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 Sujet du message: Re: Robocop (José Padilha)
MessagePosté: 30 Jan 2014, 12:49 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87323
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Hey, je me refaisais le topic et je tombe sur ça. Donc en attendant ma critique embargotée, voyons voir ce qui est resté du scénar (petits spoilers) :

Qui-Gon Jinn a écrit:
Drew McWeeny au sujet du scénario du remake:

I tried to read the "Robocop" remake, but 20 pages in my nose started bleeding and I forgot my name. #nobueno #reallynobueno
It's just a complete rebuilding of it, and I hate pretty much every choice.
I'll share this one detail. In the film, when Murphy is turned into Robocop 1.0, it's described "a high-tech version of the '80s suit." Then they show a focus group scene where criminals laugh at the design. "He looks like a toy from the '80s!" So they redesign him to look "meaner" as Robocop 2.0, who passes focus group approval.

On ne voit pas la scène du focus group mais elle est évoquée. Par contre, si je ne m'abuse, le focus group trouve l'armure de base flippante et le mec du marketing d'Omnicorp propose une armure identique à celle de l'original, avec possibilité de se transformer en rajoutant des gyrophares mais Michael Keaton refuse et propose la version noire toute laide.

So they not only make sure to include the original design, they also point out it's dated and stupid. *facepalm*

Le film essaie de se racheter sur la fin.

Hold onto your sides for more hilarious "Robocop" details. They outsource his construction to China. #seriously

Détail absolument pas gênant.

And we meet the ED-209s in the field in Iran, where they're used to subdue suicide bombers. #ineedallthedrinksnow

L'une des rares idées intéressantes du film. Mais c'est UNE scène. La toute première.

Short version: this script makes my stomach hurt very, very badly.

Ahhh... now they just dropped Robocop 3.0 onto an Al Queda training camp to see what he does.

Scène qui n'est pas dans le film (malheureusement, j'ai envie de dire, au moins ça proposait quelque chose de nouveau).

By page 54, they are already onto Robocop 4.0, who looks like a "cop on steroids painted metallic blue."

Y a pas non plus. Y a que 2 armures dans le film.

Oh, god... oh dear god... Robocop is a Transformer. He goes from "social mode" to "combat mode" and back. Full transformation.

Ils ont pas gardé ça.

Write it down. Page 55, the "Robocop" remake beat me. I'm done. I can't hurt more than this.

Okay... the two "best" lines in the script. First up is at the unveiling ceremony for Robocop in Detroit, from a TV reporter covering it.
"I think it's safe to say that Alex Murphy is now part man, part machine, ALL COP!" Yes, I too remember the original poster, asshat.

Pas gardé.

Second, after the traumatic first meeting with his father, Alex's son retreats to the apartment of Lewis, Murphy's male partner.
The scene ends with the action line "David sits, catatonic, looks at the TV -- MGM REMAKE TO BE DETERMINED."

Non plus.

Someone shows Pope, head of the OCP project, some mock-ups for Robocop action figures. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't buy that for a dollar!"

Le clin d'oeil est resté mais transposé ailleurs.

I'll say this: once the script stops all the winky-winky crap and just starts telling a story, it's not terrible.

Non, c'est juste complètement fade.

If you can get past Robocop The Transformer, there are some interesting action beats. And I'm sure Padilla will direct the hell out of it.

Plus grosse déception du film. Peu d'action et c'est mal fichu.

RDV le 3 février pour une critique complète.


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Qui-Gon Jinn



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