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MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2007, 22:14 
Quand Coppola daube sur Pacino, De Niro et Nicholson :

""From today's Daily News...

Francis Ford Coppola disses Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson and Al Pacino in a surprising critique of three of America's greatest actors.

No slouch himself, Coppola directed Pacino in "The Godfather" and Pacino and De Niro in "Godfather II," and was uncredited when directing Nicholson in the Roger Corman horror flick "The Terror."

But in the new GQ magazine, Coppola reveals that he's disappointed in the three as they've gotten older — and richer.

"I met both Pacino and De Niro when they were really on the come," Coppola tells GQ's Nate Penn. "They were young and insecure. Now Pacino is very rich, maybe because he never spends any money; he just puts it in his mattress. De Niro was deeply inspired by (Coppola's studio American) Zoetrope and created an empire and is wealthy and powerful.

"Nicholson was — when I met him and worked with him — he was always kind of a joker. He's got a little bit of a mean streak. He's intelligent, always wired in with the big guys and the big bosses of the studios.

"I don't know what any of them want anymore. I don't know that they want the same things. Pacino always wanted to do theater ... (He) will say, 'Oh, I was raised next to a furnace in New York, and I'm never going to go to L.A.,' but they all live off the fat of the land."

Not one of the actors would comment (De Niro and Pacino were on the set of Jon Avnet 's crime drama "Righteous Kill").

Some might ask Coppola how he has challenged himself lately. He admits he has been focused on his vineyard and on his resorts in Belize and Guatemala. He's coming out with an art film, "Youth Without Youth," for the first time in 10 years, a period when he has mostly executive-produced daughter Sofia 's pictures and, ironically, De Niro's "The Good Shepherd" last year.

"I think if there was a role that De Niro was hungry for, he would come after it. I don't think Jack would. Jack has money and influence and girls, and I think he's a little bit like (Marlon) Brando, except Brando went through some tough times. I guess they don't want to do it anymore.

"You know, even in those days, after 'The Godfather,' I didn't feel that those actors were ready to say, 'Let's do something else really ambitious.' A guy like (38-year-old "Before Night Falls" star) Javier Bardem is excited to do something good: 'Let me do this' or 'I'll put stuff in my mouth, change my appearance.' I don't feel that kind of passion to do a role and be great coming from those guys, because if it was there, they would do it."

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MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2007, 22:35 
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2006, 12:37
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Localisation: Hotel Yorba
Et en même temps, tu regardes les derniers travaux de Francis, et ceux de ses trois amis, et voilà quoi...

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MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2007, 22:45 
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Inscription: 14 Juil 2005, 01:55
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Localisation: Previously on Premiere
Comment peux-tu faire confiance à ce genre de papiers ?

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MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2007, 22:48 
Z a écrit:
Comment peux-tu faire confiance à ce genre de papiers ?

Comment ça?

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MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2007, 22:51 
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Inscription: 14 Juil 2005, 01:55
Messages: 11446
Localisation: Previously on Premiere
Jericho Cane a écrit:
Z a écrit:
Comment peux-tu faire confiance à ce genre de papiers ?

Comment ça?

Admettons que ce soit correctement retranscrit par le journaliste, il manque encore le contexte, les didascalies, le texte est coupé. Y a pas plus manipulateur quoi...

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MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2007, 22:55 
Z a écrit:
Admettons que ce soit correctement retranscrit par le journaliste, il manque encore le contexte, les didascalies, le texte est coupé. Y a pas plus manipulateur quoi...

Certes, certes, mais tout ce passage m'a fait sourire...

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MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2007, 23:06 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Z a écrit:
Jericho Cane a écrit:
Z a écrit:
Comment peux-tu faire confiance à ce genre de papiers ?

Comment ça?

Admettons que ce soit correctement retranscrit par le journaliste, il manque encore le contexte, les didascalies, le texte est coupé. Y a pas plus manipulateur quoi...

Il manquera toujours le contexte et le ton et tout ce que tu veux mais c'est extrait d'une interview si je ne m'abuse donc bon, y a pas de complot non plus...


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MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2007, 23:18 
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Inscription: 14 Juil 2005, 01:55
Messages: 11446
Localisation: Previously on Premiere
Film Freak a écrit:
Il manquera toujours le contexte et le ton et tout ce que tu veux mais c'est extrait d'une interview si je ne m'abuse donc bon, y a pas de complot non plus...

Si les journalistes étaient les rois de la déontologie, je dirais rien. Moi je veux une image, sinon de la merde. Déjà, qu'est-ce qui oblige le journaliste à publier ce torchon si ce n'est pour foutre volontairement la merde ? Et puis rien ne me dit que c'est pas du off-record.

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MessagePosté: 18 Oct 2007, 23:28 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
Z a écrit:
Film Freak a écrit:
Il manquera toujours le contexte et le ton et tout ce que tu veux mais c'est extrait d'une interview si je ne m'abuse donc bon, y a pas de complot non plus...

Si les journalistes étaient les rois de la déontologie, je dirais rien. Moi je veux une image, sinon de la merde. Déjà, qu'est-ce qui oblige le journaliste à publier ce torchon si ce n'est pour foutre volontairement la merde ? Et puis rien ne me dit que c'est pas du off-record.

Le lien:


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MessagePosté: 21 Oct 2007, 19:12 
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Inscription: 15 Aoû 2005, 22:00
Messages: 975
thesquale a écrit: vais pas etre sympa mais le buzz est tres tres moyen...

They don't like it and Reuters says "Critics' reaction at Saturday's press screening was muted, with some feeling the film was erratic and over ambitious."

Not just fans of Francis Ford Coppola will be disappointed by the mishmash plotting and stilted script of “Youth Without Youth,” the master’s first helming effort in 10 years. Overly talky tale spans the mid-20th century, following an elderly professor whose miraculous return to youth offers the chance to complete his magnum opus and rediscover lost love. Attempting to harness multiple genres, pic is brought down by ponderous dialogue (much of it dubbed) and an inability to connect with its characters. Limited bicoastal opening is set for Dec. 14, though “Youth Without Youth” will translate to cinemas without audiences.

Long stuck on completing his unrealized “Megalopolis” project, Coppola found Romanian philosopher/author Mircea Eliade’s novella about the limitations of time a compensating balm for his own frustrations. Perhaps Eliade’s investigations into Jungian theory and a nascent form of New Age spirituality also appealed, not to mention the excitement of getting back to the kind of artistic control only possible with low-budget filmmaking.Decamping to Romania (with a small section shot in Bulgaria), Coppola used mostly young local talent and had the Balkan nations stand in for Switzerland, Malta and even India. Unfortunately, the results are as phony as the back projection and lack the kind of Eastern European magical realism that would have made it resonate.

On the eve of WWII, brilliant Professor Dominic Matei (Tim Roth) despairs at ever finishing his life’s work, a study of the origin of languages. Still grieving for Laura (Alexandra Maria Lara), who broke off their engagement 40 years earlier, Dominic journeys from his home in northeastern Romania to Bucharest, where he’s struck by lightning right before a suicide attempt.

Not only does he miraculously survive, but Dominic’s whole body reverts from his 70-year-old state to the youthful, priapic self he was decades earlier. His doctor, kindly Professor Stanciulescu (Bruno Ganz) is keen to study this remarkable transformation, but as word spreads, the Nazis come calling, in the guise of a voluptuous woman known simply as the “Woman in Room 6” (Alexandra Pirici). Stanciulescu is suspicious; could it be that subtle swastika on the woman’s garter belt?

Meanwhile, out of Dominic’s fevered dreams comes another Dominic, a doppelganger representing his purely scientific side. Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde if the two ever spoke directly, the “good” Dominic becomes enthralled by his crueler, colder other half, who views his regeneration as a means of accomplishing the Faustian goal of achieving all knowledge. Soon Dominic merely has to pass his hand over a closed book — to the cheesy accompaniment of unearthly light and electric sizzles — and the contents are transferred to his advanced brain.

But the Nazis are in pursuit, so he heads off to Switzerland, helped by a border guard who assures him, in just one of numerous stilted lines, “My cooperation with the Nazis is only symbolic.” All this added intelligence turns Dominic into a Jason Bourne of sorts as he expertly forges new papers for himself (but wait, here’s Bourne himself, as an uncredited Matt Damon unsuccessfully offers the protection of the U.S. government).

Jump to 1955, and Dominic chances upon a dead ringer for his lost love, now named Veronica, cowering in a cave after a car crash and speaking only Sanskrit. Discovery forces Dominic to choose whether or not to seize the opportunity to complete his research, at the expense of Veronica’s ability to lead a normal life.

By the time this stage is reached, the serial-worthy plot has moved through any number of genres without holding onto any of them. Perhaps Coppola’s affinity for a character obsessed by unrealized projects was too close to allow him to see the piecemeal nature of his script, bogged down by endless chatter. Immortality and the ramifications of eternal life, on both ethical and emotional levels, have been dealt with much more effectively in works varying from “The Picture of Dorian Gray” (referenced toward the end) and Janacek’s superb, emotionally resonant opera “The Makropoulos Case,” a far more powerful analysis of the cruelty of time.

Presumably, Coppola chose to dub most of the film because the non-native English speakers needed help to make their lines clear, but the device, though generally well done, does nothing to help lackluster delivery in the minor roles. Roth certainly knows how to hold the screen, though surprisingly for such a fine actor, he resorts to lip-curling and similar tics to signal the difference between the two Dominics. Ganz has little to do, while the lovely Lara (“Downfall”) struggles not to appear ridiculous as she spouts ancient tongues in scenes that could have come from old Universal “Mummy” flicks. Just like Virginia Christine, she deserves better.

Shot largely with a fixed camera, lensing by young Romanian d.p. Mihai Malaimare Jr. favors basic but not dull formats, with many scenes either bathed in a golden light or a moon-blue glow. While Balkan locations don’t completely convince as Malta or India, that’s a minor quibble, especially considering pic’s overall deliberate, often attractive artificiality. Occasional sideways and upside-down shots, however, contribute nothing, while Osvaldo Golijov’s overly sweet orchestrations give too much away too soon.

Print screened in Rome lacked closing credits. ... id=31&cs=1


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MessagePosté: 21 Oct 2007, 21:11 
Je m'attends à un film sublimissime...

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MessagePosté: 22 Oct 2007, 00:25 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Jericho Cane a écrit:
Je m'attends à un film sublimissime...

Lol le mec qui délibérément à l'encontre de la critique postée juste au-dessus.

Enfin je me fie pas non plus aux avis des critiques mais je n'y vais pas tout confiant non plus.


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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2007, 08:26 
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Inscription: 24 Déc 2005, 19:18
Messages: 884
Localisation: in ze space
Jericho Cane a écrit:
Je m'attends à un film sublimissime...

malheureusement 3 critiques négatives de plus: une américaine dont j'ai oublié le nom (c'est pas Variety), celle de DVDrama et celle d'Arte. Le spectre est assez large entre DVDrama et Arte, inquiétant que ces 2-la n'aiment pas le film pour à peu prés les mêmes raisons: confus, effets stylistiques dépassés ...
merde merde et merde

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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2007, 08:42 
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Vaut mieux l'avoir en journal
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:21
Messages: 23133
Localisation: Paris
Léo a écrit:
Peter stuart a écrit:
celle de DVDrama et celle d'Arte

DVDrama, c'est de la merde, c'est que des branleurs et des neuneus, tout le monde le sait.
Arte ? Il y a des critiques chez Arte ? Première nouvelle. Arte, c'est bien la chaîne qui coproduit le dernier film de Michael Youn et le dernier film de Jean Dujardin ? Ah oui, c'est bien ça.

Ouais enfin, le critique d'Arte, ce n'est pas forcément le patron de la chaine qui produit Michael Youn.

Que lire cet hiver ?
Bien sûr, nous eûmes des orages, 168 pages, 14.00€ (Commander)
La Vie brève de Jan Palach, 192 pages, 16.50€ (Commander)

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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2007, 08:56 
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Inscription: 24 Déc 2005, 19:18
Messages: 884
Localisation: in ze space
Léo a écrit:
Peter stuart a écrit:
celle de DVDrama et celle d'Arte

DVDrama, c'est de la merde, c'est que des branleurs et des neuneus, tout le monde le sait.
Arte ? Il y a des critiques chez Arte ? Première nouvelle. Arte, c'est bien la chaîne qui coproduit le dernier film de Michael Youn et le dernier film de Jean Dujardin ? Ah oui, c'est bien ça.

c'était dans la magazine culturelle à propos du Festival de Rome

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29 Nov 2007, 20:35

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Sofia Coppola's Next

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30 Mai 2006, 19:05

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04 Jan 2006, 23:06

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Coppola s'est fait voler son scénario




02 Oct 2007, 11:31

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27 Fév 2006, 15:24

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10 Sep 2007, 12:14

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04 Avr 2011, 12:06

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11 Mai 2006, 17:14

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Next (Lee Tamahori, 2007)

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24 Fév 2007, 20:09

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11 Fév 2007, 12:01

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