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MessagePosté: 15 Jan 2009, 18:28 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24178
Cannes, Cannes, Cannes

Son nouveau projet a été retenu pour le Hong Kong Asia Film Financing Forum, une sorte de marché du film organisé en mars-avril à Hong Kong. L'an passé, il y avait Serbis et My Magic dans la liste des films retenus.


1. And Protect, Protected (working title) (Japan)

Director: KAWASE Naomi

Producer: NAITO Yuko

Production Company: Kumie Inc.

2. Amarikan: Amagasaki Monogatari (Japan)

Director: MORIOKA Toshiyuki

Producer: IIZUKA Eiju

Production Company: NHK Enterprises, Inc.

3. Blood Maple and the Passion of the Kid (Thailand)

Director: Chartchai KETNUST

Producer: Pantham THONGSANG

Production Company: Magenta Media Creation Co

4. Chop Chop (The Philippines)

Director: Brillante MENDOZA

Producer: Ferdinand LAPUZ, Didier COSTET

Production Company: Centerstage Productions Inc.

5. Christmas Rose (Hong Kong)

Director: Charlie YOUNG

Producer: Oxide PANG

Produ ction Company: ERA International (HK)

6. The Dancer (Indonesia)

Director: Ifa ISFANSYAH

Producer: Shanty HARMAYN

Production Company: Salto Films

7. Door (Japan)

Director: OIKAWA Ataru

Producer: KITO Yukie

Production Company: Entertainment Farm

8. The End of Tunnel (Taiwan)

Director: CHANG Rong-ji

Producer: Jacky PANG Yee-wah

Production Company: Jet Tone Films

9. Enko (aka Compensated Dating) (Hong Kong)

Director: Barbara WONG Chun-chun

Producer: Barbara WONG Chun-chun, Gus LIEM

Production Company: Diva Productions Limited

10. The Flower Of Evil (South Korea)

Director: YIM Phil-sung

Producer: CHOI Jae-won, SEO Woo-sik

Production Company: Barunson Film Division

11. Help (Chinese mainland)

Director: LI Ying

Producer: ZHANG Yunhui

Production Company: Dragon Films, The Film Library

12. The Hero (Chinese mainland)

Director: NING Hao

Producer: NING Hao

Production Company: Injo Film

13. I Enforce (South Korea)

Director: RYOO Seung-wan

Producer: KANG Hyeo-jeong

Production Company: Filmmaker R&K Co

14. I'm Good, Mom (Taiwan)

Director: CHANG Tso-chi

Producer: CHANG Tso-chi

Production Company: Chang Tso Chi Film Studio

15. Jewel (Australia)

Director: Murali THALLURI

Producer: Helen LEAKE, Nick SELTH

Production Company: Jewel Films Pty Ltd

16. The Murderer (South Korea)

Director: NA Hong-jin

Producer: HAN Sung-goo

Production Company: Popcorn Film Inc.

17. Porno (The Philippines)

Director: Adolfo Jr. ALIX

Producer: Arleen CUEVAS

Production Company: Bicycle Pictures

18. Punitive Homicide (Hong Kong)

Director: Teddy CHEN

Producer: John CHONG

Production Company: Media Asia Films

19. Sampaguita: (Our National Flower's Journal to Decay) (The Philippines)

Director: Francis Xavier PASION

Producer: Ferdinand LAPUZ

Production Company: Pasion Para Pelikula Productions

20. A Secret Boy (South Korea)

Director: LEE Jeong-beom

Producer: LEE Tae-hun

Production Company: Opus Pictures

21. Seediq Bale (Taiwan)

Director: WEI Te-sheng

Producer: Jimmy HUANG

Production Company: ARS Film Production

22. Six "Brave" Warriors (Singapore)

Director: Jack NEO

Producer: Philip WU, TOONG Soowei

Production Company: Neo Studios Pte Ltd

23. Sleep with Hypnotist (Chinese mainland)

Director: LU Chuan

Producer: LU Chuan

Production Company: Beijing Yuanchuan Film TV & Culture Ltd

24. Time for Children (Japan)

Director: MAEDA Tetsu

Producer: YAMAGAMI Tetsujiro

Production Company: Siglo Ltd

25. Vertigo (Vietnam)

Director: Chuyen BUI THAC

Producer: Tat Binh DANG

Production Company: The Feature Films Studio No.1

26. Wanted (Hong Kong)

Director: Dante LAM

Producer: Candy LEUNG

Production Company: Blue Fiction Ltd.

27. Winter Vacation (Chinese mainland)

Director: LI Hongqi

Producer: NING Cai, ZHANG Lu

Production Company: Inner Mongolia Official Film Studio

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MessagePosté: 15 Jan 2009, 18:57 
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Inscription: 16 Déc 2007, 09:47
Messages: 1950
Localisation: Why are there people like Frank?
bonne nouvelle. En revanche son DVD mogari il sortira jamais en france ou quoi?

Why there is so much trouble in this world?

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