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MessagePosté: 20 Fév 2006, 01:23 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87565
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Okay, in terms of standard DVD release news, we finally have official and confirmed details on the extras you'll get on 20th Century Fox's 4-disc Kingdom of Heaven: Director's Cut (street date 5/23, SRP $34.98). Sir Ridley Scott's new 191-minute version of the film will be included in two parts (split over Discs One and Two of the set) in full anamorphic widescreen video, with both Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 audio. The film will start with a new video introduction by Scott, and the movie will offer you audio commentary featuring Scott, writer William Monahan, executive producer Lisa Ellzey, film editor Dody Dorn, visual effects supervisor Wes Sewell and first assistant director Adam Somner. The film will also include an optional text commentary track called The Engineer's Guide, along with story notes.

Discs Three and Four will together contain a feature-length, 6-part documentary called The Path to Redemption. It breaks down as follows, starting on Disc Three: Part I - Development (the Good Intentions featurette, a "Tripoli" text overview and image gallery, complete text of the first draft of the screenplay by William Monahan, a "story notes" text and image gallery, and a gallery of location scout images), Part II - Pre-Production (the Faith and Courage featurette, screen test video with commentary, cast rehearsal video, the Costume & Weapon Design featurette, and text and image galleries covering production design, conceptual art and costumes), Part III - Production: Spain (The Pilgrimage Begins featurette, the Creative Accuracy: The Scholars Speak featurette, storyboard comparisons via multi-angle video & images, and photo galleries featuring text and images).

The Path to Redemption continues on Disc Four with Part IV - Production: Morocco (Into the Promised Land featurette, Unholy War: Mounting the Siege featurette, storyboard comparisons via multi-angle video & images, and photo galleries featuring text and images), Part V - Post-Production (The Burning Bush featurette, deleted and alternate scenes with commentary, Sound Design Suite with interactive video and audio options, Visual Effects Breakdowns featurette with commentary) and Part VI - Release (Sins and Absolution featurette, gallery of theatrical trailers and TV spots with commentary, ShoWest Presentation reel, Press Junket Walkthrough featurette, Japanese & London Premieres featurette, Poster Explorations: Domestic & International image gallery and The Director's Cut & DVD Campaign featurette and image gallery).

FYI, all of these extras are being assembled by DVD producer Charles de Lauzirika (and his crack team of producers and editors) - the same people responsible for all of Ridley Scott's previous special editions (including The Alien Quadrilogy, the 3-disc Black Hawk Down: SE and the Gladiator: Extended Edition), so we think you can be sure that the bonus content will be well worth checking out.


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MessagePosté: 20 Fév 2006, 10:22 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 16:37
Messages: 895
:D !!
Bon $34,98 ça fait peut-être un peu cher, mais a vaudra sûrement le coup !

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