Your scored -6 on Moral Order and 5 on Moral Rules.
The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible):
1. System: Socialism
2. Ideology: International Socialism, Activism
3. Party: No match.
4. Presidents: Jimmy Carter
5. 04' Election: David Cobb
6. 08' Election: Dennis Kucinich
International Socialism is a moderate form of Economic Socialism.
It sits half-way between the collectivist views of Communism and the acceptance of Capitalism by the Social-Democratie.
This position translates into stronger support for social programs, state ownership (nationalized industries), unions, and goverment intervention (industry regulation) than one typically sees in social-democracy.
International Socialists, however, stop short of wishing to realize the proletarian revolution.
Activism is a moderate form of Moral Socialism.
Activism can be dedicated to many causes: animal rights, environment, civil rights, global poverty...
Activists come in all shapes and form but tend to share the same belief as Socialists regarding Interdependence. They tend to focus social causes that are farther to the left than the mainstream, therefore their position on the chart.
Also included in this category (although maybe with some variations) are:
1. Anti-Globalism
2. Greenism