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 Sujet du message: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 25 Oct 2012, 23:01 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87537
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Arnold Schwarzenegger to Reprise Barbarian Role in THE LEGEND OF CONAN Reboot

Deadline reports that Universal and Schwarzenegger are reuniting to bring Conan back to life. The reboot will be produced by Fredrik Malmberg, CEO of Paradox Entertainment, and Universal’s writer and producer, Chris Morgan. Morgan cracked the story and may write the script, but the studio wants the picture on screens in summer of 2014. He previously wrote the screenplay for The Fast and the Furious 6 and has the job for the seventh installment, but may not be finished writing it up by the time Conan roles into production.

On the story front, The Legend of Conan is tied directly to the original, skipping over both the Schwarzenegger sequel and the Momoa misfire (Momoa is not expected to be involved in The Legend of Conan). As Malmberg put it:

“The original ended with Arnold on the throne as a seasoned warrior, and this is the take of the film we will make. It’s that Nordic Viking mythic guy who has played the role of king, warrior, soldier and mercenary, and who has bedded more women than anyone, nearing the last cycle of his life. He knows he’ll be going to Valhalla, and wants to go out with a good battle.”

The film is a dream project for Morgan, who had this to say:

“After the original seminal movie, all that came after looked silly to me. Robert E. Howard’s mythology and some great philosophy from Nietzsche to Atilla the Hun was layered in the original film. People say, he didn’t speak for the first 20 minutes of the film, but that was calculated in depicting this man who takes control of life with his own hand. This movie picks up Conan where Arnold is now in his life, and we will be able to use the fact that he has aged in this story. I love the property of Conan so much that I wouldn’t touch it unless we came up with something worthy. We think this is a worthy successor to the original film. Think of this as Conan’s Unforgiven.”

The story that they’ve come up with and the passion they’re bringing to the table are both promising for a reboot. A note of concern comes with whether or not the studio will pursue a hard R rating. Morgan again comments:

“I loved the choices they made in that film. You start with the wholesale slaughter and death of Conan’s village at the hand of the warlord played by James Earl Jones, and you see young Conan chained to a wheel as he becomes stronger. Then he’s a pit fighter, and later basically a stud bull before he meets the first kind person of his life, who lets him go. All of that horrific stuff happened for a reason, and then an act of kindness sends him on his journey. Will that level of violence be there? Absolutely, but only if it serves a character who lives by that barbarian law of the wild, who is capable of extreme violence and rage, but who has created his own code and operates from within it. By the end of that film, Conan became a certain character, and this film picks him up there, as he faces different challenges that include dealing with age.”

And you can’t have a Conan story without hearing from the man himself. Scharzenegger was quoted as follows:

“I always loved the Conan character and I’m honored to be asked to step into the role once again. I can’t wait to work with Universal and the great team of Fredrik Malmberg and Chris Morgan to develop the next step of this truly epic story.”



 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 26 Oct 2012, 10:28 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:35
Messages: 11944
Localisation: 48N50 -- 02E21
Film Freak a écrit:

J'espère vraiment.

- Nazi violent 1961-2013?
"my... "double anale", c'est ce que je crois?" Chlochette
"J'ai toujours aimé la culture nain" Sponge
Marlo a écrit:
J'adore Hollande.

 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 26 Oct 2012, 12:51 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
Messages: 15204
Localisation: Lille

Pourquoi pas, avec un scénario à la hauteur ça peut être très bon. J'ai toujours trouvé la fin de Conan ultra classe, avec la voix off et Conan sur son trône.


 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 26 Oct 2012, 12:55 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28748
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Il faut qu'ils repartent sur ce qu'avaient fait les Wachowski et Millius pour King Conan (mais ils le feront pas).

CroqAnimement votre

 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 26 Oct 2012, 14:03 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:35
Messages: 11944
Localisation: 48N50 -- 02E21
The Legend of Conan sera une suite directe de Conan le barbare et ne prendra pas en compte le film de Richard Fleisher, Conan le destructeur : «Le film original se terminait avec Arnold sur le trône, en grand guerrier. C'est la trame que nous avons choisie pour le film. L'histoire d'un Viking nordique mythique qui a été roi, combattant, soldat et mercenaire, qui a couché avec plus de filles que n'importe qui, et qui approche le dernier cycle de sa vie. Il sait qu'il ira au Valhalla et veut partir avec une bonne bataille» a confié Fredrik Malmberg.

Qd je lis ça, je ne suis pas rassuré du TOUT.

- Nazi violent 1961-2013?
"my... "double anale", c'est ce que je crois?" Chlochette
"J'ai toujours aimé la culture nain" Sponge
Marlo a écrit:
J'adore Hollande.

 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 04 Déc 2012, 01:43 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87537
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Conan is obviously a character many hold near and dear to their hearts and Morgan described the film’s significance to Schwarzenegger focusing on that. It’s how he got him interested.

"Not a reboot, not a remake. Just an update. Where has the character been all this time? A catch-up with Conan."

The film will take place long after the events of the first two movies, so Conan has been King for a long time. This way, the actor will actually fit the age of the character and not have to be as physical as he was in the 1980s.

"He’s not going out and fighting battles, but he ends up getting drawn into something. And he has to access the barbarian he was in his youth. I love that Conan has been many things in his life, notably a pirate, a major tactician and a commander of men. In this movie, we’re going to tap into some of those things – things you haven’t seen on screen yet."

What exactly does that refer to?

"I want the warrior whose joints have started to fuse together, who has to crack the cartilage so he can pick up a sword again. I want the guy who’s not necessarily lost a step, but there’s some rust he has to shake off. I want to embrace that. It makes it a greater hero stort. Conan needs to be faced with challenges. The greatest challenge to him isn’t the armies that are set before him. It’s, on some level, self-doubt, a little bit of slowing down and forcing yourself to be heroic beyond what people expect of you. What I don’t want is for him to step back in and look the same. That would defeat the purpose of our story."

Il en parle bien en tout cas.


 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 18 Mai 2014, 17:54 
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Inscription: 13 Juin 2013, 15:21
Messages: 2585
Localisation: Le Zócalo

 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 18 Mai 2014, 18:12 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87537
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Que ce soit un montage cheap ne m'étonne pas mais les taches de sang rose, ça fait vieil alcoolique avec cirrhose.


 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 18 Mai 2014, 18:42 
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Inscription: 11 Aoû 2005, 11:13
Messages: 859
Localisation: vienne
C'est un fake, l'affiche est un fan art peu habile.

 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 18 Mai 2014, 18:44 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87537
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Si ça vient du marché du film cannois, c'est moche mais techniquement pas "fake".


 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 18 Mai 2014, 18:57 
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Inscription: 11 Aoû 2005, 11:13
Messages: 859
Localisation: vienne

"Rien de tel qu'une affiche, une rumeur, etc. pour agiter la nouille collective du blogosphère howardien, surtout dès qu'on parle de Arnold et de Conan. Des pages de discussions stériles sur vos blogs, sites ou forums préférés, tout cela pour brasser du vent et faire du clic.
Notre devise, chez, c'est un peu celle de L'Homme qui tua Liberty Valance, mais en inversé. On aime le froid, le clinique, le brutalement concret, le vrai, pas la Légende (de Conan))...

Donc, tout cela pour vous dire que la soi-disant affiche pré-promo et tout ça de Legend of Conan qui a leaké hier (les détails ici), n'est rien d'autre que l’œuvre d'un fan. Encore une fois, notre information provient directement de Fred Malmberg, co-producteur du film.

Vous avez évidemment le droit de faire circuler cette nouvelle (et d'en mentionner la source! :)...)"

 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 18 Mai 2014, 21:25 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87537
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
D'où mon "si" alors remballe ton "hum".


 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 18 Mai 2014, 21:46 
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Inscription: 18 Aoû 2005, 23:40
Messages: 19486
Localisation: Rebirth Island
Ta phrase laissait penser que tu affirmais que ça venait du marché du film.

 Sujet du message: Re: The Legend of Conan
MessagePosté: 18 Mai 2014, 23:12 
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Inscription: 11 Aoû 2005, 11:13
Messages: 859
Localisation: vienne
En tout cas je l'ai compris comme ça.

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