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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 10:14 
Et Marty retrouve de Niro pour la 9ème fois ! :D ... 32921.html

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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 14:06 
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Inscription: 24 Juin 2007, 15:59
Messages: 159
Honnêtement, je préfèrerais que Shutter Island soit un putain de succès commercial et que ça lui permette de financer Silence, il le fera jamais autrement. Enfin, Scorsese/De Niro/Zaillian ça le fait n'empêche - même j'aurais aimé voir Pileggi dans les noms. M'enfin ouais, je chipote :wink: !


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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2008, 15:13 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87641
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
C'est déjà plus tentant que Frankie Machine...mais je sens que ça va pas se faire non plus...


MessagePosté: 15 Fév 2010, 15:26 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87641
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Quel sera votre prochain long métrage de fiction?

Tout était prêt pour Silence, mais le film a été décalé, pour être tourné juste après ce projet. Mon prochain film sera l’adaptation d’un livre de Brian Selznick, L’Invention d’Hugo Cabret. J’y travaille, c’est un autre défi, d’une autre façon. J’étais censé le faire il y a trois ans, j’ai abandonné et j’y suis revenu. Après Hugo Cabret, j’enchaînerai, j’espère, sur Silence et ensuite, un projet avec Robert De Niro, The Irishman, c’est intéressant d’enchaîner Silence and The Irishman.

Le film aurait donc changé de titre?

Pour rappel : adapté de l'ouvrage de 2005 de Charles Brandt par Steven Zaillian (Gangs of New York mais aussi La Liste de Schindler et American Gangster) avec Robert De Niro dans le rôle de Frank "l'Irlandais" Sheeran, un assassin de la mafia soupçonné d'avoir commis plus de 25 meurtres et qui a revendiqué l'assassinat de Jimmy Hoffa. Le titre du film renvoie à l'expression utilisée dans la mafia pour les tueurs à gages : quand quelqu'un est assassiné, le sang gicle sur les murs, d'où "peindre des maisons".
Sont marrants ces mafieux...

Quand on lit le résumé en détail, on voit la tuerie que ça serait si ça se fait (là je traduis pas) : I HEARD YOU PAINT HOUSES is a fascinating account of a dark side of American history. The book’s title comes from the first words Jimmy Hoffa ever spoke to Frank “the Irishman” Sheeran. To paint a house is to kill a man. The paint is the blood that splatters on the walls and floors. Frank Sheeran lived a long, violent, passionate life. As a boy he took on older kids in bar fights so his dad could win free beer. During World War II he was a highly decorated infantryman with 411 days of active combat duty and a willingness to follow orders. “When an officer would tell you to take a couple of German prisoners back behind the line and for you to ‘hurry back,’ you did what you had to do.” He became a hustler and hit man, working for legendary crime boss Russell Bufalino and eventually becoming one of only two non-Italians on the FBI’s famous La Cosa Nostra list. He was also a truck driver who was made head of the Teamsters local in Wilmington, Delaware, by his good friend Jimmy Hoffa. When Hoffa disappeared on July 30, 1975, Sheeran became a leading suspect, and every serious study of the Hoffa disappearance alleges that Sheeran was there.

For the first time the Irishman tells all — a lifetime of payoffs (including hand-delivering bags of cash to Nixon’s attorney general John Mitchell) and manipulation (supporting Joe Biden’s election to the Senate with a Teamster action) — for the book that would become his deathbed confession. He died on December 14, 2003. Sheeran also provides shocking new information on notorious mob hits: Joseph “Crazy Joey” Gallo — blown away as he celebrated his forty-third birthday in New York’s Little Italy; Salvatore “Sally Bugs” Briguglio — long suspected of being a player in the plot to kill Hoffa. And offers new insights to the crusading of Robert Kennedy and the death of John F. Kennedy. This historic account is based on interviews of Frank Sheeran by Charles Brandt, who researched, cross-checked, and illuminated what Sheeran told him and turned it all into a gripping narrative that is sure to become an instant true crime classic.

Mais du coup, De Niro jouerait le mec même quand il est plus jeune?


MessagePosté: 14 Sep 2010, 08:10 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87641
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Al Pacino and Joe Pesci are "circling" what could potentially be Martin Scorsese's next film, THE IRISHMAN. Based on the non-fiction I HEARD YOU PAINT HOUSES by Charles Brandt, the movie would center on the life and times of mob hit man Frank "The Irishman" Sheeran, who, among many other alleged crimes, may have had a hand in the murder of Jimmy Hoffa. It appears THE IRISHMAN would also star Robert De Niro, who is currently developing the film with his Tribeca Productions partner Jane Rosenthal for Paramount.

De Niro, Pacino, Pesce, and Scorsese? With a screenplay by Steve Zaillian? It'll never happen.

Si ça se fait, ça TUE.


MessagePosté: 15 Sep 2010, 21:14 
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Inscription: 14 Juil 2005, 01:55
Messages: 11452
Localisation: Previously on Premiere
Film Freak a écrit:
Al Pacino and Joe Pesci are "circling" what could potentially be Martin Scorsese's next film, THE IRISHMAN. Based on the non-fiction I HEARD YOU PAINT HOUSES by Charles Brandt, the movie would center on the life and times of mob hit man Frank "The Irishman" Sheeran, who, among many other alleged crimes, may have had a hand in the murder of Jimmy Hoffa. It appears THE IRISHMAN would also star Robert De Niro, who is currently developing the film with his Tribeca Productions partner Jane Rosenthal for Paramount.

De Niro, Pacino, Pesce, and Scorsese? With a screenplay by Steve Zaillian? It'll never happen.

Si ça se fait, ça TUE.

Sympa. Ça ferait quand même 4 résurrections d'un coup... Je me suis pris le bouquin, pour voir.

I think we're gonna need a helmet.

MessagePosté: 15 Sep 2010, 22:12 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87641
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Le pilote de Boardwalk Empire est apparemment très réussi.


MessagePosté: 16 Déc 2010, 18:15 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87641
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Film Freak a écrit:
Al Pacino and Joe Pesci are "circling" what could potentially be Martin Scorsese's next film, THE IRISHMAN. Based on the non-fiction I HEARD YOU PAINT HOUSES by Charles Brandt, the movie would center on the life and times of mob hit man Frank "The Irishman" Sheeran, who, among many other alleged crimes, may have had a hand in the murder of Jimmy Hoffa. It appears THE IRISHMAN would also star Robert De Niro, who is currently developing the film with his Tribeca Productions partner Jane Rosenthal for Paramount.

De Niro, Pacino, Pesce, and Scorsese? With a screenplay by Steve Zaillian? It'll never happen.

Si ça se fait, ça TUE.

De Niro a confirmé.

Meilleur film du monde.


MessagePosté: 28 Nov 2011, 16:37 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87641
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Scorsese tells MTV that he hopes to shoot "The Irishman," his long-percolating mooted reteam with Robert De Niro, which may also involve Al Pacino, Joe Pesci and Harvey Keitel, "in the next year or so."


MessagePosté: 29 Nov 2011, 00:36 
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Inscription: 15 Nov 2011, 23:38
Messages: 387
Grosse saveur


J'ai toujours rebondi. Quand j'ai fait Jet Set 2 qui a été un échec, je me suis posé des questions et suis revenu avec Camping

Fabien Onteniente, Mardi 12 mars 2013

MessagePosté: 17 Aoû 2016, 18:23 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87641
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Deadline reports that right now, the plan is for “The Irishman” to shoot in 2017, with a release planned for late 2018 (hello, Oscars).

And while initial casting suggested Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci and Harvey Keitel would feature in the movie, a couple of those names aren’t in the mix. Pesci has apparently turned down the movie altogether, while Keitel recently told Variety, “I have not been asked” to join the picture.


MessagePosté: 17 Aoû 2016, 23:33 
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Inscription: 04 Juin 2010, 12:55
Messages: 4352
On se retrouve avec le même casting que LA LOI ET L'ORDRE.

MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2016, 22:34 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87641
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Production designer and Martin Scorsese’s frequent collaborator Dante Ferretti worked on the filmmaker’s most recent effort “Silence” and has revealed that conversations are already happening around the long-gestating “The Irishman” as Scorsese’s next project:

Ferretti says: “We’ve talked about it; but we still have to see when and how it will be shot. I never say ‘I”m doing to do this or that’ until it’s signed. Theoretically we’ve talked about shooting this film next year in February or March.”


MessagePosté: 31 Juil 2019, 15:18 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37164
Localisation: Paris
La bande-annonce:

Ce qui me plaît est aussi ce qui me déplaît: l'impression de voir le genre de film qu'on ne fait plus, d'un autre temps...

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

MessagePosté: 31 Juil 2019, 15:22 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
Messages: 15204
Localisation: Lille
Je pensais qu'ils seraient plus rajeunis que ça, au final on voit un De Niro qui a la cinquantaine.

Bon j'ai hâte quand même.


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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. The Wolf of Wall Street (Martin Scorsese, 2013)

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01 Jan 2014, 20:24

DPSR Voir le dernier message

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18 Avr 2024, 20:54

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01 Déc 2016, 15:04

Mr Degryse Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. The Departed (Martin Scorsese, 2006)

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24 Oct 2006, 10:38

Jerry Lewis Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Shutter Island (Martin Scorsese, 2009)

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Film Freak



25 Aoû 2009, 13:44

Film Freak Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Life of Jesus (Martin Scorsese, 2025)

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19 Avr 2024, 05:49

Qui-Gon Jinn Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. The Devil in the White City (Martin Scorsese)

Film Freak



12 Aoû 2015, 12:48

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18 Mai 2015, 15:35

Art Core Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. The Invention Of Hugo Cabret (Martin Scorsese, 2011)

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24 Nov 2011, 11:59

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The Xcapist



02 Oct 2007, 15:35

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