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MessagePosté: 13 Juil 2012, 11:48 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37086
Localisation: Paris
J'ai presque l'impression que c'est un aveu d'échec. J'aime pas ça.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

MessagePosté: 13 Juil 2012, 11:53 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:38
Messages: 15542
Qui-Gon Jinn a écrit:
J'ai presque l'impression que c'est un aveu d'échec. J'aime pas ça.

Ça ce sera aux spectateurs de juger. Si ceux "qui ne savent pas" sont choqués en sortant du film, là ce sera un échec. S'ils ne tiquent pas, ce sera gagné. Et je ne suis pas sûr qu'ils tiquent, justement.

MessagePosté: 13 Juil 2012, 15:18 
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Inscription: 18 Aoû 2005, 23:40
Messages: 19486
Localisation: Rebirth Island
Mode Troll.

Bah ils tiqueront pas, déjà qu'ils tiquent pas devant la 3D qui est de base toute pourrie...

MessagePosté: 13 Juil 2012, 15:23 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37086
Localisation: Paris
Nan mais c'est ça, les gens ne tiquent pas devant la mauvaise 3D, ni la mauvaise projo, ni les écrans anamorphosés, ni les écrans trop vidéo de la FNAC, ni la désynchro.

Y aura PAS DE PROBLEME pour qu'ils ne se rendent même pas compte du 48i/s.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

MessagePosté: 13 Juil 2012, 16:12 
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Inscription: 07 Oct 2005, 10:23
Messages: 8088
Pas sur pour le coup du "ça tique pas" de la mauvaise 3D, à l'époque du "Choc des Titans" c'était plus qu'un buzz de blogueurs quand même, alors qu'"Avatar" avait suscité le premier vrai déplacement de masse... au delà du nombre de personnes juste réfractaire à la technique.

Même dans le 20 minutes on en a parlé du "mauvais buzz" sur la 48i/s du Hobbit je crois :arrow:

Pour les télés, je pense que le grand public est plus aptes à tolérer recadrage, distorsion, images accélérées... Leur temps quotidien est structuré par cette médiocrité! Mais la sortie cinéma reste un truc qui sort un zest de l’ordinaire pour beaucoup. Une mauvaise salle, un mauvais son, un problème de format, vu souvent des gens raler pour ma part...

MessagePosté: 15 Juil 2012, 00:20 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Peter Jackson went on record at Comic-Con that he wants to shoot more footage for The Hobbit. Jackson said this could turn into two things:

1) There could be an extended version.
2) Jackson may add a third chapter to The Hobbit.


Pitié, non, pas de 3e film. Ce serait plus équilibré peut-être avec LOTR mais si les films ont été divisés en 2 scénarios, c'est pas pour rien.


MessagePosté: 15 Juil 2012, 03:31 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
They ran a few clips ran that featured footage from both movies. And by a few clips, I mean a shit ton of footage (12 and a half minutes in total):

The opening clip was the longest of the bunch, as we saw Gandalf, Bilbo and the dwarves all together at Bag End arguing over how to go about reclaiming what is theirs from the dragon Smaug. There was a great deal of humor sprinkled throughout, with Freeman getting the biggest laughs for his reluctance to join the dwarves on their journey.
The footage then went to a short montage that featured Rivendell, Christopher Lee as Saruman, and Fry as Master of Laketown.
We then saw a great scene that showed Gandalf getting into the action with his sword/staff combo, followed later by a lower energy—but no less exciting—scene between Gandalf and Galadriel (played by Cate Blanchette). It’s a sweet and touching scene between the two, with Galadriel acting as a reassuring presence for Gandalf.
Next was a wonderful scene between Bilbo and Gollum. Though it’s only been 9 years since The Return of the King, the amazing advances in visual effects are evident with this newly rendered Gollum. He looks gorgeous and even more lifelike than before. It also appears that they’ve done some subtle work to make him look younger than he does in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which is a nice touch. Bilbo and Gollum participated in the “Game of Riddles,” and laughs were abundant.
We then saw a scene between Gandalf and Bilbo with the former telling Bilbo that he’s changed and isn’t the same person that left The Shire. Bilbo handles The Ring in his pocket while trying to decide if he should tell Gandalf about it, before simply saying that he “found courage.”
The last sequence was a montage of great-looking action scenes (likely from the second film) that showed the trolls, a quick look at Evangeline Lilly’s character, and a fantastic shot of Orlando Bloom as Legolas drawing an arrow and aiming at the group of dwarves. Cue crowd going wild.

Like I said, the footage was shown at 24fps and there wasn’t really anything that seemed particularly “off.” It was tantamount to watching a Blu-ray on a really good high HD television. Jackson’s visuals from The Lord of the Rings are still prevalent throughout, but there’s definitely a lighter tone given the material.

Jackson then introduced the other members of the panel, as Serkis took the stage to a warm reception, followed by Richard Armitage (Thorin Oakenshield), Martin Freeman (Bilbo Baggins), and Sir Ian McKellan (Gandalf) who took the stage to a rousing standing ovation (last night he also visited fans who had camped out for the panel). Elijah Wood then came out as a “surprise” guest, but he was already at the Con for Wilfred so I assumed he’d be on this panel as well.

Composer Howard Shore starts recording with the London Philharmonic in 5-6 weeks.
Jackson hasn’t shot his cameo yet, but he’s due to shoot it when he returns to New Zealand
Boyens revealed that Galadriel was the most powerful being in Middle Earth during the time of The Hobbit so they wanted to include her in the film.
They created a character called Tauriel played by Evangeline Lilly so they could bring more feminine energy into the film. Boyens said they believe it’s completely in the spirit of Tolkein’s books, and Lilly was adamant that they stay true to Tolkein’s vision.
Freeman said he couldn’t complain much about the Hobbit feet because he was surrounded by people covered in prosthetics for dwarf makeup.
When asked if he’d make a movie out of The Silmarillion, Jackson quipped, “I think the chances of me living past 100 are slim,” before giving a more serious answer. He said that the rights to the book are in control of the Tolkein estate (who is not great fans of Jackson’s films), so he doesn’t see it coming to the screen anytime soon.
Freeman said that honestly he didn’t feel a huge amount of pressure when joining the project. He felt relaxed with Jackson, Walsh and Boyens.
When asked how this film will compare to the eventual Extended Edition of The Hobbit, Jackson said that they never film scenes specifically for an Extended Edition cut; it happens as a result of editing.
Serkis was only supposed to come back for two weeks to play Gollum, then a month before he was to go to New Zealand, Fran Walsh emailed him to ask if he’d like to come down for a year and a half to direct second-unit.
They filmed the scene between Gollum and Bilbo first. Shooting on the scene lasted two weeks so it could feel like a theater piece with Serkis and Freeman playing off of each other. Judging by the footage, this extra time paid off in spades.
Hardwick asked Serkis if he could do the Gollum voice, to which Serkis responded in his Gollum voice, “For fucks sake!” followed by, “You said you weren’t gonna whore yourself out!”

The panel ended and as the talent walked off the stage, Hall H got out of their seats to give The Hobbit panel a standing ovation. The Lord of the Rings series means a lot to Comic-Con goers, and Jackson, McKellan, Wood, etc. are all gracious and very aware of how much these characters—and the actors themselves—mean to the fans.

I’m an unabashed fan of Jackson’s trilogy, and this footage from both Hobbit films did not disappoint. The advances in technology make Gollum even more impressive, but it’s Serkis’ motion-capture performance that really makes the character shine. Freeman plays Bilbo spot-on with reluctance and humbleness, and it’s simply great to see McKellan back as Gandalf. I think fans will be incredibly happy to return to Middle Earth, and I’m eager to see what new material Jackson, Boyens and Walsh have used to flesh out the story into two films.


MessagePosté: 15 Juil 2012, 11:37 
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Inscription: 07 Oct 2005, 10:23
Messages: 8088
Rien à voir mais il n'a pas eu de questions sur Tintin 2 Jackson à l'occasion?

MessagePosté: 15 Juil 2012, 11:43 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Nan, ils y ont pas pensé (j'avoue j'avais zappé aussi).


MessagePosté: 16 Juil 2012, 06:44 
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Oberkampf Führer
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:38
Messages: 15542
Qui-Gon Jinn a écrit:
Nan mais c'est ça, les gens ne tiquent pas devant la mauvaise 3D, ni la mauvaise projo, ni les écrans anamorphosés, ni les écrans trop vidéo de la FNAC, ni la désynchro.

Y aura PAS DE PROBLEME pour qu'ils ne se rendent même pas compte du 48i/s.

Totalement d'accord.

MessagePosté: 25 Juil 2012, 01:33 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
It looks like Peter Jackson will be making a third Hobbit film after all. At least, that’s what he’s decided he wants to do, according to The Hollywood Reporter. In the past few days, logistical talks have “accelerated” between the director, his producing partners and Warner Bros., who would be open to the idea if the finances worked out.

Jackson suggested he’d be interested in a third film a couple weeks ago and has since been figuring out when the production would have to come back to do reshoots, how many of the actors would need to come back, when they’d need to come back, and how much all of that would cost. All of that is almost in order. Read more after the jump.

A source told The Hollywood Reporter that if a third film is to be made out of The Hobbit, a decision would have to be made soon but that talks “have accelerated in recent days, with the studio on board if the right financial arrangements can be achieved:”

If we’re going to do it, we have to make a decision soon. It’s strongly driven by the filmmakers’ desire to tell more of the story.

If Warner Bros. decides everything looks good, additional filming would take place during the Summer of 2013 in New Zealand for about two months. There are apparently even some more rights issues that would have to be settled if this was to happen.

In a recent article on this over at Deadline, Jackson explained how he can take a book that’s so short and make it not only two books, but three:

…we haven’t just adapted The Hobbit; we’ve adapted that book plus great chunks of his appendices and woven it all together. The movie explains where Gandalf goes; the book never does. We’ve explained it using Tolkien’s own notes. That helped inform the tone of the movie, because it allowed us to pull in material he wrote in The Lord of the Rings era and incorporate it with The Hobbit. So we kept the charm and the whimsy of the fairy tale quality through the characters. Through the dwarves and Bilbo, who is more of a humorous character. He doesn’t try to be funny but we find him funny and find his predicament more amusing than that of Frodo in The Lord of the Rings. That was more serious. So the whimsy is there, but tonally I wanted to make it as similar to The Lord of the Rings, because I wanted it to be possible for the people, the crazy people in the world who want to watch these films back to back one day…



MessagePosté: 25 Juil 2012, 09:36 
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Inscription: 15 Avr 2010, 11:07
Messages: 2227
Je ne comprends rien du tout...
On aurait donc
Premier film : Bilbo part1, jusqu'à Smaug j'imagine
Second film : part2, la Battle of Five Armies (ou alors déjà dans le premier film ?)
Troisième film : une recomposition des écrits de Tolkien
Mais iIl reste comme quoi comme matériel inédit ? dans les réécritures de LotR publiées dans les années 80 le seul récit inédit est celui de Gandalf après son départ de la Comté (qui est beaucoup plus long dans le livre qu'il ne le paraît dans le film), le reste se situant pendant LotR (et a déjà été partiellement utilisé pour les trois premiers films)
Peut-être la traque de Gollum ? et puis quoi ensuite ? des récits de la fin du Troisième Âge comme il était de toute façon convenu de faire dans le deuxième film ?

Ils vont tellement devoir tellement broder que ce sera plus du fan fiction qu'une adaptation.

Si quelqu'un a un article qui en parle en détails, je suis preneur.

MessagePosté: 25 Juil 2012, 09:48 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28729
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Oui j'ai un peu de mal aussi à voir comment le mec va te sortir un film de 2h30/3h de sa poche comme ça...
Je suis assez sceptique je dois dire.

CroqAnimement votre

MessagePosté: 25 Juil 2012, 10:16 
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Inscription: 28 Juil 2005, 10:08
Messages: 22872
Localisation: 26, Rue du Labrador, Bruxelles
C'est n'importe quoi cette idée de troisième film... Vraiment. N'importe quoi.

Ed Wood:"What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?"

MessagePosté: 25 Juil 2012, 10:58 
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Inscription: 30 Mar 2012, 13:20
Messages: 11478
J'ai vu la bande annonce avant Batman et cela fait peur. On a vraiment l'impression de voir le seigneur des anneaux. Aucune innovation visuelle.

C'est pourtant bizarre car quand on lit les romans d'un point stylistique c'est vraiment pas pareil entre Bilbo et Lord of the rings. L’intérêt premier de Bilbo est qu'il s'agit d'un roman jeunesse. Il est donc beaucoup plus léger et poétique. Cela ne ne se ressent pas dans la B.A.

Pour moi, il y avait moyen de faire un unique film avec l'histoire de Bilbo. J'étais déjà sceptique pour 2 alors 3. On va avoir des redites. L'univers est déjà connu. C'est pas la peine de nous faire des présentations du comté, des cités elfiques etc.

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