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MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 16:55 
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Inscription: 23 Juil 2011, 12:46
Messages: 14689
Bon on continue en MP, j'ai vraiment envie de te voir ce soir.
Désolé Castorp


MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 18:23 
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Inscription: 25 Sep 2012, 15:31
Messages: 2130
Lu récemment ce texte assez pertinent sur l'instinct grégaire qui sévit sur internet et la manière dont la culture se choisit des boucs émissaires :

The culture agrees: that thing is the worst.
You see this all the time where folks, collectively as a culture, decide that some artist or artwork is acceptable to tee off on without mercy. It’s de rigueur to lay into whatever movie Adam Sandler comes out with, to deride each and every one of his films in the exact same gleefully cruel terms, to thoughtlessly hammer the shit out of every one of his movies as a matter of course.

It’s a weird phenomenon, it functions almost like mass hysteria: movies as distinct as Ridiculous Six (a shambling, R-rated ensemble western-comedy featuring prodigious amounts of heroic horse diarrhea, a film made by a group of real-life buddies with seemingly no concern for the its potential audience) and Pixels (stereotypically bland, test-focused sci-fi SPFX summer blockbuster made by a filmmaker whose entire life mission is make his films as generic and personality-free as possible) are described in the exact same terms, tarred with the exact same brush. Whether you think both Pixels and Ridiculous 6 are AWFUL!!! or not, they are not similar and they are certainly not so bad as to warrant unanimous, culture-wide derision.

I’m not telling you anything you don’t know, but for whatever reason when it comes to Adam Sandler, it’s acceptable - no, it’s expected - for everyone to pile on. That this happens with Sandler isn’t entirely unfair (he’s had a long career, so folks can reasonably anticipate despising another one of his movies if they’re inclined to do so) - but what’s extremely bizarre is when there’s a unanimous cultural consensus on movies that people haven’t even seen.

Mortdecai was a box office bomb - it made very little money. I’m confident that the majority of the jokes being made at its expense are being made by people who haven’t even seen it. That makes the gleeful, self-congratulatory derision constantly flung its way completely baffling - why Mortdecai? Why single out it, of all films? It’s far from the worst “ill-conceived Blockbuster” on Johnny Depp’s resume, it’s not even the one where he wears a notably dumb hat. Is it because it tries to do something slightly different than literally any other film in 2015? It can’t be because it botches the tone of an interesting book (because no one has read it) or because the filmmaking is so incompetent or its ideas so offensive or its execution so infuriating (because they’re not.)

But come early December, when the Oscar promotional machine chugs into gear and critics dutifully perform their role in the marketing of star-brands and entertainment-product by organizing promotional “Top 10 Best and Worst Films of the Year” lists, they all peek into their little notebooks and remember it’s time for them to take their final shots at Mortedecai, one of the worst piece of shit they’ve ever seen. And everyone squeals with delight, “Yes, Mortdecai, I hate his stupid mustache! That movie is the worst! Certainly the worst!”* It’s fucking bizarre, man.

What’s gotten ahold of everyone? With Hot Tub Time Machine 2, you can at least see the machinations cranking in the skulls of the brainless: “it’s a dumb title for a movie, therefore I am funny if I point it out.” It reminds me of Stephin Merritt complaining about critics who pantingly mention the title of “69 Love Songs” as though it’s a joke they’re making, not repeating a joke he already made. Do people not understand that calling a movie Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is a joke that the filmmakers have already made? That it’s an intentionally dumb title? It’s not some clever observation you’re making, not a little testament to your good taste and well-honed sense of everyday irony that you spotted this little bit of silliness.

People are dangerous, man. They’re deluded - they're consistently smug without warrant. The people with the lousiest senses of humor think they’re the funniest fuckers on Earth and the impulse for the crowd, in its single voice, to bag on Mortedecai is the same collective impulse to cheer as traitors to the Soviet state swing from the gallows. The glee of the bloodthirsty crowd, the self-congratulation of a unanimous mass engaged in cruelty, the same lazy jokes about Adam Sandler’s laziness, mongoloid tittering about Johnny Depp’s headgear. Watch out, man: that finger always needs something to point at as the crowd behind it squeals with a joy and cruelty beyond sense and logic - someday it might point at the people and things you love.

I loved Mortdecai and Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is what I’m saying. Fuck you all.
* I should point out that Noel Murray nailed it by predicting Mortdecai will be an Ishtar/Hudson Hawk style reclamation project in the future. That is to say, it is destined to be rediscovered and then praised too much.

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 18:25 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24175
Le lieu où se déroule cette discussion prête à sourire.

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 18:29 
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Sir Flashball
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Inscription: 23 Déc 2013, 01:02
Messages: 24096
Caribou a écrit:
Lu récemment ce texte assez pertinent sur l'instinct grégaire qui sévit sur internet et la manière dont la culture se choisit des boucs émissaires :

Le gars qui se compare à Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Change pas, Caribou. :lol:

"Je vois ce que tu veux dire, mais..."
"Je me suis mal exprimé, pardon."

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 18:31 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28760
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Bon c'est plus trop le sujet mais :


CroqAnimement votre

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 18:38 
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Sir Flashball
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Inscription: 23 Déc 2013, 01:02
Messages: 24096

"Je vois ce que tu veux dire, mais..."
"Je me suis mal exprimé, pardon."

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 18:44 
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Schtroumpf sodomite
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Inscription: 22 Mar 2006, 22:43
Messages: 24601
Localisation: Arkham Asylum
Ca serait drôle qu'il vienne vérifier et qu'il découvre toutes les insultes.

N'écoutez pas Film Freak

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 18:48 
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Sir Flashball
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Inscription: 23 Déc 2013, 01:02
Messages: 24096
Bof, il doit être blindé. Il doit se prendre bien pire dans la gueule en tant que "personnalité YouTube".

"Je vois ce que tu veux dire, mais..."
"Je me suis mal exprimé, pardon."

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 19:01 
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Inscription: 01 Fév 2016, 20:06
Messages: 8898
Caribou a écrit:
Lu récemment ce texte assez pertinent sur l'instinct grégaire qui sévit sur internet et la manière dont la culture se choisit des boucs émissaires.l

À un moment donné faut arrêter, le mec fait le troll de niveau 5, faut pas s'étonner s'il se fait clasher.

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 19:14 
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Inscription: 23 Juil 2011, 12:46
Messages: 14689
Tetsuo a écrit:
Ca serait drôle qu'il vienne vérifier et qu'il découvre toutes les insultes.

Je suis sur que Durendal est Saint-juste. Imaginons que c'est lui moi je ne répondrais pas oui sur twitter pour m'amuser.

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 19:25 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87565
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Caribou a écrit:
Lu récemment ce texte assez pertinent sur l'instinct grégaire qui sévit sur internet et la manière dont la culture se choisit des boucs émissaires :

The culture agrees: that thing is the worst.
You see this all the time where folks, collectively as a culture, decide that some artist or artwork is acceptable to tee off on without mercy. It’s de rigueur to lay into whatever movie Adam Sandler comes out with, to deride each and every one of his films in the exact same gleefully cruel terms, to thoughtlessly hammer the shit out of every one of his movies as a matter of course.

It’s a weird phenomenon, it functions almost like mass hysteria: movies as distinct as Ridiculous Six (a shambling, R-rated ensemble western-comedy featuring prodigious amounts of heroic horse diarrhea, a film made by a group of real-life buddies with seemingly no concern for the its potential audience) and Pixels (stereotypically bland, test-focused sci-fi SPFX summer blockbuster made by a filmmaker whose entire life mission is make his films as generic and personality-free as possible) are described in the exact same terms, tarred with the exact same brush. Whether you think both Pixels and Ridiculous 6 are AWFUL!!! or not, they are not similar and they are certainly not so bad as to warrant unanimous, culture-wide derision.

I’m not telling you anything you don’t know, but for whatever reason when it comes to Adam Sandler, it’s acceptable - no, it’s expected - for everyone to pile on. That this happens with Sandler isn’t entirely unfair (he’s had a long career, so folks can reasonably anticipate despising another one of his movies if they’re inclined to do so) - but what’s extremely bizarre is when there’s a unanimous cultural consensus on movies that people haven’t even seen.

Mortdecai was a box office bomb - it made very little money. I’m confident that the majority of the jokes being made at its expense are being made by people who haven’t even seen it. That makes the gleeful, self-congratulatory derision constantly flung its way completely baffling - why Mortdecai? Why single out it, of all films? It’s far from the worst “ill-conceived Blockbuster” on Johnny Depp’s resume, it’s not even the one where he wears a notably dumb hat. Is it because it tries to do something slightly different than literally any other film in 2015? It can’t be because it botches the tone of an interesting book (because no one has read it) or because the filmmaking is so incompetent or its ideas so offensive or its execution so infuriating (because they’re not.)

But come early December, when the Oscar promotional machine chugs into gear and critics dutifully perform their role in the marketing of star-brands and entertainment-product by organizing promotional “Top 10 Best and Worst Films of the Year” lists, they all peek into their little notebooks and remember it’s time for them to take their final shots at Mortedecai, one of the worst piece of shit they’ve ever seen. And everyone squeals with delight, “Yes, Mortdecai, I hate his stupid mustache! That movie is the worst! Certainly the worst!”* It’s fucking bizarre, man.

What’s gotten ahold of everyone? With Hot Tub Time Machine 2, you can at least see the machinations cranking in the skulls of the brainless: “it’s a dumb title for a movie, therefore I am funny if I point it out.” It reminds me of Stephin Merritt complaining about critics who pantingly mention the title of “69 Love Songs” as though it’s a joke they’re making, not repeating a joke he already made. Do people not understand that calling a movie Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is a joke that the filmmakers have already made? That it’s an intentionally dumb title? It’s not some clever observation you’re making, not a little testament to your good taste and well-honed sense of everyday irony that you spotted this little bit of silliness.

People are dangerous, man. They’re deluded - they're consistently smug without warrant. The people with the lousiest senses of humor think they’re the funniest fuckers on Earth and the impulse for the crowd, in its single voice, to bag on Mortedecai is the same collective impulse to cheer as traitors to the Soviet state swing from the gallows. The glee of the bloodthirsty crowd, the self-congratulation of a unanimous mass engaged in cruelty, the same lazy jokes about Adam Sandler’s laziness, mongoloid tittering about Johnny Depp’s headgear. Watch out, man: that finger always needs something to point at as the crowd behind it squeals with a joy and cruelty beyond sense and logic - someday it might point at the people and things you love.

I loved Mortdecai and Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is what I’m saying. Fuck you all.
* I should point out that Noel Murray nailed it by predicting Mortdecai will be an Ishtar/Hudson Hawk style reclamation project in the future. That is to say, it is destined to be rediscovered and then praised too much.

Je te retrouve bien là, dans cette défense de gros films de merde.


MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 19:33 
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Sir Flashball
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Inscription: 23 Déc 2013, 01:02
Messages: 24096
Arrête de le harceler.

"Je vois ce que tu veux dire, mais..."
"Je me suis mal exprimé, pardon."

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 19:42 
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Inscription: 01 Fév 2016, 20:06
Messages: 8898
Castorp a écrit:
Arrête de le harceler.

Castorp, praticien de l'humour de répétition depuis 1985

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 19:46 
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Sir Flashball
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Inscription: 23 Déc 2013, 01:02
Messages: 24096
Jerónimo a écrit:
Castorp a écrit:
Arrête de le harceler.

Castorp, praticien de l'humour de répétition depuis 1985

Attends que j'enchaîne avec une blague sur les costards dans les films de Christopher Nolan.

"Je vois ce que tu veux dire, mais..."
"Je me suis mal exprimé, pardon."

MessagePosté: 12 Mar 2016, 19:48 
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Inscription: 25 Sep 2012, 15:31
Messages: 2130
Film Freak a écrit:
Caribou a écrit:
Lu récemment ce texte assez pertinent sur l'instinct grégaire qui sévit sur internet et la manière dont la culture se choisit des boucs émissaires :

The culture agrees: that thing is the worst.
You see this all the time where folks, collectively as a culture, decide that some artist or artwork is acceptable to tee off on without mercy. It’s de rigueur to lay into whatever movie Adam Sandler comes out with, to deride each and every one of his films in the exact same gleefully cruel terms, to thoughtlessly hammer the shit out of every one of his movies as a matter of course.

It’s a weird phenomenon, it functions almost like mass hysteria: movies as distinct as Ridiculous Six (a shambling, R-rated ensemble western-comedy featuring prodigious amounts of heroic horse diarrhea, a film made by a group of real-life buddies with seemingly no concern for the its potential audience) and Pixels (stereotypically bland, test-focused sci-fi SPFX summer blockbuster made by a filmmaker whose entire life mission is make his films as generic and personality-free as possible) are described in the exact same terms, tarred with the exact same brush. Whether you think both Pixels and Ridiculous 6 are AWFUL!!! or not, they are not similar and they are certainly not so bad as to warrant unanimous, culture-wide derision.

I’m not telling you anything you don’t know, but for whatever reason when it comes to Adam Sandler, it’s acceptable - no, it’s expected - for everyone to pile on. That this happens with Sandler isn’t entirely unfair (he’s had a long career, so folks can reasonably anticipate despising another one of his movies if they’re inclined to do so) - but what’s extremely bizarre is when there’s a unanimous cultural consensus on movies that people haven’t even seen.

Mortdecai was a box office bomb - it made very little money. I’m confident that the majority of the jokes being made at its expense are being made by people who haven’t even seen it. That makes the gleeful, self-congratulatory derision constantly flung its way completely baffling - why Mortdecai? Why single out it, of all films? It’s far from the worst “ill-conceived Blockbuster” on Johnny Depp’s resume, it’s not even the one where he wears a notably dumb hat. Is it because it tries to do something slightly different than literally any other film in 2015? It can’t be because it botches the tone of an interesting book (because no one has read it) or because the filmmaking is so incompetent or its ideas so offensive or its execution so infuriating (because they’re not.)

But come early December, when the Oscar promotional machine chugs into gear and critics dutifully perform their role in the marketing of star-brands and entertainment-product by organizing promotional “Top 10 Best and Worst Films of the Year” lists, they all peek into their little notebooks and remember it’s time for them to take their final shots at Mortedecai, one of the worst piece of shit they’ve ever seen. And everyone squeals with delight, “Yes, Mortdecai, I hate his stupid mustache! That movie is the worst! Certainly the worst!”* It’s fucking bizarre, man.

What’s gotten ahold of everyone? With Hot Tub Time Machine 2, you can at least see the machinations cranking in the skulls of the brainless: “it’s a dumb title for a movie, therefore I am funny if I point it out.” It reminds me of Stephin Merritt complaining about critics who pantingly mention the title of “69 Love Songs” as though it’s a joke they’re making, not repeating a joke he already made. Do people not understand that calling a movie Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is a joke that the filmmakers have already made? That it’s an intentionally dumb title? It’s not some clever observation you’re making, not a little testament to your good taste and well-honed sense of everyday irony that you spotted this little bit of silliness.

People are dangerous, man. They’re deluded - they're consistently smug without warrant. The people with the lousiest senses of humor think they’re the funniest fuckers on Earth and the impulse for the crowd, in its single voice, to bag on Mortedecai is the same collective impulse to cheer as traitors to the Soviet state swing from the gallows. The glee of the bloodthirsty crowd, the self-congratulation of a unanimous mass engaged in cruelty, the same lazy jokes about Adam Sandler’s laziness, mongoloid tittering about Johnny Depp’s headgear. Watch out, man: that finger always needs something to point at as the crowd behind it squeals with a joy and cruelty beyond sense and logic - someday it might point at the people and things you love.

I loved Mortdecai and Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is what I’m saying. Fuck you all.
* I should point out that Noel Murray nailed it by predicting Mortdecai will be an Ishtar/Hudson Hawk style reclamation project in the future. That is to say, it is destined to be rediscovered and then praised too much.

Justement, c'est pas ça le sujet, l'auteur du texte n'en a rien à battre de Hot Tub Time Machine 2 ou de Mortdecai, il critique/déplore juste cette pratique généralisée du lynchage.

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Film Freak



19 Mar 2021, 01:14

Postscriptom Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. 300 (Zack Snyder - 2007)

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Qui-Gon Jinn



10 Mai 2013, 12:50

Le Cow-boy Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Watchmen (Zack Snyder, 2009)

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Film Freak



21 Sep 2010, 06:27

Mufti Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Man of Steel (Zack Snyder, 2012)

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Film Freak



23 Juin 2013, 11:24

Qui-Gon Jinn Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Legend of the Guardians (Zack Snyder, 2010)

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Film Freak



20 Juin 2010, 15:04

Pandor Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Sucker Punch (Zack Snyder, 2011)

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Film Freak



01 Avr 2011, 01:11

Prout Man Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Des suites prévues pour Batman et Superman




23 Fév 2006, 09:37

Qui-Gon Jinn Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (Matt Reeves, 2013)

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Film Freak



06 Jan 2015, 03:28

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. RESCUE DAWN, le nouveau Herzog avec Christian Bale

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Qui-Gon Jinn



16 Juil 2007, 00:48

Qui-Gon Jinn Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Batman




18 Jan 2006, 14:28

Janet Voir le dernier message


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