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MessagePosté: 06 Jan 2022, 00:59 
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Inscription: 27 Déc 2018, 23:08
Messages: 6663
Ha oui pas mal, merci, sortir un truc qui peut marcher avec find et un regex en moins de 20 minutes, moi il m'aurait fallu la nuit... :shock:

He pays penance to the air above him

N.O. - The Him

MessagePosté: 06 Jan 2022, 01:04 
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Inscription: 18 Aoû 2005, 23:40
Messages: 19486
Localisation: Rebirth Island
J'ai copié collé ta regex, j'ai juste encapsulé le tout dans un find ;)

Je reste le plus éloigné possible des regex, c'est pas maintenable, contre intuitif. Pour ton problème je crois que j'aurais utilisé tr :

MessagePosté: 06 Jan 2022, 02:11 
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Inscription: 27 Déc 2018, 23:08
Messages: 6663
Les regex peuvent quand-même rendre de fiers services. C'est lent et chiant à coder dans un programme mais permet de rester dans de la complexité linéaire avec une seule boucle quand il y a beaucoup de données, surtout dans des bases de données ou des éditeurs (comme Notepad++) qui les intègrent nativement...
Elles ont sauvé une ou deux fois ma peau, c'est très utile pour réparer rapidement une boulette.

He pays penance to the air above him

N.O. - The Him

MessagePosté: 09 Jan 2022, 22:49 
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Inscription: 27 Déc 2018, 23:08
Messages: 6663
Le consortium Open AI a mis au point GPT3,un réseau neuronal qui est soit-disant capable, sinon de dialoguer, du moins d'écrire des textes cohérents et lisibles en anglais. Un site de test est accessible sur : ... -generator

Pour le tester je lui ai posé quelques questions
"What do you think of Karl Marx ?"
"What do you think of Jean-Paul Sartre ?"
"What do you think of Michel Foucault ?"
"Does structuralism pay too much attention on institutions ?"
Et le coup de grâce : "Was Heidegger a nazi ?"

La réponse à cette dernière question n'est pas triste,

Was Heidegger a nazi ? a nazism was an aberration, but a major deviation from the nazisn of the Nazi vision. His original "Nordic vision" was rather different. In the 1930's he argued that Jews were not all the same. He did not take into account the fact that the German SS had an active program of racist propaganda aimed at the Jews. (Hafner was perhaps the least enthusiastic follower of the racist idea. But he wrote a number of interesting books, including the classic Das Spatulischer Volkswerk , published in 1925.)
Hitler was also a neo-Nazi. In his 1932 essay "Why Hitler Became Nazis," Hitler called the Second Bloc , and used the term "racial apartheid" as a synonym for "racial apartheid" because, according to this theory, the Germans were also racist, even if they were not. (Not until 1933 did Hitler say the word "ethnic") Hitler's idea of racial apartheid, by analogy, was that European Jews were "not only inferior to other Europeans," but that "you are not only inferior to them but to all others, and to all nations … "This idea was adopted by Jewish commentators in the Nazi party, and was used for the purpose of legitimating Hitler's racial apartheid program. In 1942-5 Jews, not just German, organized a campaign against Hitler in Germany and a similar campaign against Mussolini, but also anti-Semitism, a

Un remarquable générateur de conneries qui peut en rabattre à l'Internaute moyen en matière de psittacisme arrogant, sur quoi ils ont entraîné ce truc ?

He pays penance to the air above him

N.O. - The Him

Dernière édition par Vieux-Gontrand le 09 Jan 2022, 23:15, édité 6 fois.

MessagePosté: 09 Jan 2022, 22:53 
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Sir Flashball
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Inscription: 23 Déc 2013, 01:02
Messages: 24096
J'ai testé.

Should Vieux-Gontrand suck Jerzy's dick?

We'll go back to his ass when he's finished. Can I come into the shower? Yeah, okay... I'm ready to go to bed! So... where... where are you going... Okay, I'm going to go get myself some food for Jerzy... he says if you don't cum, I'm going to kill you and take that guy's ass to hell. OK, nice fucking dick, Jerzy. I'm going. It looks like you're doing okay. All right, okay. This is it. He's cumming and licking your dick... now just take your pick of a few fucking positions for me. I'm going to do this so you can take a handful of semen out of your dick and start fucking your ass. You can take the rest of the semen out as well, but I think you can cum just as well. I want one of those fucking cocks. I want another penis. Fuck, I just wanna taste your cock until you cum. Do you wanna cum in my hand? Don't cum while I'm still on my knees talking with you, bitch. I need your sperm here. You can hold that up if she's going for you, then, I'll hold her up. And do it as if you're with me. Let me take your cock. It's got that huge juicy head. Oh, that's it, Jerzy, you feel

"Je vois ce que tu veux dire, mais..."
"Je me suis mal exprimé, pardon."

MessagePosté: 09 Jan 2022, 22:55 
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Inscription: 27 Déc 2018, 23:08
Messages: 6663
C'est branché sur Enculture ou quoi ?

He pays penance to the air above him

N.O. - The Him

MessagePosté: 09 Jan 2022, 22:57 
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Sir Flashball
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Inscription: 23 Déc 2013, 01:02
Messages: 24096
J'avais mis "Should Vieux-Gontrand get flash-balled?", mais tu l'aurais mal pris.

"Je vois ce que tu veux dire, mais..."
"Je me suis mal exprimé, pardon."

MessagePosté: 09 Jan 2022, 23:03 
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Inscription: 27 Déc 2018, 23:08
Messages: 6663
Spielberg's movies are quite regressive :

Spielberg's movies are quite regressive and don't feel like a serious and nuanced series. I loved the premise of the film, so the second part of the film was less about who she is, not about who she's trying to get to, or how she gets there. The director was happy with her work, but so was his collaborator. He got that film off to a great start (he's the lead on it), but one issue he had was what he brought to the role. All those choices that he drew didn't make the difference on the film, not in most of it.

When I first heard about the role of Dr. Halsey, I was already very impressed on the part, but by those early, long days, I couldn't believe it. I've been obsessed as a fan with the character ever since I got the role, and yet it feels very, very, very bad.

I think as people turn heads at the moment, you might get the sense that this isn't the best piece to portray a person who's trying to save other people from themselves. I think sometimes it seems like it's all very important. I don't think that a person who's trying to save another person from the fact that they're trapped by a machine is always on the verge of an insurmountable loss of life. And I think that the way it is was important to all involved, not just the lead characters. It's

He pays penance to the air above him

N.O. - The Him

MessagePosté: 09 Jan 2022, 23:07 
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Inscription: 27 Déc 2018, 23:08
Messages: 6663
The foreign policy of Russia is a factor of global stability."

That line was backed up by Russia's former ambassador to India, Aleksandr Pankov, who said the world needs a "more robust Russia in foreign policy."

Moscow's new foreign policy official added earlier this month, "Our goal today isn't to make a mistake. It's a simple one: to take out the big guys in the world, to defeat them, to take out the big guys in the media and to use them as a political tool of Putin. But we must look past it."

Ce truc est encore plus taré que HAL et Dr Folamour réunis.

700 Gigas de RAM pour faire marcher le pipotron...

He pays penance to the air above him

N.O. - The Him

MessagePosté: 13 Jan 2022, 18:40 
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Inscription: 27 Déc 2018, 23:08
Messages: 6663
Première fois que je le remarque, mais quand je vais sur le site de Canon pour installer le driver d'une vieille imprimante, il me demande sur quel continent j'habite.
Les drivers seraient-ils différents en fonction des pays ou régions du monde (par exemple, au pif, Hong-Kong) ? :mrgreen:

He pays penance to the air above him

N.O. - The Him

MessagePosté: 17 Juil 2022, 20:51 
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Inscription: 27 Déc 2018, 23:08
Messages: 6663
Tiens je n'étais pas au courant, mais il est assez facile d'installer une distribution Linux (sans machine virtuelle, mais en shell) dans Windows 10/11 :
Actuellement, par rapport à la vidéo, pour Ubuntu, il ne faut plus aller chercher un autre noyau à la main, l'installation est directe (du moins sur le Dell Latitude que j'utilise et son processeur).

Le réseau est automatiquement reconnu, et c'est chouette (surtout comparé à VirtualBox...). Par contre, s'il est aisé de voir où le système de fichier Windows est monté dans le terminal Linux (/mnt/c), l'inverse est moins vrai

He pays penance to the air above him

N.O. - The Him

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2023, 11:22 
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Inscription: 20 Fév 2008, 19:19
Messages: 10118
Localisation: Ile-de-France
J'ai un truc vraiment relou: un disque dur SSD un Tera-octets acheté l'an dernier et posé sur le 2e emplacement (D:) n'est pas reconnu par mon ordi portable, un HP. J'avais décidé de laisser ça de côté parce qu'il n'y avait pas d'urgence et que je voulais surtout faire des jeux indépendants. Mais maintenant qu'arrivent le DLC de Cyberpunk, la refonte graphique de The Witcher qui me donne envie de me lancer dans les DLC, Diablo IV et j'aimerais bien essayer Elden Ring, eh bien j'aimerais vraiment vraiment que ce putain de matos fonctionne.

J'ai confié mon ordi à un paki pendant les fêtes et il a pas trouvé. Sur le net je trouve plusieurs manips possibles à faire sur Windows mais j'en ai fait certaines et ça ne fonctionne pas. Est-ce que quelqu'un a une idée? :cry:

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2023, 12:03 
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Inscription: 18 Aoû 2005, 23:40
Messages: 19486
Localisation: Rebirth Island
Est-ce que tu vois apparaître le disque dans le gestionnaire de partitions et disques ?

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2023, 12:04 
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Inscription: 20 Fév 2008, 19:19
Messages: 10118
Localisation: Ile-de-France

MessagePosté: 02 Jan 2023, 12:09 
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Inscription: 18 Aoû 2005, 23:40
Messages: 19486
Localisation: Rebirth Island
La question est de savoir si c'est le disque ou le PC qui déconne. Faudrait tester un autre disque sur le PC, et tester ton SSD sur un autre PC. Comme ça, au moins, tu sais d'où ça vient.

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