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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:15 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Karloff a écrit:
Les animaux = expérience Dhrama qui était de construire une arche de noé... L'île a ensuite des capacités spéciales.

Oui mais quelles sont ses capacités et à quoi mènent-elles, etc...

Et le monstre de fumée c'est quoi exactement...

Et Jacob.


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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:18 
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Inscription: 01 Juil 2005, 14:10
Messages: 9564
Localisation: Montréal
en tout cas pour l'ours polaire et trucs du genre on aura la réponse qu'à la fin de la série (et non pas de la saison)

Sinon 5e épisode sympa et original mais qui s'emberlificote dans des trucs pas possibles plus qu'autre chose
comme d'hab dès qu'on touche aux voyages dans le temps ça devient super chaud de toutes façons, et alors là si c'est que l'âme et pas le corps, ouch... et donc le coup du "vous avez un ami sur le bateau" ben ça vient appuyer que ce soit sûrement Michael


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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:18 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24158
L'île a des capacités spéciales donc après... c'est un saut de foi mais je ne pense pas qu'il y aura une explication non-fantastique à ça.

Jacob, c'est quelque chose de non élucidé tout comme les hommes qui vieillissent pas... Je mets ça également dans l'Ile spécial... A partir du moment ou personne ne peut naitre, personne ne peut mourir de mort naturelle peut-être... Et donc les morts reviennent en esprit, un truc comme ça... plus ou moins puissant (j'attend bcp de Miles à ce niveau)

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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:21 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Karloff a écrit:
L'île a des capacités spéciales donc après... c'est un saut de foi mais je ne pense pas qu'il y aura une explication non-fantastique à ça.

Jacob, c'est quelque chose de non élucidé tout comme les hommes qui vieillissent pas... Je mets ça également dans l'Ile spécial... A partir du moment ou personne ne peut naitre, personne ne peut mourir de mort naturelle peut-être... Et donc les morts reviennent en esprit, un truc comme ça... plus ou moins puissant (j'attend bcp de Miles à ce niveau)

Ouais voilà, je me doute bien que c'est fantastique mais je veux tout savoir dessus.


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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:21 
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Inscription: 01 Juil 2005, 14:10
Messages: 9564
Localisation: Montréal
Karloff a écrit:

Aaron ne peut être un Oceanic, il ne figure pas sur les listes du vol

ouais mais ABC l'a vendu comme tel


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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:22 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24158
ABC peut mentir

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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:23 
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Inscription: 01 Juil 2005, 14:10
Messages: 9564
Localisation: Montréal
deux articles sur EW avec SPOILERS :,,20179429,00.html

At the end of their first week back at work, Lost majordomos Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof hit the Disney commissary in Burbank for a salmon risotto lunch cooked by visiting culinary whiz Jean-Luc Chassereau. ''It really is Christmas twice in one week,'' says Cuse. ''The strike ends and Jean-Luc shows up. Fate is shining on us after a long 100 days.'' And now, a gift for you: Scoop! Their strike-imposed publicity ban lifted, the exec producers treated EW to some dish on the show's fourth season. Consider this a flashback to the season preview they never did — plus some tantalizing flashes of the future.

''THIS YEAR IS ALL ABOUT the castaways' relationship to the freighter folk,'' says Cuse of the season's four intriguing new characters. ''Our heroes will find themselves defending the island they wanted to leave.'' Adds Lindelof: ''How did some people get off the island — and what happened to the people who didn't? That's the mystery that we owe the answer to at the end of the season.'' Another mystery that'll be answered: the identity of Coffin Corpse from Jack's flash-forward.

THE FEB. 14 EPISODE REVEALED THAT bug-eyed über-Other Ben is living off-island along with Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid. So is he one of the Oceanic 6 whose fates have been teased this season? The producers suggest that Ben could have passed himself off as a passenger; after all, he has all those fake passports. But they also promise that the guessing game will end on March 13. By the end of the seventh episode, ''all the candidates will have been fielded,'' says Cuse.

WANNA KNOW WHO JACOB IS? Well, you'll have to wait. We'll see more of the ghostly entity's roaming cabin this year, but Cuse says Jacob is an important endgame mystery that will be fully unpacked in the final two seasons. As for that polar bear skeleton that freighter passenger Charlotte found in the Tunisian desert, the producers won't be able to flesh out the freighter folks' backstory just yet due to the strike-shortened season. However, you will visit the freighter and meet another group of people who live on board — characters who have their own names and secret agendas.

THE BEST NEWS FOR LONGTIME FANS IS that the five new episodes the producers are about to shoot will continue to emphasize the original cast — including Michael (Harold Perrineau), who's finally slated to return. ''It's great to get back to the season-1'ers,'' says Lindelof. (That said, Juliet will be showcased in the March 6 outing.) ''If the major criticism of season 4 is going to be 'I wish you had given us more about the freighter folk' — we'll take that.'',,20179357,00.html

Exec producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof focus on the positives: faster pacing, questions answered — and Nestor Carbonell!

CARLTON CUSE: We were faced with the daunting challenge of taking eight hours of story and having to compress it [into five]. We knew we were going to be off for another eight months; we didn't want the audience to leave the season feeling unfulfilled.

DAMON LINDELOF: Carlton arrived five minutes before I did. As usual, I said, ''Hello, doctor!'' And he said, ''Hello, doctor!'' We hugged, sat down, ate breakfast, and began to discuss the modus operandi for the day.

CUSE: There were literally cobwebs on the couches of the writers' room.

LINDELOF: The storyboards were empty. We wiped them clean for fear of people finding them during the strike.

CUSE: While we were gone, Disney had used our writers' room to shoot scenes for Eli Stone, so our boards were hanging at slightly different heights; the cast photos weren't where they were supposed to be. It was kind of a metaphor for coming back — slightly realigned, requiring adjustment.

LINDELOF: We had sent the writing staff copies of all eight episodes we produced before the strike to review. On our first day back, we talked a lot about them. ''Let's try to be the audience. They will have had one month to digest the first seven episodes. What will they want us to focus on when we come back?''

CUSE: One of our first concerns was cast availability. We have one actor we very much need who is doing a play and another actor doing an HBO series. But we also have some opportunities. Nestor Carbonell, who played Richard Alpert last season, was on Cane. But now we'll be able to use him. Another unforeseen advantage is that we'll be able to respond to confusion the audience might have about the season so far.

LINDELOF: Like Naomi's bracelet in the Sayid episode. I got some e-mails from some people who wondered if there was a connection between Naomi's bracelet and the bracelet worn by the woman Sayid killed in his flash-forward. There is no connective tissue. But some people interpreted that as ''Is there something more there?'' We might need to address that. Perhaps the biggest complication is character geography. We've always known how the season was going to end. To get there, we need to have the characters in various places on the Island itself, and it can take an entire episode to travel from A to B. So we have to get people moving sooner.

CUSE: We're definitely energized. We got a chance to recharge our creative batteries during the strike. We're sort of like Rosie Ruiz dropping into the marathon at mile 21 — we're just going to run the final five miles of this baby at a 10K pace.

LINDELOF: It's like stuffing eight kids into a Prius. We probably should have an SUV, but it's going to be a really fun ride, so let's buckle up and party. One of the kids might end up flying through the windshield, but hey: That's Lost.


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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:24 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24158
Film Freak a écrit:

Ouais voilà, je me doute bien que c'est fantastique mais je veux tout savoir dessus.

ça me rappelle les discussions interminables sur Twin Peaks à l'époque... A quoi bon savoir le plan dans les moindres détails ? Je ne crois pas à une explication qui serait totalement complète. Il y aura fatalement des zones d'ombres mais bon... c'est le jeu, le saut de foi.

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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:24 
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Inscription: 01 Juil 2005, 14:10
Messages: 9564
Localisation: Montréal
Karloff a écrit:
ABC peut mentir

"la semaine prochaine vous connaitrez le 5e Oceanic 6" deviendrait d'un coup "ah ah on vous a bien eu en fait il compte pas" ?!


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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:43 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:04
Messages: 10218
Localisation: Montréal
The Scythe-Meister a écrit:
Mon Colonel a écrit:
putain ! pourquoi personne n'a y a pensé !!!!

C'est ironique? Parce que beaucoup y ont pensé dès l'instant où Ben en a parlé dans l'épisode 3 (si je me souviens bien)...

Pas ici ? non ?!

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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:44 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:04
Messages: 10218
Localisation: Montréal
Film Freak a écrit:
Ok c'est le delbor.

Bon épisode en soi mais ça vient apporter ENCORE de nouvelles données et il serait vraiment, VRAIMENT temps d'y répondre.

imagine une saison de 24 épisodes comme ça ... ou comment meubler !

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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 17:46 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:04
Messages: 10218
Localisation: Montréal
Karloff a écrit:
Les animaux = expérience Dhrama qui était de construire une arche de noé... L'île a ensuite des capacités spéciales.

L'ours polaire dans le désert c'est l'arche de noé aussi ? je veux dire... la vraie ?

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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 18:26 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:04
Messages: 10218
Localisation: Montréal
TMZ c'est un site ou l'auteur raconte en live ce qu'il voit, j'aime bien ce qu'il dit sur celui d'hier :

But that's not what this is about. I could sit here and try to decipher what went down in tonight's episode -- and I would fail miserably. I don't think I could come up with any theory that will help explain any of this. I'll leave that to you guys on the message boards.

What this episode is really about is television. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times -- I look down on people who look down on television. In the last year, have any of you seen a movie that topped tonight's episode? "No Country for Old Men" or "The Constant" -- what would you rather watch? Not even close, is it?

Tonight's episode of "Lost" was great, and it reminded me why I love the show -- but more than that it reaffirmed my love of television. It reminded me why I invest years of my life in certain shows. Anyone can sit in a theater for two hours, that's easy. Television is work and "Lost" is the kind of job that makes your wife leave you because you're always at the office and you never have time for her.

Un épisode qui fait pas avancer quoique ce soit, un épisode qui n'a ni queue ni tête, mais pourtant un des meilleurs épisodes. C'est ça la magie du cinéma (télévision ou plus généralement n'importe quel récit écrit ou filmé), le pouvoir de nous faire gober n'importe quoi.

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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 18:31 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 19:55
Messages: 5459
Mon Colonel a écrit:
What this episode is really about is television. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times -- I look down on people who look down on television. In the last year, have any of you seen a movie that topped tonight's episode? "No Country for Old Men" or "The Constant" -- what would you rather watch? Not even close, is it?

Faut qu'il se calme...

Nothing and no one can save you! Abandon hope now! Here's what you can do :
1. Admit you are a semi-evolved ape-thing mercifully ignorant of the sanity-blasting truths of the greater cosmos.
2. Die.
3. Rot.

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MessagePosté: 29 Fév 2008, 19:09 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
The Scythe-Meister a écrit:
Mon Colonel a écrit:
What this episode is really about is television. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times -- I look down on people who look down on television. In the last year, have any of you seen a movie that topped tonight's episode? "No Country for Old Men" or "The Constant" -- what would you rather watch? Not even close, is it?

Faut qu'il se calme...

Mais grave.


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20 Nov 2005, 12:15

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17 Oct 2005, 15:14

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