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MessagePosté: 11 Nov 2010, 23:23 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
En gros, c'est La Nuit au musée mais à Disneyland.

One of the things that sidetracked me yesterday was some time spent with the always-engaging Jon Favreau, and in that entire time, the wily filmmaker never once mentioned his involvement in "The Magic Kingdom," which is being described as a "Night At The Museum" style adventure set in…. well, you get the idea. It's the ultimate idea in corporate synergy, and since anything in the park can theoretically appear in the film, it opens Disney up to using anything they want from any of their classics.

What he did mention, though, was the general idea that there's a specific game you have to play as a filmmaker these days if you want to work at a certain level and make movies with certain kinds of movie stars and work with certain kinds of effects. He talked about his reaction when he first heard the idea for "Pirates Of The Caribbean," the same reaction that so many people had. "Has it really come to this?" It was when he first heard that Johnny Depp had been cast that he started to believe that the film could be something more than a cheap cash grab.

I guess "Magic Kingdom" was inevitable. The success of the "A Night At The Museum" films is undeniable, no matter what I think of them as films, and it seems like there's an entire subgenre of fantasy films that has sprung up in the past few years, the "things coming to life" movies. To be fair, I don't think "A Night At The Museum" is where it began. "Jumanji" was an obvious early example of the idea, and the sequel to that film was "Zathura," directed by none other than Jon Favreau.

It's surprising to hear that Ron Moore of "Battlestar Galactica" fame wrote the most recent draft of the film. Whatever it was that he turned in, that's what got Favreau interested, and now it looks like they'll bring on a new writer to develop it with the director. In all of the reporting I've seen on "Magic Kingdom," people are writing about how Favreau is expected to make "Iron Man 3,' which Disney's already set up for 2013. Based on what he said today, though, I wouldn't lay money down on him returning. Not yet.
I think there are a number of things, creatively and financially, that would have to happen before Favreau signs on for that third film. He seems far more interested in moving forward at this point than moving back.

Ca peut être génial comme ça peut être foireux. En tout cas, c'est une bonne manière de ranimer quelques vieilles icônes.


MessagePosté: 12 Nov 2010, 11:34 
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Inscription: 15 Avr 2010, 11:07
Messages: 2227
Justement hier je regardais l'animation du logo Walt Disney en HD ( celle-ci ) et je me disais que c'était vraiment un univers passionnant.
En plus avec Favreau derrière, ça peut le faire.

MessagePosté: 25 Juil 2012, 20:59 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Aside from an update last summer revealing that Pulitzer Prize-winner Michael Chabon was coming aboard to work on the script, news on the Magic Kingdom front has been very, very quiet.

Favreau explained that his last three projects—Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and Cowboys & Aliens—all had release dates before he even started pre-production, so with Magic Kingdom he’s been taking it slow. Moreover, he’s been getting story and script input from the incredibly talented “Brain Trust” over at Pixar:

“What we’ve been doing is writing a script, going up to Pixar, meeting with the brain trust, coming back down, bringing on artists, story editors and putting it together as though it were an animated film so that by the time we actually film it, we’ll have a rock solid story,” Favreau continued. “I don’t want to rush anything. I want this thing to be perfect. I want it to be one shot one kill, like a sniper. I want to make sure this movie’s right in the crosshairs that we can really knock it out of the park so to speak.”

The director was quick to point out that Magic Kingdom is not a Pixar film (it’s still a Disney production) but the “kings of story” over at the animation studio are providing some helpful insight throughout the development process. This isn’t dissimilar to how Pixar director Andrew Stanton prepped his Disney-produced live-action debut John Carter, also co-written by Chabon. In addition to talking about the prep work being done on the script, Favreau revealed a bit more about the story for Magic Kingdom:

“It’s going to be a family in the park. It’s an alternate reality version of the park that they get launched into. So much of it is just how it weaves together as a tapestry and what the visuals look like in creating this rich world. It’s informed by everything that I remember and know about the park from going there since I was a small child.”

The director added that the tone harkens back to his earlier films like Elf and Zathura, but the project is really “calling upon everything [he’s] learned up to this point,” mentioning both Iron Man and Cowboys & Aliens.


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22 Avr 2010, 22:34

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10 Juin 2008, 22:45

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