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MessagePosté: 24 Oct 2011, 21:39 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87567
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Tout en s'occupant de réaliser un improbable crossover de super-héros, Joss Whedon a tourné une nouvelle adaptation de Beaucoup de bruit pour rien en N&B en 12 jours avec une grande partie de ses acteurs de prédilection.

Santa Monica, CA (October 24th, 2011)

Bellwether Pictures proudly announces the completion of principal photography on

MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, a modern version of Shakespeare’s classic comedy

adapted and directed by Joss Whedon (Marvel’s upcoming THE AVENGERS, “Dr.

Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog”). Filmed in just 12 days entirely on location in exotic Santa

Monica, the film features a stellar cast of beloved (or soon to be beloved) actors – some

of them veterans of Shakespearean theater, some completely new to the form. But all

dedicated to the idea that this story bears retelling, that this dialogue is as fresh and

intoxicating as any being written, and that the joy of working on a passion project

surrounded by dear friends, admired colleagues and an atmosphere of unabashed rapture

far outweighs their hilariously miniature paychecks.

MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING is the first feature from Bellwether, a micro-studio

created by Joss Whedon and Kai Cole for the production of small, independent narratives

for all media, embracing a DIY ethos and newer technologies for, in this particular case, a

somewhat older story.

Shot in glorious black and white by Jay Hunter (PAPER HEART, “Dollhouse”), the film

stars Amy Acker (CABIN IN THE WOODS, “Alias”) and Alexis Denisof (“How I Met

Your Mother”, “Angel”) as Beatrice and Benedick, the world’s least likely lovers headed

for their inevitable tumble into love. As Joss Whedon puts it: “The text is to me a

deconstruction of the idea of love, which is ironic, since the entire production is a love

letter – to the text, to the cast, even to the house it’s shot in.” The supporting cast

includes Nathan Fillion (“Castle”, WAITRESS) as Dogberry, Clark Gregg (AVENGERS,

IRON MAN) as Leonato, Fran Kranz (CABIN IN THE WOODS, “Dollhouse”) as

Claudio and Reed Diamond (“Franklin & Bash”, MONEYBALL) as Don Pedro.

The film was produced by Whedon, line-produced by Nathan Kelly and M. Elizabeth

Hughes, and co-produced by Kai Cole and Danny Kaminsky. The super-impressive cast

is listed below. Full tech credits (for the extraordinary crew) will be up shortly. The film

should be completed by early spring and headed for the festival circuit, because it is


The Players:

Amy Acker – Beatrice

Alexis Denisof – Benedick

Nathan Fillion – Dogberry

Clark Gregg – Leonato

Reed Diamond – Don Pedro

Fran Kranz – Claudio

Sean Maher – Don John

Spencer Treat Clark – Borachio

Riki Lindhome – Conrade

Ashley Johnson – Margaret

Emma Bates – Ursula

Tom Lenk – Verges

Nick Kocher – First Watchman

Brian McElhaney – Second Watchman

Joshua Zar – Leonato’s aide

Paul M. Meston – Friar Francis

Romy Rosemont – The Sexton

And introducing Jillian Morgese as Hero


MessagePosté: 25 Oct 2011, 08:05 
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Vaut mieux l'avoir en journal
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:21
Messages: 23147
Localisation: Paris
C'est cool, ça. Je suis curieux de découvrir ça. J'adore la version de Brannagh.

Que lire cet hiver ?
Bien sûr, nous eûmes des orages, 168 pages, 14.00€ (Commander)
La Vie brève de Jan Palach, 192 pages, 16.50€ (Commander)

MessagePosté: 25 Oct 2011, 15:39 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87567
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Adaptation contemporaine donc.


Apparemment, il a l'habitude d'organiser ce genre d'ateliers Shakespeare.


MessagePosté: 27 Oct 2011, 23:21 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
Messages: 15204
Localisation: Lille


MessagePosté: 27 Oct 2011, 23:24 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87567
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Ouais nan.


MessagePosté: 28 Oct 2011, 12:21 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
Messages: 15204
Localisation: Lille
C'était plus drôle hier soir quand j'étais bourré ouais.


MessagePosté: 28 Oct 2011, 12:36 
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Schtroumpf sodomite
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Inscription: 22 Mar 2006, 22:43
Messages: 24601
Localisation: Arkham Asylum

N'écoutez pas Film Freak

MessagePosté: 17 Nov 2011, 01:41 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87567
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Alan Silvestri composera. J'espère qu'il fera un meilleur taf que sur Captain America.


MessagePosté: 17 Nov 2011, 08:53 
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Inscription: 08 Juil 2005, 15:48
Messages: 21477
Localisation: FrontierLand
J'ai aucun espoir.

Netflix les gars, Netflix.

MessagePosté: 17 Nov 2011, 08:56 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87567
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Alan s'il s'investit.


MessagePosté: 17 Nov 2011, 08:58 
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Inscription: 17 Aoû 2005, 14:46
Messages: 3803
Localisation: Dans le nord du sud.
Film Freak a écrit:
Alan s'il s'investit.

tu as oublié "badoum-tshuss".

MessagePosté: 17 Nov 2011, 09:09 
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Bisounours priapique
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:35
Messages: 11944
Localisation: 48N50 -- 02E21
Juan a écrit:
tu as oublié "badoum-tshuss".

Je pensais que t'étais mort Juan !

- Nazi violent 1961-2013?
"my... "double anale", c'est ce que je crois?" Chlochette
"J'ai toujours aimé la culture nain" Sponge
Marlo a écrit:
J'adore Hollande.

MessagePosté: 17 Nov 2011, 09:58 
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Inscription: 17 Aoû 2005, 14:46
Messages: 3803
Localisation: Dans le nord du sud.
Karlito a écrit:
Juan a écrit:
tu as oublié "badoum-tshuss".

Je pensais que t'étais mort Juan !

J'ai survécu aux inondations.
Et je suis quelques rare fils ici.

MessagePosté: 17 Nov 2011, 22:01 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87567
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité


MessagePosté: 17 Nov 2011, 22:24 
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Inscription: 08 Juil 2005, 15:48
Messages: 21477
Localisation: FrontierLand
Putain Scarlett quoi................

Netflix les gars, Netflix.

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21 Oct 2007, 13:07

Jericho Cane Voir le dernier message

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Film Freak



26 Avr 2018, 15:10

Film Freak Voir le dernier message

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02 Avr 2019, 18:04

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Film Freak



23 Mar 2018, 19:53

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. G.I. Joe Retaliation (Jon M. Chu, 2012)

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02 Juil 2014, 09:23

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Film Freak



20 Juin 2012, 15:35

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24 Oct 2012, 19:04

David Swinton Voir le dernier message

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Qui-Gon Jinn



20 Nov 2015, 17:10

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10 Sep 2013, 11:55

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07 Mar 2013, 15:40

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