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MessagePosté: 28 Fév 2007, 22:06 
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MC Désolé
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 22:03
Messages: 910
Alors on va tout de suite commencer par dire que : c'est moche, apparemment c'est fini à la serpe (j'y ai joué que 15 minutes donc dur à dire), mais l'univers m'a replongé dans les débuts du jeu vidéo. Un truc qu'on lance sans savoir ce que ça va être. On joue et on ne comprend pas ce qui se passe. l'atmosphère est étrange, très prenante et l'histoire semble foutrement bien. A lire : ... wid=723595

quelques extraits du test

"The translation is often extremely poor, descending into unintelligible gibberish. But it contains some of the best writing I've ever seen in a game. Following the plot is often impossible. It's the most interesting and deeply clever plot in years. My poor little head."

"Two figures, one seemingly a mime with a white mask, the other a large-beaked bird creature, looking as though it's made of wood, but for the breathing. And they talk to you. Not your character. You. And your character gets confused, but they ignore him. This town, they inform you, exists only because of you. You are an actor, the rest are characters. You will know who is important, as they will stand out from the crowd. The rest will blend in."

"You have twelve days in the town, you are told. There's no pretence that it's not defined. The people don't know, but they only exist because of you, you're told. But you knew that too. You're the player. And this is no one-off smug reference at the start. Every night, after midnight, your quest log clears, and the Masks at the local theatre puts on a play based on your day, and your internal turmoil."

Je vais m'y mettre sérieusement. Les rusess sont de grands malades. Mais PUTAIN ça fait plaisir de tomber sur un vrai ovni !

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MessagePosté: 01 Mar 2007, 00:29 
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Expatrié en tongs
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Inscription: 15 Juil 2005, 17:40
Messages: 14155
Localisation: The Far Side of the World
intriguant en effet...

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