Au départ, je me disais que c'était pas pertinent mais...
Hostel writer-director Eli Roth tells MTV that he's writing the sequel for three girls, something that producer Quentin Tarantino suggested. "They're studying in Italy for the summer, and they get lured, and they go back to ... well, we're going to go back to a lot of familiar places," Roth said.
Through the existence of this Italian hostel, Roth plans to reveal that the Slovakian stopover from the first film is actually part of a chain.
"It's all part of the organization; they've got the whole thing set up all over the place, and they have different scouts," Roth added. "We're going to learn a lot more about how it all works. In 'Hostel 2,' you're really going to see the ins and outs of the whole organization and how they get people and kill them."
Roth said that Jay Hernandez's character Paxton is part of the script and he'll be encountering the three girls in Italy.
"Jay has a few less fingers, so it might be difficult for him to blend in," the director said. "But yeah, he's not out of the woods yet."
Roth's script begins the moment the original Hostel left off. "'Hostel 2' is going to start literally with the next cut, and you're going to see [Paxton] at the same time. You'll see that he's totally messed-up from the experience. It's completely wrecked him, and his life is in ruins."
Roth hopes to begin shooting in August and to release the film in January, 2007.
...j'aime qu'on reprenne le protagoniste du premier film sans qu'il ait surpassé ses problèmes. C'est déjà ce que j'aimais dans la fin du premier, on sentait que l'expérience l'avait transformé et avait finalement fait de lui un tueur, peut-être même un monstre au même titre que ses tortionnaires.
Je VEUX le voir complètement ravagé de la tête dans la explorer plus avant l'organisation, c'est bien, c'est exploiter le potentiel traité en surface de l'original, peut-être approfondir la critique de la société voyeuriste actuelle et le point de vue US sur l'Europe et le reste du monde.
putain faut que je finisse Cellulaire aussi