain pour des films solos ou pour un film qui réunit tout ces super-héros pas très connus. (Où peut être que je m'excite un peu trop ...)

J'ai toujours rebondi. Quand j'ai fait Jet Set 2 qui a été un échec, je me suis posé des questions et suis revenu avec Camping

Fabien Onteniente, Mardi 12 mars 2013

MessagePosté: 03 Mai 2013, 23:01 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Je pense pas.


MessagePosté: 08 Mai 2013, 07:53 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:38
Messages: 15542
Excellent article sur le contrat de Downey Jr qui arrive à terme, et les négociations qui vont être lancées. Avec lui, mais aussi avec tous les autres acteurs pour Avengers 2 : ... jrs-518837

Personne n'est irremplaçable, mais ça s'annonce très tendu, Marvel étant ultra radin.

MessagePosté: 08 Mai 2013, 18:06 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Films Marvel prévus :

Insiders say that the negotiations looked to his return as the character in the upcoming Avengers 2 and a third "Avengers" film.

A fourth Iron Man film was said to not be included in the talks as it is unclear if Downey Jr. is interested in another stand-alone feature as the character.

Beyond the news that Marvel is developing a third "Avengers" movie, THR also revealed that the studio has scripts in development for Ms. Marvel and a reboot of the character Blade (whose screenrights were recently returned to Marvel). Other films still in the pipeline at Marvel, with no production date in sight, include Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Black Panther and The Runaways.

Furthermore, Kevin Feige spoke with Collider and said there are currently no plans to make spin-off films for the characters War Machine (played by Don Cheadle) or The Falcon (Anthony Mackie in the upcoming Captain America: The Winter Soldier).


MessagePosté: 10 Mai 2013, 14:46 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Concernant Scarlet Witch et Quicksilver :
Although Joss is still writing and probably not ready to send anything out to actors, for the two roles, they're generally looking for actors in their 20s and we've heard word that the "prototype" for their Scarlet Witch is none other than Irish actress Saoirse Ronan.


MessagePosté: 09 Juin 2013, 21:33 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Aaron Taylor-Johnson pour jouer Quicksilver!

Très bon choix.


MessagePosté: 16 Juin 2013, 10:39 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Joss Whedon says that while he's still playing around with the "The Avengers 2" script, the film's story is now set in stone.

He's previous confirmed the inclusion of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and that none of the members of "Guardians of the Galaxy" will appear.

Now, speaking with Empire, he confirmed that the first film's villain - Tom Hiddleston's Loki - won't show up in the film at all, not even for a cameo.

Whedon has previously said Thanos will appear in the sequel, but he won't be the main villain.


MessagePosté: 21 Juil 2013, 10:48 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Bon bah a priori, ce sera pas Thanos le méchant...


Ultron made his first full appearance in 1968’s Avengers #55. It is revealed that the living automaton “is the creator of the “synthezoid”, the Vision, whom it tries to use as a weapon to destroy the Avengers. The Vision, however, destroys Ultron with the aid of the Avengers.

Further flashbacks reveal that Dr. Henry Pym, a.k.a. Ant-Man was the creator of Ultron. The robot eventually developed its own intelligence and rebelled, suffered an Oedipus Complex, tried to kill Pym and became interested in Pym’s lover, Janet van Dyne, a.k.a. The Wasp.

"Age of Ultron" is the title of a recent mini-series written by Brian Michael Bendis that found the Marvel Universe effectively destroyed by The Avengers longtime nemesis Ultron.

In "Age of Ultron," Avenger Wolverine found himself going back in time to kill Pym before he created Ultron in order to save the world. This ends up affecting the time stream and changing history. Eventually order was restored, but there are long term consequences that are currently playing out because of the event in different Marvel titles.

Because of the complexity of the Ultron mythology and multiple backstories (not to mention involvement of Wolverine a character Marvel Studios currently does not have the rights to use on the big screen) this would be an unlikely back drop for the movie's storyline. It is possible, however, that certain elements from the event will inspire Whedon's screenplay.


Serait-ce le perso pour lequel Marvel a rencontré Vin Diesel? Ou alors jouera-t-il Vision? Et Hank Pym/Ant-Man sera-t-il dans The Avengers 2 (été 2015) avant d'avoir son film perso (novembre 2015)?


MessagePosté: 21 Juil 2013, 13:19 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
Messages: 15204
Localisation: Lille
C'est génial. J'suis à fond.
Thanos sera donc pour le 3.


MessagePosté: 21 Juil 2013, 20:03 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
After saying that he always wanted to use Ultron as the villain in a sequel, Whedon would go on to clear up some misconceptions that the title has caused. "Well, because there was a book called 'Age of Ultron' quite recently, a lot of people have assumed that is what we're doing, but that is not the case. We're doing our own version of the origin story for Ultron. In the origin story, there was Hank Pym, so a lot of people assumed that he will be in the mix. He's not. We're basically taking the things from the comics for the movies that we need and can use. A lot of stuff has to fall by the wayside."

So, if Hank Pym doesn't create Ultron, who does? Well, Tony Stark seems to be the most obvious candidate, especially after Iron Man 3 showed that he had managed to create sentient versions of his armour. "We're crafting our own version of it where his origin comes more directly from The Avengers we already know about. It's a little bit darker than the other film because Ultron is in the house. There's a science fiction theme that wasn't there in the other one. Ultron is definitely something that evolves, so we're going to get together a couple of different iterations. Nothing can be translated exactly as it was from the comics; particularly Ultron." Finally, he was asked about the scale of the movie and which character he is most enjoying writing and revealed: "It's very much a global Avengers film. A lot of the movie has to do with their place not just in America, but the world. Part of the fun for me, definitely this time around, is writing Hawkeye. He did get possessed pretty early by a bad guy and had to walk around all scowly for most of the movie so now it's nice to actually have the character there and see him interact with the other guys."


MessagePosté: 22 Juil 2013, 00:31 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Faraci résume bien comment ça pourrait être réinterprété :

For those not in the know: Ultron is a robot built by Dr. Henry Pym.The robot, made of unbreakable adamantium, was given Pym's brain patterns and slowly became sentient - and then began hating its father. Ultron's Oedipal Complex has led him to try and destroy The Avengers again and again. Ultron also created a robot of his own, the synthezoid named The Vision, who was to be a sleeper agent to attack The Avenger. But Ultron used a dead hero's brain waves to bring The Vision to life, and The Vision ended up turning on his creator.

You might notice that Henry Pym doesn't exist in the Marvel Movieverse. There's an Ant-Man movie coming, but it'll be happening after The Avengers: Age of Ultron. It's possible that Pym will be introduced in this movie... except Joss Whedon says it ain't happening. Talking to io9 he said:

You'll have to wait and and see, but you don't need a Pym to create an Ultron.

So where will Ultron come from? I believe the video that revealed the title gives the answer. The video opens on a shot of Iron Man's mask, over which is played sound bites and small clips from The Avengers. The mask gets crushed and distorted, and then the camera pulls out to reveal Ultron's head. This makes it seem pretty obvious that Tony Stark creates Ultron.

Remember all the complaints about the army of autonomous Iron Man armors Tony had after Iron Man 3? Perhaps this answers that problem - one of the armors becomes sentient and refashions itself into Ultron. Tony then becomes the object of its hate, and the whole situation shows why you need a man in the suit. Since we're not getting any more Iron Man films it makes sense that Tony would be placed even more centrally in the next Avengers.

I'm bummed that Henry Pym is losing one of his defining aspects. Pym's a character who has always been emotionally tortured, and his relationship with Ultron has always been fascinating. I can't imagine that Tony Stark will have that depth of a relationship - although having Stark, with his daddy issues, have a 'son' gone bad will be interesting.


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