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MessagePosté: 22 Fév 2008, 02:39 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Propos très intéressant du réalisateur du documentaire Chicago 10 qui confirme qu'en fait le Spielberg sera globalement une adaptation de son doc : ... Page1.html


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MessagePosté: 23 Fév 2008, 02:26 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Film Freak a écrit:
Cace-dédi hal5 en début d'article :

Any hope you had of Spielberg doing Interstellar next... throw it away. There's more casting going on for The Trial of the Chicago 7, and a great source behind the scenes indicates to me that this movie is going forward ASAP.

Et ben retournement de situation, c'est hal5 qui va être content :

I can confirm Collider's story that Spielberg has dropped the film.

It's a sudden decision, it seems. Yesterday Brett Morgen, the director of Chicago 10, the documentary upon which The Trial of the Chicago 7 would be based, told me he had just talked to screenwriter Aaron Sorkin about the film. But now Spielberg has closed down the offices for the movie and halted work. My source says that he's not happy with the script and casting isn't going as planned. It's hard to say if this film is dead or if he just doesn't think he can get everybody he wants before the threat of the SAG strike starts to make everything really ugly. Or maybe it's that the end of the WGA strike means that he can get back to working on his Lincoln biopic. Whatever the case may be, The Trial of the Chicago 7 will almost certainly not be his next film.


Espérons que ce soit une situation comme pour Munich qui était prêt à partir puis fut finalement repoussé avant d'être tourné et d'être l'un des meilleurs films du monde.

EDIT : ça semble être le cas en fait, nouveaux articles :

I've just been told that the famed director has backed off setting an April start date for his pic The Trial Of The Chicago 7 and won't finalize a new start date until the Screen Actors Guild and AMPTP agree on a deal. "It's a de facto casualty of SAG. He's still working on it with producers Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald and still keenly interested. But because of the uncertainty over a SAG strike, he has to push the date," an insider explains.

There's no doubt Spielberg is still as enthused as ever about the pic; he discusses it with showbiz folks and journalists every chance he gets. It's only that, according to my sources, Spielberg felt he couldn't push the start date by even a few weeks because SAG's contract expires in June. "Knowing that he had to be finished by July left him too much up against it, so he had to make a decision whether to give the pic a firm state date of April which he didn't feel ready for," an insider told me.

One reason why is because the script, while "great", still needs more work, and Spielberg will continue meeting with screenwriter Aaron Sorkin every day to work on it in the meantime. Spielberg also has been holding a cast and crew together on the movie and felt the need to release them now so they could get other gigs. "He was looking at a situation where people may find themselves with no spring work," a source said. The only name actor confirmed is Sacha Baron Cohen who'll play Abbie Hoffman and, to keep this a lower-budget movie, I'm told the rest of the Chicago defendants will be played by unknowns. But Spielberg also had big-time below-the-line names like Rick Carter and Janusz Kaminski on hold. "Unless the SAG contract will be resolved within the next two or three weeks, Steven felt he couldn't go forward. It's really not about lack of interest in the material. He can start this movie on August 1st," an insider assured me.

Un autre avec quelques infos de plus :
According to Spielberg's longtime spokesman, Marvin Levy, Chicago still may be Spielberg's next endeavor -- it's the furthest along of all his projects -- but the script, written by Aaron Sorkin, needs work, and the 100-day writers' strike delayed the project so long that it couldn't be ready for an April start date. One source tells that research staff working on the film has been let go. Levy wouldn't comment. Sasha Baron Cohen is in talks to play counter culture icon Abbie Hoffman, but no deal has been confirmed. Dreamworks had initially hoped to announce some casting decisions this week, but have no plans to do so now, Levy said.

Pour info, le tournage de Munich (projet autrement plus long à tourner a priori) avait commencé le 29 juin 2005 et le film est sorti moins de 6 mois après. On a peut-être toujours une chance de voir Chicago 7 sortir pour décembre 2008.
Tout est possible, surtout avec Spielberg, ce mec est fou.


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MessagePosté: 23 Fév 2008, 10:22 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37086
Localisation: Paris
Que d'émotions.

Je commence par voir la news de CHUD. Mon coeur coule. Puis je me dis comme toi, que c'est peut-être qu'un décalage temporaire. Et je vais sur le Forum et je vois la confirmation.

Dfaçon c'est marrant, on en parlait hier, quand on disait qu'au pire des cas, si le SAG fait pas grève, il peut toujours le tourner en 2-2 durant l'été.

Et sinon... fais la news steuplé.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

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MessagePosté: 11 Aoû 2008, 13:20 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Rumeur : Paul Greengrass reprendrait le projet.



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MessagePosté: 11 Aoû 2008, 14:58 
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2005, 11:52
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Localisation: in Baltimore with Mcnulty
A l'instar de Hal5 ce projet ne m'inspirait pas du tout (j'ai encore des souvenirs de son dernier film de procès AMISTAD le bien heureux) et ca me soulagerait presque qu'il l'abandonne. Ca va peut être avancer Interstellar


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MessagePosté: 11 Aoû 2008, 21:42 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Apparemment, Greengrass était intéressé mais aurait finalement passé la main.


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MessagePosté: 12 Aoû 2008, 08:27 
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Inscription: 28 Juil 2005, 10:08
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Localisation: 26, Rue du Labrador, Bruxelles
*On me dit que Brett Ratner serait intéressé*

Ed Wood:"What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?"

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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2008, 07:57 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Le film pourrait être finalement réalisé par
Ben Stiller.


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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2008, 08:00 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 17:02
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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2008, 08:06 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 16:48
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Localisation: in the forest of the Iroquois
Yeah bitch!

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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2008, 08:12 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
En tout cas ça confirmerait que le film est plus drôle/léger que ce que l'on croyait...ou alors Stiller revient à une vibe similaire à son premier long.


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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2008, 08:19 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 17:02
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Simple Abbie



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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2008, 09:25 
Voilà, c'est parfait comme ça. C'est un beau sujet pour Ben Stiller.

Et Spielberg pourra nous faire Interstellar.

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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2008, 09:26 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Jericho Cane a écrit:
Voilà, c'est parfait comme ça. C'est un beau sujet pour Ben Stiller.

Et Spielberg pourra nous faire Interstellar.

Ouais enfin y a Tintin et Lincoln avant. Et qui sait, d'autres peut-être.


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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2008, 10:28 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37086
Localisation: Paris
Film Freak a écrit:
En tout cas ça confirmerait que le film est plus drôle/léger que ce que l'on croyait...ou alors Stiller revient à une vibe similaire à son premier long.

J'imagine que du coup Stiller s'octroierait le rôle principal.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

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