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 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 06 Avr 2016, 14:42 
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Inscription: 14 Oct 2007, 11:11
Messages: 8138
Non mais je suis pas devenu un "disciple" moi, je fais ce que je veux !

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 06 Avr 2016, 14:47 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28774
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Ah ah c'est génial, ils sont chelous ?

CroqAnimement votre

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 09 Avr 2016, 06:10 
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Bisounours priapique
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:35
Messages: 11945
Localisation: 48N50 -- 02E21

Hehe si j'avais pensé lire ça un jour 8)

- Nazi violent 1961-2013?
"my... "double anale", c'est ce que je crois?" Chlochette
"J'ai toujours aimé la culture nain" Sponge
Marlo a écrit:
J'adore Hollande.

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 13 Avr 2016, 02:38 
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Inscription: 14 Oct 2007, 11:11
Messages: 8138
Art Core a écrit:
Ah ah c'est génial, ils sont chelous ?

Un peu mais ça va, la plupart ne sont pas des illuminés genre Kost mais c'est quand meme très special.

Ils portent tous une barbe et des longs cheveux, ils se regroupent tous les matins à 7h pour jouer de la musique, chanter, danser, prier.... lors de ces "gatherings" ils ont également une leçon d'une heure environ qui s'appuie sur la bible pendant lesquels ils apprennent comment ils doivent se comporter (en leur expliquant entre autres que la femme doit etre soumise a son mari) et en soulevant certaines questions morales (télé=diable).

Bon je caricature un peu en racontant comme ça mais c'est interessant de vivre avec des gens qui vivent a l'exact opposé de moi. Ceux qui ont le plus de recul sont par ailleurs les étrangers, un californien par exemple qui était dealer d'héroïne et qui passait la moitié de son temps en prison, un ex-hippie etc. Des gens qui étaient malheureux et qui sont venus trouver ici surtout un mode de vie alternatif et plus paisible.

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 21 Avr 2016, 13:44 
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Inscription: 08 Aoû 2013, 20:10
Messages: 1690
La pédagogie éducative du nord s'exporte dans l'Est! ... id=UE01DHP ... id=UE01DHP

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 21 Avr 2016, 14:04 
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Sacré trou du cul
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2005, 22:59
Messages: 11249
Mais si tu tournes le seau ça fait un château de sable (d'os) solide ou pas ? Ces journalistes qui n'enquêtent plus ça m'exaspère !

Delirium Tremens

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 28 Avr 2016, 12:07 
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Sir Flashball
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Inscription: 23 Déc 2013, 01:02
Messages: 24103
Dans ma boîte mail :

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building 935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001,
USA Customers Service Hours / Mondays To Saturdays:

How are you today? Hope all is well with you and family? You may not understand why this email came to you. In regards to the recent meeting between the United Nations, Cyber Crimes Commission (CCc), Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) and the United States Government to restore the dignity and Economy of Nations based on the Agreement with the World Bank Assistance Project to help and make the world a better place. We have been having meetings for the past 3 months with the Secretary General of the United Nations.

This email come to those who are yet to receive their compensation/inheritance/winnings and who have been scammed in any part of the world, this includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or Compensation payments that failed due to Government problems etc. Recently we the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) arrested internet fraudsters and Scammer with large amount of money so if you are receiving this email its means you where select to be compensated as a scam victim among 100 selected victims with part of the money recover from the internet fraudsters account, . The UNITED NATIONS have agreed to compensate you with the sum of $2,500.000.00 USD (Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars).

100 people where selected across the Globe for this MIDDLE OF THE YEAR COMPENSATION and Your name and email was in the list submitted by our Monitoring Team observers and this is why we are contacting you, this have been agreed upon and have been signed, so you are advised to contact Rev George Venizelos of the United Nations Compensation Commission, as he is our representative in United State Of America. Contact him immediately for your Compensation payment of $2,500.000.00 USD (Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) which will be released directly to you in accordance with legal clearance and procedures.

It is my pleasure to inform you that your ATM Card Number; 5571342020375603 have been approved in your favor. Your Personal Identification Number is FBI16. The ATM Card Value is $2,500.000.00 USD (Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) You are advised that a most withdrawal value of $10,000.00 USD is permitted on withdrawal per Day and we are duly Inter Switch and you can make withdrawal in any Inter Switch site and ATM Center of your choice.

However, you should send him your;

Full Name/
Telephone Number/
your Residential Address/
New email address for this safety of this transaction/

Contact Rev George Venizelos immediately for your compensation payment:

Rev George Venizelos
Director- General,
ATM Card Payment
New York Field Office
Phone Number: +1-(929)-266-7074 (Text Message Only)
Info: ... ffice/view

He is obliged to give you a call and treat your case with utmost urgency as soon as you contact him and fill out your correct details including all reachable phone numbers for him to get in touch with you via phone and email.

NOTE: Under normal circumstances the collection of your ATM CARD the IMF and the Finance Ministry insisted that you pay for the SECURITY FEE ONLY of your ATM CARD via western union money transfer, which will cost you just $220 USD only, the western union payment receipt of $220 USD to the nominated courier company that will carry out with the delivery to your door step to be documented in your file as proof your collection. Ask Rev George Venizelous for the instruction on how to send the delivery fee of $220 to him, Please note that the delivery fee can not be detucted from your ATM CARD due to the fact that no one has the authority to unluck and use your ATM CARD on your behalf because you alone will be the one to first use the card for the first withdrawal with your secret code.

We also advise that you stop further communications with these impostors and forward any correspondence / proposal you receive from them to Rev George Venizelos in other for the FBI to bring justice to them.

Good luck and kind regards,
Making the world a better place!

Mr.James B. Comey, Jr.
THE NEW FBI DIRECTOR ... i-director

"Je vois ce que tu veux dire, mais..."
"Je me suis mal exprimé, pardon."

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 28 Avr 2016, 12:18 
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Inscription: 27 Mai 2012, 02:06
Messages: 659
Sounds legit

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 28 Avr 2016, 12:30 
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Inscription: 23 Mai 2008, 10:03
Messages: 6456
Localisation: Poitiers
Tu partages ?

You are a ghost driving a meat covered skeleton made from stardust riding a rock floating through space.

BILANS CINEMA : 2023 I 2024

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 07 Mai 2016, 23:42 
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Vaut mieux l'avoir en journal
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:21
Messages: 23155
Localisation: Paris
Puck qui dit à mon fils, 4 ans : "tu regardes les films en vf ? T'es un faux cinéphile en fait !"

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 09 Mai 2016, 08:59 
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Le quoteur fou
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Inscription: 23 Juil 2005, 17:40
Messages: 11786
Localisation: Hill Valley
Père indigne. Heureusement que Puck est là.

Tennis de Table Bordeaux

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 09 Mai 2016, 14:02 
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Putain, sérieux mec
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Inscription: 24 Juin 2009, 12:09
Messages: 5660
Cosmo a écrit:
Puck qui dit à mon fils, 4 ans : "tu regardes les films en vf ? T'es un faux cinéphile en fait !"

En jouant aux voitures, je lui aussi demandé s'il connaissait Cronenberg et s'il avait vu Crash.


 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 09 Mai 2016, 14:09 
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Vaut mieux l'avoir en journal
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:21
Messages: 23155
Localisation: Paris
Maintenant qu'il a vu son premier "vrai" film (Le Livre de la jungle), je peux enchaîner avec les Cronenberg. Terminés les dessins-animés !

 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 09 Mai 2016, 14:16 
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Putain, sérieux mec
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Inscription: 24 Juin 2009, 12:09
Messages: 5660
Cosmo a écrit:
Maintenant qu'il a vu son premier "vrai" film (Le Livre de la jungle), je peux enchaîner avec les Cronenberg. Terminés les dessins-animés !



 Sujet du message: Re: L'horloge parlante
MessagePosté: 09 Mai 2016, 14:32 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
Messages: 15204
Localisation: Lille
Est-ce qu'il a vu Bad Toys II ?


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01 Aoû 2005, 08:43

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