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MessagePosté: 22 Oct 2007, 10:11 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37116
Localisation: Paris
Normalement Singer et Routh restent.

La news fait peur sur le coup, et c'est vrai que c'est CON DE CHEZ CON, mais bon... c'est pas comme si le film pétait la forme avant cette annonce.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

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MessagePosté: 22 Oct 2007, 12:23 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87551
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Noony a écrit:
Il se dirait même que "Man of steel" pourrait être un nouveau "nouveau départ" pour Superman.

Démenti par le studio :
As a result there's industry talk that, much like the upcoming "The Incredible Hulk" with Ed Norton, the studio plans to start afresh - basically ignoring the last film to start a whole new continuity.

The studio however has denied such plans, saying the next would be a sequel with Brandon Routh returning. Either way Legendary Pictures will be back to co-develop and co-finance the project.

Et sinon, concernant l'éventuelle date de sortie du film :
The delay means the project would certainly not go into production until 2009 at the earliest - making a Summer 2010 release seem the obvious choice to give the studio a revolving cycle of Summer superhero films (Batman 2 in 2008, Justice League in 2009, Superman 2 in 2010, Batman 3 in 2011, etc.)

C'est sûr que si y a pas de scénar, il entrera pas en tournage JUSTE après Valkyrie comme initialement prévu...c'est la lose.
Plus ça va, moins le film est sûr de se à côté, y a Gorge Miller qui réalise Batman & Robin 2 et personne ne l'arrête.


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MessagePosté: 22 Oct 2007, 13:06 
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Inscription: 11 Aoû 2005, 11:13
Messages: 859
Localisation: vienne
et à côté, y a Gorge Miller qui réalise Batman & Robin 2 et personne ne l'arrête.

Ca c'est quand même l'une des plus grosse connerie que j'ai jamais lue, je vois pas ce qui te permet d'affirmer que la Justice League de Miller sera autant à chié que le Batman et Robin de Schumi... !

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MessagePosté: 22 Oct 2007, 13:53 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87551
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Narrateur a écrit:
et à côté, y a Gorge Miller qui réalise Batman & Robin 2 et personne ne l'arrête.

Ca c'est quand même l'une des plus grosse connerie que j'ai jamais lue, je vois pas ce qui te permet d'affirmer que la Justice League de Miller sera autant à chié que le Batman et Robin de Schumi... !

Suffit d'aller dans la section dédiée au film.
Ou de lire les news SUR le film et l'histoire et la dircetion souhaitée par le studio et pas juste se toucher à l'annonce de Miller qui réalise un film de super-héros.


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MessagePosté: 22 Oct 2007, 23:24 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87551
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Mark Millar, excellent scénariste de comics, veut proposer son pitch à la Warner :

It's 8.58am right now, my guys at CAA get into the office in about seven hours and my call will be waiting for them to talk about this. I want to revamp Superman like Hillary wants thin ankles. Revamping this franchise is what I as given fingers for and so, invited or not, I'm putting my plan together now. I've been asked to work on half a dozen screenplays lately, but this is the only one I have ever truly wanted.

As most here know, I have literally hundreds of pages of notes and sketches just waiting for this opportunity. This would be my dream gig and, as a fan, I know exactly what this project needs to work. This has to be Superman for the 21st Century, keeping everything we adore, but starting from scratch and making the kids love it as much as the 30-somethings. I would honestly write this thing for free.

Anyway, my treatment is being polished as we type. Wish me luck. I want to do that Superman movie we all want to see.

J'espère que quand il dit "starting from scratch" cela ne signifie pas "faire comme si le précédent n'existait pas".


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MessagePosté: 22 Oct 2007, 23:45 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37116
Localisation: Paris
Film Freak a écrit:
J'espère que quand il dit "starting from scratch" cela ne signifie pas "faire comme si le précédent n'existait pas".

Il ne veut dire QUE ça, je pense.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

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MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2007, 00:19 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87551
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Qui-Gon Jinn a écrit:
Film Freak a écrit:
J'espère que quand il dit "starting from scratch" cela ne signifie pas "faire comme si le précédent n'existait pas".

Il ne veut dire QUE ça, je pense.

En même temps, c'est un pote à Singer...d'ailleurs, c'est lui qui avait eu le "scoop" sur Singer engagé sur Superman...enfin toute façon, y a surtout UN GROS DETAIL du film de Singer qui sera ignoré ou pas :
le fils de Superman

Le reste...ça m'étonnerait pas que, reboot ou pas reboot, on ne nous explique pas comment Luthor se sera sauvé de son île déserte, ce qu'il adviendra de New Krypton (le "continent" crée dans le Singer que Superman envoie dans l'espace), sais pas à quel point la suite selon Singer, Dougherty et Harris aurait entretenu de rapport avec Superman Returns (à part le truc que j'ai mis en encore, qu'est-ce que tu veux en est au courant, Lois aussi, Lex aussi, ok, on fait quoi? On le kidnappe? Encore? Bref...).


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MessagePosté: 24 Oct 2007, 20:00 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37116
Localisation: Paris
Apparemment Millar peut pas se faire embaucher vu qu'il est de chez Marvel et c'est "againt the policy" que d'embaucher "the competition".

Le message entier:

Anyway, my agent is a big beast at CAA and can set up meetings with anyone. I'm always amazed by this because, like all comic guys, I do this job in a converted attic at home on a rainy rock some miles from mainland Europe and about as far from Hollywood as you can get. But my agent got my call around 4pm my time on Tuesday and within hours we were talking on the phone to some very nice exec at Warner Bros who said that several producers and director friends had already been in touch to push me for the gig because they knew how passionate I was about this project. And for about fifteen minutes things were looking very sweet. I had a massive three-picture epic in mind, cribbed from notes I've been putting together for the last five years for a Superman comic-book revamp and the people I spoke to absolutely loved it. Everyone said this was very, very exciting, but...

Well, sadly, I'm a Marvel guy and we were surprised to find out that WB couldn't hire me for a DC property. They were incredibly nice and superbly apologetic about it, but when they discussed the matter seriously DC explained just how associated I am with Marvel Comics at the moment and it's against company policy to hire the competition. It's absolutely nothing personal. I spoke to some friends at DC and they explained this has happened with a couple of big Marvel writers in the last couple of years and I absolutely respect that. It's a business after all and to have a guy writing Fantastic Four, 1985, Kick-Ass and another super-big project for Steve McNiven this year which would be mentioned in every article about a Superman movie is not only an insult to their own writers, but makes bad business sense. I have nothing but respect for the DC high-ups and, though obviously disappointed, can absolutely appreciate their position. They're the custodians of these properties and they obviously know what they're doing.

So no Millar-penned Superman movie at this stage, I'm afraid. That situation may change, of course. As a Warner chum said to me last night, the last Superman movie had a number of starts and stops and who knows what will happen over the next couple of years, especially after my Marvel contract expires. In the meantime, I'm keeping my 200 pages of notes and sketches on a slow boil, just in case. As for the next movie, I wish whoever does land this gig nothing but the best of luck. I wanted to bring my vision to the screen out of nothing but pure love and hope to be as thrilled as everyone else. They're talking to a couple of guys with a better screen-writing track record and, like the rest of you, I'll keep my fingers crossed that this sequel to Bryan's first picture all works out great.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

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MessagePosté: 24 Oct 2007, 23:31 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87551
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité

Warner, le studio des bons pendant ce temps, Miller réalise Batman & Rob...nan j'déconne, ce que j'ai lu récemment sur le projet paraît intéressant en plus pour une fois.

Reste plus qu'à espérer qu'un arrangement sera possible (quitte Marvel, Mark! Cette occasion, tu ne l'auras ptet qu'une seule fois!)


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MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2007, 00:30 
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Inscription: 23 Juil 2005, 17:40
Messages: 11786
Localisation: Hill Valley
Premières photos

Fallait il vraiment embaucher Janet comme costumière ?

Tennis de Table Bordeaux

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MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2007, 07:23 
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Oberkampf Führer
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:38
Messages: 15542
J'ai ri.

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MessagePosté: 14 Jan 2008, 05:52 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87551
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Variety :

No screenwriters are on board. "Returns" writers Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris opted out of penning "Superman: Man of Steel," and the strike arrived just as other scribes were to pitch ideas. Internally, Warners has moved the release date from 2009 to 2010.

After "Superman Returns" delivered a disappointing box office take of $386 million worldwide, Warner Bros. and Singer debated how to proceed with the next "Superman" pic. The studio even considered rebooting the franchise with someone else.

But eventually WB execs Alan Horn and Jeff Robinov agreed to proceed with Singer at the helm of a $170 million "Man of Steel" packed with more action, a super-powered villain and less romantic melodrama. Before Singer started production on UA's "Valkyrie," WB and co-financier Legendary Pictures closed a deal for him to produce and direct "Superman: Man of Steel."

According to a spokesman for the director's reps at William Morris," 'Superman' is moving forward with Bryan Singer attached." But inside the studio, "Superman" is not on any fast track, and word is that Singer may wind up not directing it.



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MessagePosté: 14 Jan 2008, 10:59 
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Inscription: 22 Mar 2006, 22:43
Messages: 24601
Localisation: Arkham Asylum
En gros les DC on va les avoir au compte-goutte alors qu'il pleut du Marvel tout les ans ! Fait iéch...

N'écoutez pas Film Freak

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MessagePosté: 14 Jan 2008, 11:02 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 16:48
Messages: 11648
Localisation: in the forest of the Iroquois
Le destin est immoral.

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MessagePosté: 14 Jan 2008, 13:26 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87551
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Tetsuo a écrit:
En gros les DC on va les avoir au compte-goutte alors qu'il pleut du Marvel tout les ans ! Fait iéch...

Ouais mais regarde le nombre de ratages Marvel...finalement, des réussites, y en a pas tant que ça...

A la limite, je préfère que DC/Warner adoptent la méthode Malick : peu de films, espacés, mais meilleurs.


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10 Mai 2013, 12:50

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21 Sep 2010, 06:27

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19 Mar 2021, 01:14

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20 Juin 2010, 15:04

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01 Avr 2011, 01:11

Prout Man Voir le dernier message

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Film Freak



23 Mar 2016, 13:19

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Film Freak



14 Mar 2017, 09:26

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02 Juil 2014, 09:23

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20 Juin 2012, 15:35

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24 Oct 2012, 19:04

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