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MessagePosté: 08 Sep 2008, 20:19 
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Inscription: 04 Nov 2007, 19:14
Messages: 3441
Localisation: Belgium
Piccolo en costume vu de dos

Sinon des interviews disent que l'équipe a créé une ville très futuriste pour le film...

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MessagePosté: 08 Sep 2008, 20:23 
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Inscription: 26 Juin 2008, 20:16
Messages: 962
Localisation: Überground
Je ne sais pas si vous le saviez ou si vous en doutiez mais les animaux qui parlent ne seront évidemment pas de la partie.

Un barbu remplace un coeur pour me plaire...

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MessagePosté: 23 Sep 2008, 18:42 
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Inscription: 04 Nov 2007, 19:14
Messages: 3441
Localisation: Belgium
Fendons-nous la gueule avec ce commentaire d'une femme ayant vu le film (l'info provient d'imdb). Il y a beaucoup de spoilers :

So I got a chance to see one of the first preview screenings of the new Dragonball movie. Obviously skeptical and slightly worried how my childhood favourites would be portrayed on the silver screen, I was delightfully surprised to find out that it wasn't as bad as I expected. So heres my opinions:

- Some of the actors were slightly miscast, Yun-Fat Chow as Master Roshi was always going to be a bad idea. His perverted-ness is completely erased and frankly he feels like a modern Mister Miyagi. That said a few of the actors fit their roles perfectly, Emmy Rossum, James Marsters & Jamie Chung were awesome. I am still stuck for an opinion on Chatwin considering he portrays Goku in a different way from what I came to expect. I'll get back to you on him.

- The special effects are amazing. Thats all that needs to be said about them really. Absolutely spectacular. They are not photo-realistic, but then again they were never supposed to be. I won't spoil to much though!

- The script is flawed and at times feels very rushed but it fits I suppose. Ben Ramsey did a more than good job but as a true Dragonball fan I am never going to be completely satisfied. Characters such as Krillin could have easily been included and would have fit right at home within James Wong's Dragonball and to be honest, I don't know why they were omitted.

The movie will possibly garner lukewarm reviews upon release but a casual Dragonball fan will enjoy it's fun, lively take on the mythos. I for one recommend it & I can't wait to see it again when it's released next year!!


1. Hows the fighting

Spectacular at times. Other times it is fairly obvious that the fighters arn't the Hollywood actors. Everything is done well, energy balls fly in all directions and surroundings are destroyed. Whats to be expected though, this is Dragonball?!

2. How green actually is Piccolo

Piccolo at the beginning, as his older-self is more pink than green. He changes about half an hour towards the end to his usual green. He looks very different from the cartoon in appearance. He lacks the usual white turban and purple jumpsuit. Plus his antenna are missing. This is beyond the point though because Marsters IS Piccolo, and the fact he plays the character so well means that his appearance really doesn't matter.

3. Does he transform.

I think I pretty much answered this one.

4. How many fights are there

It depends how you refer to fights. There are lots on confrontations within the film but there are around four big fights in total. Two of which happen towards the end.

5. Whats the Oozaru look like

Oozaru is a beast in this film. Typically because of this been Hollywood he doesn't kill Grandpa Gohan like in the original Dragonball series. That said, he does make Bulma crap her pants.

6. How long was it

93 Minutes Approx.

7. What rating will it be

Chances are a PG-13. The MPAA hasn't rated it yet though. Note the fact I was at the FIRST preview screening.

8. Anything after the credits

Yes, only something tiny though. Goku flies off into the sunset.

9. Hows shrenron look

I don't know how you expect me to describe these things but; alot of the time he is glazed out by bright orange light, his face anyway. It is possibly one of the only designs that stays almost complete true to it's anime form.

10. Whats the Goku vs Piccolo fight like

I've pretty much already described the fighting.

If anyone else wants to ask any questions, go right ahead. I'll be happy to answer.

That 93 mins including credits?

No, it is not including credits.

How longs the school part of it.

The school part is towards the beginning and isn't exactly a main plot point. I'm guessing it was just to show Goku as a normal young boy.

What are the 4 big fights.

Two fights between Goku & Piccolo. One ends in Piccolo's favour the other in Goku's. A fight between Goku and Yamcha and the earliest one, a fight between Goku and Master Roshi, this is when Goku first arrives at Roshi's and the old man has no idea who he is.

The leaked Piccolo pictures we got is that the Young or Old Piccolo

The leaked pictures are of old Piccolo (obviously).

What's the dialogue like? Any cheesy one-liners?

The dialogue was actually rather witty in a sense. There are some clever lines and Goku, although supposedly an educated teenager, still acts like the uneducated child he was in the original Dragonball series, maybe not as obviously though.

What's the highschool scenes like? Is he the cliched geeky student who discovers he has super powers?

No, he doesn't discover he has the powers because Grandpa Gohan has already trained him slightly. The High School scenes oly feature Goku as almost a freakshow. Forced to fight a bully, demonstrating his power by lifting objects etc. Everyone knows of his power and in the highschool scenes he isn't afraid to show it.

Are the fights like the Matrix?

There are some bullet time style sequences but alot of it is very similar to the series, fast paced, then slow bits in the middle which usually revolve around a character saying something.

How green actually is he like Pale green, dark green?

He is pale green.

Is it funny?

There are funny parts. The idea of Goku and Chichi had some of the audience giggling. Goku is oblivious to the fact that Chichi clearly fancies him, lots of distractions & confusion ensues.

Will fans enjoy it?

It depends what the fans are expecting. If the fans are expecting a perfect transition from the anime into Hollywood, then no, chances are they won't like it. If they watch the film with an open mind and see that the actors, although sometimes don't look like the Dragonball characters, they play them very well.

Do you think itll be a big film?

With todays Box Office stature it is hard to tell. As I said earlier, chances are it will be met with lukewarm reviews but it is an enjoyable romp.

What special moves from the show appears?

Obviously Goku's signiture, the Kamihamiha wave appears, along with Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon, and Destructive Wave. Yamcha uses his Wolf Fang Fist and Bulma uses a gun!

Is the Oozaru a tall ape like beast?

It's not as huge as it was in the anime. It is almost werewolf in appearance but easily towers over characters such as Piccolo.

As for the person who asked for some definitive spoilers, Grandpa Gohan is killed by Piccolo's henchmen on Goku's 18th birthday right in front of Goku. The scene is possibly the most violent in the film and is almost heartwrenching to watch.

Mai is Piccolo's ally, she rids Piccolo of Roshi's curse. Towards the end there is a small fight between her and Chichi when Mai shapeshifts to fool Goku. I think we know who wins that fight!

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MessagePosté: 23 Sep 2008, 19:21 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 17:56
Messages: 8584
Localisation: Caché avec Charlie
Ca me donne envie de me refaire les dragon ball tout ça. J'vais me programmer ça, je pense. Le tout début!

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MessagePosté: 01 Oct 2008, 15:59 
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Inscription: 04 Nov 2007, 19:14
Messages: 3441
Localisation: Belgium
Trailer de Dragon Ball filmé au Brand Licensing Europe aujourd'hui même: ... id=38&p=19

Il se diffusé officiellement dans quelques semaines.

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MessagePosté: 01 Oct 2008, 16:02 
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Schtroumpf sodomite
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Inscription: 22 Mar 2006, 22:43
Messages: 24601
Localisation: Arkham Asylum
On voit pas grand chose mais on peut déjà dire que ça ressemble à tous, sauf à Dragon Ball...

N'écoutez pas Film Freak

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MessagePosté: 01 Oct 2008, 17:47 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87599
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Y a zéro SFX là...


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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 16:14 
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Inscription: 04 Nov 2007, 19:14
Messages: 3441
Localisation: Belgium
Le trailer (Horrible!!) avec le son, en plus long: ... shortfilms

Les FX sont à retravailler !! Et les détourages des persos sont fait à l'arrache par le plus nul infographiste qui soit...

Image de Piccolo:

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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 16:22 
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Inscription: 04 Sep 2008, 13:53
Messages: 417
Localisation: Sous la pluie.
Allan a écrit:
Le trailer (Horrible!!) avec le son, en plus long: ... shortfilms

Les FX sont à retravailler !! Et les détourages des persos sont fait à l'arrache par le plus nul infographiste qui soit...

Image de Piccolo:


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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 16:26 
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2005, 11:52
Messages: 5388
Localisation: in Baltimore with Mcnulty
Allan a écrit:
Le trailer (Horrible!!) avec le son, en plus long: ... shortfilms

Les FX sont à retravailler !! Et les détourages des persos sont fait à l'arrache par le plus nul infographiste qui soit...

Image de Piccolo:

Ouais bon ca ressemble a peu prés à quoi on s'attendait....
Sincèrement il n'y a aucune déception chez moi. Je crois que la fin de Matrix revolution fait plus dragon ball que tout le trailer.


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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 19:43 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
Messages: 15204
Localisation: Lille
Putain c'te lose... Rien que la gueule de leurs boules d'énergies, c'est un espèce de nuage blanc !
Et je vois pas le pourquoi du comment d'une "prophétie" et d'une éclipse de lune ?


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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 19:57 
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Inscription: 04 Nov 2007, 19:14
Messages: 3441
Localisation: Belgium
Apparemment, ce serait le teaser qui avait été diffusé en private room à Amsterdam durant le mois de juin.
Les FX ne serait pas encore finalisés, mais ils sont sur la bonne voie d'après la prod... ce serait vraiment abérrant de se retrouver avec les FX actuels alors que les meilleurs agences de FX bossent sur le film.

Quant à l'éclipse... je crois que d'une part:
- c'est moins fréquent que la pleine lune, donc moins de Oozaru (qui dans le film mesurait 3-4m comme et aurait un look semblable au loup-garou de VanHelsing).
- dans les légendes asiatiques, les éclipses sont signes de malheur, et je crois que les Dragons sont liés au phénomène... ce qui explique pourquoi il faudrait l'éclipse + 7 boules du dragon pour faire apparaitre Sheron.

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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 20:01 
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Inscription: 18 Aoû 2005, 23:40
Messages: 19486
Localisation: Rebirth Island
Mais quels SFX ? Yen a zéro là !

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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 20:06 
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Inscription: 04 Nov 2007, 19:14
Messages: 3441
Localisation: Belgium
Oui ! C'est justement ça qui est abérrant: comment osent-ils sortir ça même pas SFXisé !

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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 20:14 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:38
Messages: 15542
Allan a écrit:
Quant à l'éclipse... je crois que d'une part:
- c'est moins fréquent que la pleine lune, donc moins de Oozaru (qui dans le film mesurait 3-4m comme et aurait un look semblable au loup-garou de VanHelsing).
- dans les légendes asiatiques, les éclipses sont signes de malheur, et je crois que les Dragons sont liés au phénomène... ce qui explique pourquoi il faudrait l'éclipse + 7 boules du dragon pour faire apparaitre Sheron.

Si ces justifications sont celles des scénaristes, c'est tout simplement à chier. Dès le départ, ils n'ont rien compris à Dragon Ball.

Ca ne rattrapera pas le film, ça c'est sûr.

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Jerry Lewis



15 Fév 2006, 14:48

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (Rob Cohen, 2008)

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Qui-Gon Jinn



01 Juil 2008, 01:23

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20 Nov 2008, 14:09

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04 Jan 2006, 23:56

Yuddi Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. My Blueberry Nights (Wong Kar-wai, 2007)

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28 Sep 2007, 17:45

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15 Nov 2016, 10:16

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Film Freak



15 Nov 2012, 12:08

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10 Fév 2025, 16:16

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28 Nov 2018, 18:27

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