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MessagePosté: 25 Juin 2013, 22:26 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87689
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Réactions face à une quinzaine de minutes du film :

After watching fifteen minutes of director James Mangold’s The Wolverine in the editing room a few weeks ago, I really think we’re finally going to get the Wolverine movie we’ve all been waiting for. While I don’t want to write a play by play of the footage Mangold showed, I’ll admit to seeing the first ten minutes of the film, and then about five minutes from a major action set piece that took place on a fast moving train. From what I saw, it looks like Mangold has nailed the character and the action, and Hugh Jackman looked like he was finally part of a Wolverine movie that will showcase the true character. Collider

In April, 20th Century Fox invited /Film to speak with the director and see the first 20 minutes of The Wolverine. After watching the footage, it’s pretty obvious Mangold is being incredibly serious. The first reel of the film has some big set pieces, but also sets up what may be a surprisingly complex movie dealing with topics like immortality and genocide. It’s a film he hopes will redeem the character from X-Men Origins: Wolverine and maybe even set the stage for the bigger Fox Marvel Universe, even though it’s very much a standalone story. Slashfilm

After viewing the first fifteen minutes of THE WOLVERINE as well as the train action set piece you’ll recognize from the trailers, I feel pretty comfortable saying this movie is shaping up to be the most promising installment to the universe since X-MEN 2. If there was one word to describe my reaction to the footage I saw it would be: FOCUSED. Thinking about how this movie relates to other comic book films and specifically the X-MEN movies, I can definitely appreciate how James took one piece of an often-larger puzzle into Marvel’s version of THE MAN WITH NO NAME. The notion at least is similar to how they mostly liberated Tony Stark from s.h.i.e.l.d. and other heroes in IRON MAN 3 in order to make it a more personal story. JobLo


MessagePosté: 05 Juil 2013, 21:40 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87689
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
The Wolverine is rumored to run 2 hours and 9 minutes.


MessagePosté: 14 Juil 2013, 01:52 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87689
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
"What makes THE WOLVERINE work is the way it builds off of even the less successful films in the series to explore the sadness and pain that drive the character at this point."
Premier écho positif de Drew McWeeny.


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Film Freak



18 Fév 2017, 00:14

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02 Aoû 2005, 15:03

Mufti Voir le dernier message

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03 Aoû 2007, 16:43

The Xcapist Voir le dernier message

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04 Juil 2023, 11:49

Xavierovitch Voir le dernier message

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Film Freak



30 Oct 2018, 00:39

Massinfect Voir le dernier message

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13 Aoû 2009, 21:56

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Film Freak



15 Nov 2012, 12:08

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Qui-Gon Jinn



10 Fév 2025, 16:16

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23 Sep 2022, 14:23

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28 Nov 2018, 18:27

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