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MessagePosté: 24 Aoû 2011, 21:47 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87502
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Ouais ça y est chuis fan.


Only God Forgives
Pitch : Un flic thailandais et un gangster britannique règlent leurs comptes dans un match de boxe thai.
Synopsis : Julian is on the run from the British police. He runs a Thai Boxing club in Bangkok which is a front for a drugs smuggling operation. He is well respected within the criminal underworld, but deep in his heart he feels that his life is lacking something. He meets a retired cop, The Angel of Vengeance, and finds out that he has to confront his mother.
"It uses the mythology of Westerns, but set in an urban environment in Bangkok nowadays. It also combines my own love of Thai food, and I collect toys, because I wanted to be a toy collector when I was younger, and Thailand and Bangkok have great toy stores. So this is three stones in one knock. It’s going to be in Asia, it’s going to be hot, and it’s going to be a lot of fun. It has a lot of violence and a lot of red colors. Because I’m color blind."
Le tournage commence bientôt avec Ryan Gosling et Kristin Scott-Thomas. Ca paraît être à fond dans la veine du réal.

Logan's Run
Remake de L'Âge de Cristal, écrit par Alex Garland (28 jours plus tard, Sunshine, Never Let Me Go), produit par Joel Silver, avec Ryan Golsing dans le rôle principal de Logan 5, a “Sandman” who is tasked with with chasing down those who try to run from their state sanctioned death at the age of 30, the maximum allowed by the futuristic society. But when his own date of termination arrives, well, he goes on the run.
Le projet de remake initié par Bryan Singer, repris par James McTeigue (V pour Vendetta), puis Joseph Kosinski (Tron Legacy), Carl Rinsch (le protégé de Ridley Scott qui devait initialement réaliser ce qui est devenu Prometheus). Je suis très curieux de le voir se réapproprier un blockbuster et de science-fiction en plus.

I Walk With The Dead
"I’ve always wanted to make a movie with lots of sex. So I wrote this story called ‘I Walk With The Dead’ and it takes place in Miami and its just going to have a lot of sex in it. I have two films that are getting made with French investors and one is ‘Only God Forbids’ and one is ‘I Walk With The Dead.’"
Pas de date de tournage de prévue. Là comme ça c'est pas particulièrement bandant (badum-chsss).


Une suite de Drive.
“We’ve began to discuss the concept of DRIVE 2. The idea would be that this time there would be…two drivers."
Pas nécessaire, Nico.

Un film de braquage produit par Gore Verbinski avec Mads Mikkelsen.
“My whole mission has been: ‘How will I bring Mads Mikkelsen to Hollywood?’ And if no one else will give him the lead in a Hollywood movie, I will. We have a verbal agreement: If I ask him, he has to play the lead.”
On sait rien d'autre mais je suis chaud.

Une comédie romantique écrite par Albert Brooks, avec Ryan Gosling.
"We're doing a comedy, and Albert Brooks promised he'd write the screenplay. Well, that's not exactly true. But print it and we'll make it true. It's a romantic comedy set in New York, which seems like a great place to start"
Si c'est un vrai projet et pas juste une blague de promo, je suis là aussi curieux de voir Refn changer à nouveau de genre.


Wonder Woman

Produit par Joel Silver (comme Logan's Run), avec Christina Hendricks (déjà dans Drive).
C'est pas une blague, il en parle depuis longtemps :
"I guess one of the aims I am having, but at the very early stage, I always wanted to do Wonder Woman as a feature film…Well, I would say that Wonder Woman is probably something that, to me, would be not just a satisfaction, but almost a catharsis, and I was born to make it."
"I'm very optimistic about 'Drive.' The people working on it are great. So ask me in a year if I liked my Hollywood experience, but I have this dream concept: I want to make 'Wonder Woman' as a feature. And I thought in order to access to that I should probably become a bit more Hollywood friendly."
"They've been working on it for 40 years, he said. "It's going to be a concept that keeps evolving for decades unless someone makes it. There's a million takes on it. She is, along with Batman and Superman one of the three original, iconic super heroes. And I think that it being a woman and she being created by a psychologist who was very interested in certain fetish elements — if you look at the original Wonder Woman its all about woman in very little clothes tying each other up, I don't know what you would call that, but I would call it quite fetish. And then giving her interesting powers and having her come from an island of women. To me the real rosebud lies in the fact that it's really about, what if women were stronger than men on all fronts: how would the world look like? If you do her as an average crusader in hot pants running around — which of course you have to do to some extent— but if you don't go beyond that its going to be really cheesy or silly and sure they'll be action, but its nothing special."
"I think Christopher Nolan's take on the Batman was very clever in really bringing in elements that were always there in the comic books, but for some reason were bypassed in the cinema releases. But I do believe he actually created a hell of a better movie. It's just that one character that I'm interested in. That to me would like a dream. That would be really interesting. But for me Wonder Woman just has so much in it, just like Batman, the reason it works so well is because there are so many layers of subtext that you can utilize. There are some interesting comic book characters, but the real compelling ones you can count on one hand."
“I would love to make ‘Wonder Woman.’ And I also think that Christina Hendricks would be the perfect Wonder Woman, but Warner Bros haven’t called yet. But I’m getting closer with ‘Logan’s Run.’ I think someone said to me in a meeting that if I get ‘Logan’s Run’ right, then I’ll get ‘Wonder Woman.’”

C'est super excitant mais je vois pas Warner avoir les couilles vu comme l'avenir de leurs franchises DC Comics est loin d'être assuré (Green Lantern s'est planté, Nolan va arrêter les Batman, Superman est un risque).


The Dying of the Light
J'en avais parlé l'an dernier. A partir d'un scénario écrit par Paul Schrader, avec Harrison Ford dans le rôle d'un agent de la CIA qui devient aveugle durant sa dernière mission.
"Unfortunately, it just didn't work out. It's a shame. The script was fantastic but things fall apart. It's one of those things that's difficult - I really like Harrison and I think we got along great."
C'est vraiment dommage.

Relecture contemporaine du roman, adapté par Justin Haythe (Revolutionary Road), avec Keanu Reeves.
"They want to do a modern-day retelling of the same story, which makes it very tricky, because it suddenly elevates the project into something more demanding. You have a lot of credibility that needs to work. You can't just say things, because we all know you can just Google it, and it will tell you something. They can even Google as they're watching it and know if it's true or not. It's a thriller kind of concept, but what's difficult with Jekyll and Hyde is that it's a concept more than anything else. It's like a werewolf movie or American Psycho. It's the thing we all have, but how do you dramatize that in a new, interesting way? I'd very much prefer to work with Larry Smith, who did Bronson as well and had done 30 years with Kubrick, so he certainly knew his vocabulary very well," Refn said. "Also, he's very good at understanding I'm color-blind, so I can only watch contrast colors. That's why everything's very contrasted whenever I do a movie. I very much like to work with him. And also, because I don't do storyboards, I don't pre-plan. I mean, look, I find locations, but it's not until I come in the morning that I start to figure out how to do it. I'm not the kind of person who sits down beforehand, and that's probably why I've always been reluctant to work with CGI, because every time you do that, you have to come up with all these preconceived visions."
C'est moins dommage.

pourquoi je me casse les couilles alors que tout le monde s'en fout?


MessagePosté: 24 Aoû 2011, 21:54 
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Inscription: 22 Aoû 2011, 02:26
Messages: 62
Film Freak a écrit:
pourquoi je me casse les couilles alors que tout le monde s'en fout?

Bah non, moi j'ai lu, et j'ai même un sourcil qui c'est relevé à la lecture de :
Logan's Run
Remake de L'Âge de Cristal

MessagePosté: 24 Aoû 2011, 21:57 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
Messages: 15204
Localisation: Lille
Christina Hendricks en WW c'est bandant maintenant, mais elle a déjà 36 ans, le temps que ça se fasse ça sera malheureusement trop tard...


MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2011, 08:40 
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Inscription: 27 Avr 2011, 14:10
Messages: 1500
Localisation: Salad Fingers Country
Non c'est bien ce topic. Pas sûr qu'il soit mis à jour tous les jours mais c'est bien.

I am the constant. You were always a variable.

MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2011, 09:30 
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2005, 11:52
Messages: 5388
Localisation: in Baltimore with Mcnulty
sponge a écrit:
Christina Hendricks en WW c'est bandant maintenant, mais elle a déjà 36 ans, le temps que ça se fasse ça sera malheureusement trop tard...

et puis vu l'abandon de la série, le bide du green lantern et le côté casse gueule du perso, je suis pas sur que Warner veuille investir dans ce film.
Dommage pour Christina mais en même temps ça lui aurait fait un gros cul à WW pas sur qu'elle aurait pu courir le 100 m avec.


MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2011, 09:43 
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Inscription: 15 Avr 2010, 11:07
Messages: 2227
Intéressant son parallèle entre ce qu'il veut faire avec WW et le Batman de Nolan.
Mais c'est vrai que Warner aura surement pas les couilles vu la situation...

MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2011, 10:00 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28729
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Si comme il le dit il pouvait enchaîner Logan's Run et Wonder Woman ce serait énorme. Je suis pas forcément fan du bonhomme mais il est clair qu'il a un indéniable talent.

CroqAnimement votre

MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2011, 11:12 
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Inscription: 15 Juil 2009, 21:22
Messages: 7336
Art Core a écrit:
Je suis pas forcément fan du bonhomme mais il est clair qu'il a un indéniable talent.

Refn ne m'a jamais totalement convaincu, la faute à ses expérimentations (que je trouve fatigantes) et sa pose auteuriste trop fréquente. Je pense qu'il devra les abandonner pour aller plus haut, un peu à la manière de Fincher ou d'Aronofsky, qui aujourd'hui font un cinéma personnel et qui ne renie pas l'ancien, mais qui ne frime pas et ne cherche pas toujours à en mettre plein la vue. J'aimerais bien voir Refn travailler sous la contrainte, sur un blockbuster.

MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2011, 20:12 
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Inscription: 07 Oct 2005, 10:23
Messages: 8088
Ils ont essayé de relancer une série télé de Wonder Woman pilotée par David E. Kelley mais le pilote a été refusé...

Pour voir les extraits assez pitoyables: ... exzl_.html

MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2011, 20:42 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87502
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Et puis les films de superhéroïnes n'ont pas un bon passif (Catwoman, Elektra, Ultraviolet).


MessagePosté: 25 Aoû 2011, 23:31 
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Inscription: 18 Aoû 2005, 23:40
Messages: 19486
Localisation: Rebirth Island
Et Superman Returns.

MessagePosté: 26 Aoû 2011, 00:22 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87502
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Oh le gay qui se fait des illusions!


MessagePosté: 28 Mar 2012, 00:04 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87502
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Gaspar Noé sur le tournage d'Only God Forgives :


Refn a déclaré sur Twitter que le film serait prêt pour fin août (festival de Venise?).


MessagePosté: 06 Jan 2013, 15:02 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Premier "teaser" d'ONLY GOD FORGIVES : ... r_embedded


MessagePosté: 06 Jan 2013, 19:03 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28729
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Quelques plans bien classes !

CroqAnimement votre

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Film Freak



12 Jan 2017, 12:12

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24 Aoû 2008, 14:46

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10 Avr 2009, 21:21

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08 Sep 2006, 18:58

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11 Juil 2007, 11:31

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25 Oct 2007, 20:59

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01 Mai 2011, 11:04

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12 Déc 2007, 22:21

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01 Nov 2009, 10:48

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