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MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2012, 07:44 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87599
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Par contre, s'ils prennent Pitt pour Ned Land, va falloir assurer pour Nemo.

Variety dit qu'ils prendront un "older A-list actor", c'est évident...mais qui?

Et ils vont le peindre en gindoush?


MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2012, 07:47 
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Oberkampf Führer
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:38
Messages: 15542
Film Freak a écrit:
Par contre, s'ils prennent Pitt pour Ned Land, va falloir assurer pour Nemo.

Variety dit qu'ils prendront un "older A-list actor", c'est évident...mais qui?

Et ils vont le peindre en gindoush?

Liam Neeson.

Avec l'accent d'Apu.

MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2012, 07:53 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Ozymandias a écrit:
Liam Neeson.

C'est évidemment le premier auquel j'ai pensé...mais c'est trop cliché maintenant.

S'ils prennent un anglo-saxon, j'opterai pour Russell Crowe (qui a le même âge que Pitt). Mec qui était d'ailleurs le choix idéal de Gans quand il préparait sa préquelle de Nemo.

Le truc, c'est que Pitt a 48 ans. Kirk Douglas en avait dix de moins quand il jouait Ned Land dans la version de 1954.

Allez, Daniel Day-Lewis (55 ans).


MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2012, 08:37 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
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Localisation: Paris
S'ils vont dans l'ethnisme, je vois guère que Denzel Washington avoir le bon âge et la "bonne" couleur de peau.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2012, 08:47 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Ouais enfin nan.

Washington il est noir.


Ils prendront sûrement un brun et le basaneront davantage et inventeront une justification dans le scénario.


MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2012, 08:49 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37137
Localisation: Paris
Hence les guillemets. Mais oui dfaçon ils prendront un blanc.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

MessagePosté: 19 Oct 2012, 08:50 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28771
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Bon j'espère vraiment que ça va se faire parce que Millenium c'est zzzzz....

CroqAnimement votre

MessagePosté: 24 Oct 2012, 03:11 
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Putain, sérieux mec
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Inscription: 24 Juin 2009, 12:09
Messages: 5660
Film Freak a écrit:
Ouais enfin nan.

Washington il est noir.


Ils prendront sûrement un brun et le basaneront davantage et inventeront une justification dans le scénario.



MessagePosté: 29 Nov 2012, 00:05 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Film Freak a écrit:
20 000 lieues sous les mers bientôt lancé?

It looks like Fincher is close to getting a green light from the studio, and according to Variety, they are asking him to put everything else on hold for a month as they look at the numbers and decide if they can make the film. Andrew Kevin Walker was working on the script earlier in the year, and the studio must be pretty happy with what's on the page right now. Variety also reports that Brad Pitt has been approached about playing the part of Ned Land, the sailor whose encounter with Captain Nemo drives the story. If anyone can get Pitt to sign on to what sounds like a far more normal role than he normally plays, it's Fincher, and if Pitt does sign on, that sounds like an irresistible package for Disney.


Speaking with MTV, Pitt was asked if he would be joining Fincher’s 20,000 Leagues redo:

“I’d love to I mean, he’s my man. He’s got a great take on it. That’s just gonna be about schedule and time allocation, but he’s my man.”


MessagePosté: 22 Jan 2013, 21:09 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Fincher had been attached to direct a reboot of "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" for Disney and sources say there is still a possibility he could do that next and hold off on "Gone Girl." Back in October, Variety first reported that Disney had placed a three month hold on the director as it decided whether to move forward with the film. During this time, Fincher began courting his frequent collaborator Brad Pitt for the role of Ned Landis, which Kirk Douglas played in the original pic.

The Pitt casting never came though and the studio is still deciding on what to do with the project, insiders say Fincher had begun looking for other projects in case "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" fell through.



MessagePosté: 22 Jan 2013, 21:20 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28771
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
En même temps vu le fiasco John Carter c'est compréhensible mais bon ce serait vraiment dommage.

CroqAnimement votre

MessagePosté: 22 Jan 2013, 21:26 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Art Core a écrit:
En même temps vu le fiasco John Carter

Et de Prince of Persia. Et de L'Apprenti sorcier. Et la déception relative de Tron Legacy.


MessagePosté: 22 Jan 2013, 21:38 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28771
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Oui ça commence à faire lourd en effet même si c'est rattrapé par Pirates et leurs DA. Et pas sûr que The Lone Ranger soit un méga carton.

CroqAnimement votre

MessagePosté: 22 Jan 2013, 22:38 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Art Core a écrit:
Oui ça commence à faire lourd en effet même si c'est rattrapé par Pirates et leurs DA. Et pas sûr que The Lone Ranger soit un méga carton.

Oui, ça m'étonnerait pas qu'ils attendent les retours de ça pour décider.

Ou alors faut une star du niveau de Depp.


MessagePosté: 06 Fév 2013, 22:25 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87599
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Le scénariste parle :

When we asked where the movie was, exactly, in the pipeline, Burns sounded cautiously optimistic. "I think they're getting closer to pulling the trigger," he said. He continued: " The last time I talked to anybody about it, it did seem like it was slowly marching in a good direction. I desperately want that movie to get made because I'm a huge David Fincher fan and I just want to go to the movie." Burns says that since the last time he was on the project, he knows additional work has been done on the script. "I know that David did some more work on the script with Andy Kevin Walker, who is a brilliant writer and wrote 'Seven.'"

At one point Fincher had said that one of the reasons was excited about "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" (which Disney had made memorably once before, with Kirk Douglas as Ned Land and James Mason as Captain Nemo) was the opportunity to make a science fiction film set during the Civil War. Burns said that their goal was to create a bold clash of personalities and ideologies.

"I think both of our goal was to make Captain Nemo, as he is in the book, a very complicated character, because there's some things that he say says and explores that are really profound and amazing but there is some behavior that he engages in that is horrific and criminal," Burns said. "And there's a really interesting triangle, between him and Ned Land and the Professor, of three things that continue to march through time since the Industrial Revolution, and that's technology and commerce and humanity. And these three things tugging at each other inside a submarine is what I wanted to get at."

C'est le genre d'étude de confrontation de points de vue que Fincher kiffe (cf. Seven et Fight Club). JE VEUX!


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17 Nov 2009, 13:45

Film Freak Voir le dernier message

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28 Juin 2016, 06:40

Qui-Gon Jinn Voir le dernier message

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28 Sep 2023, 11:23

Film Freak Voir le dernier message

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23 Sep 2014, 02:59

Le Pingouin Voir le dernier message

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10 Nov 2020, 06:22

flatclem Voir le dernier message

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08 Fév 2019, 12:54

deudtens Voir le dernier message

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Film Freak



14 Jan 2015, 10:42

Cantal Voir le dernier message

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Film Freak



03 Oct 2013, 21:45

Art Core Voir le dernier message

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21 Avr 2007, 15:33

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10 Jan 2025, 16:12

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