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MessagePosté: 23 Aoû 2010, 18:47 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87565
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Non je traduis pas.

The scenario for the film comes from Verhoeven’s frequent Dutch writing collaborator Gerard Soeteman (who last worked with him on Black Book), but its basis is the Louis Couperus-written Dutch novel De stille kracht, or as its known in English: The Hidden Force.

Here’s what he had to say (roughly translated):

[The movie is about] rebellion against colonial rule, the emergence of fundamentalist Islam, the behavior between people, adultery and psychic powers. It is a story about things that we do not understand but it does happen.

Verhoeven has wanted to make the film since the ’70s, but he’s never been able to due to its high budget. If he has his way though, it will be the next movie he tackles. (And no, it won’t be in English. It’s a Dutch production all the way.)

Here’s the summary of the book:
A novel written in 1900 and set in the Dutch East Indies. It concerns a colonial official who is undone by his wilful application of reason to a culture that is steeped in the mystical and irrational. In The Hidden Force the decline and fall of the Dutch resident Van Oudyck is caused by his inability to see further than his own Western rationalism. He is blind and deaf to the slumbering powers of the East Indian people and countryside. The black magic, bird calls, vegetation, heat and the mysterious, hostile attitude of their Javanese subjects prove stronger than the cool power of the colonials.

Film pro-Islam? Mmmmm.


MessagePosté: 23 Aoû 2010, 22:19 
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Inscription: 25 Déc 2008, 02:29
Messages: 14042
Film Freak a écrit:
(And no, it won’t be in English. It’s a Dutch production all the way.)

Wow, it’s a Dutch production. All the way.
A Dutch production, oh my god.
It’s a Dutch production all the way.
Wow, that’s so intense. Wow.

"Je suis prêt à accepter une tonne de qualité chez Spielberg" Lohmann

MessagePosté: 23 Aoû 2010, 22:24 
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Inscription: 15 Juil 2005, 17:40
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Localisation: The Far Side of the World

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Film Freak



21 Juin 2012, 12:42

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04 Sep 2006, 20:49

Mr Chow Voir le dernier message

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Film Freak



12 Nov 2007, 21:07

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06 Fév 2007, 21:58

Qui-Gon Jinn Voir le dernier message

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Film Freak



07 Sep 2017, 23:34

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19 Oct 2019, 21:02

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Qui-Gon Jinn



01 Juin 2006, 07:52

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11 Juil 2016, 16:17

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Jericho Cane



17 Déc 2010, 12:32

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Film Freak



03 Juin 2007, 22:12

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