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MessagePosté: 08 Déc 2006, 10:04 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:21
Messages: 23114
Localisation: Paris
Une projection privée a eu lieu hier, et un membre du site a pu y assister. Je rappelle que le film est écrit par Dan Harris (Xmen 2) et réalisé par Simon Fellows (le mauvais 7 Seconds et bizarre Second in Command). Apparemment, ce sera du DTV.

La critique du mec en question :

Guys and gals, damen und herren, I don't know where to begin...

You are either going to love this movie or hate it. It really depends on whether or not you are stuck in the "I want kicking, action, fighting - the old Van Damme" mode, or whether you really like and respect the fact that he seems to be getting tired of the same old crap and wants to make a better film with more drama and less action.

I am standing firmly in the latter camp. I want him to COMPLETELY break out of the "action" mold and tackle better roles. He does that in this movie and very successfully, I might add. If you thought his acting had improved, be prepared to be completely and utterly surprised. He is EXCELLENT in this role. Many of the scenes from the Cannes preview trailer aren't in the film and one badly delivered set of lines from the trailer has been reshot and is much (much) better.

I will not give a lot of it away, as I didn't do last time. What I will say is that, in my opinion, this is his best PERFORMANCE since Hard Target (as an actor) and this may well be the best and classiest looking film he's done in years if not ever. The problem is, he's been out of theatres for so long here in the states that I find it hard to remember many of his theatrical releases that well. But I do say that all those who don't like Simon Fellows have nothing to worry about. Yes, he is still maturing as a director, and there are things about the film I don't like, but overall, it is a very worthy effort and should DEFINITELY go to theatres...

There is action, gun play and some (few) nice fight scenes, but it is a drama, with action, not an action film with drama. That is what I have been hoping for all these years for our Big Bad Belgian Boy, and it is about time!!

I don't know if the general audience is ready to see him in a heavy-duty drama (he is ready!) but someday soon they will have to accept that he is a fine actor, like good wine, better with age, and that it is time to move into meatier roles. He is so good in this that I am angry at him - I have no real criticisms of his performance (for once) and Wow!! Just Wow! I can't wait to see this one again...

Sachant que les mecs de ce forum sont loins de tout accepter de leur acteur préféré (Second in command et The Hard Corps s'en prennent régulièrement plein la gueule), j'avoue que cette critique me donne pas mal confiance. La ba est excellente, le pitch semble classique mais peut donner de belles choses, et Van Damme a prouvé que, bien dirigé, il pouvait faire de petites merveilles.

Apparemment, le titre ne serait plus TIL DEATH mais UNTIL DEATH.

Que lire cet hiver ?
Bien sûr, nous eûmes des orages, 168 pages, 14.00€ (Commander)
La Vie brève de Jan Palach, 192 pages, 16.50€ (Commander)

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