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MessagePosté: 12 Sep 2012, 23:32 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Warner Bros. will apparently be post-converting Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim to 3D.

Guillermo del Toro told during an interview at Comic-Con in July that after many discussions with Warner Bros. he had convinced them not to convert the film to 3D.

He explained his reasoning as to why 3D didn’t make sense for Pacific Rim.

“I didn’t want to make the movie 3D because when you have things that big, the thing that happens naturally is you’re looking at two buildings at 300 feet. If you move, the buildings don’t go like this (moves his hands closer together), there’s no parallax. They’re so big that you barely notice anything no matter how fast you’re moving, so to force the 3D effect on robots and monsters that are supposed to be that high, you’re making them miniaturized, you’re making them human-scale. I knew that the 3D effect sounded like a great idea, but it was gonna be counter.”

China is a huge market for American films, and currently the country will only allow American films to screen if they are in 3D or IMAX. Pacific Rim boasts an international cast and a great deal of the action takes place in Japan, so Warner Bros. understandably would like to take full advantage of the film’s appeal to the Asian market.

J'espère que Warner fera comme Disney avec The Avengers cette année, et proposera des projos de presse en 2D et en 3D.



MessagePosté: 13 Sep 2012, 08:33 
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tape dans ses mains sur La Compagnie créole
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Inscription: 28 Juil 2005, 10:08
Messages: 22872
Localisation: 26, Rue du Labrador, Bruxelles
Film Freak a écrit:
Le truc avec Stiller c'est le remake de Walter Mitty je crois.

Sinon, nous, à la convention Warner, on nous a montré 40min de Stars 80.

Teaser de Pacific Rim.

40min de Stars 80.



En plus après les présentations ils projetaient Argo mais je devais rentrer bosser... :( argh

Ed Wood:"What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?"

MessagePosté: 23 Sep 2012, 00:00 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
GDT rassure :

"Normally a conversion takes a few weeks. I asked to start it immediately so we could take the full 40 weeks to do the conversion. As an example, Titanic took about 50 weeks to convert. The final thing that I asked that they agreed to, which was amazing, was that I asked them to give me an extra budget, which is considerable, to actually have ILM composite the shots that are CG native 3D. We’re not giving elements. ILM is giving the composite in 3D from the get-go. That’s a huge, huge element. Now I’m going to be involved in supervising it. What can I tell you? I changed my mind. I’m not running for office. I can do a Romney.”


MessagePosté: 28 Sep 2012, 01:51 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Parce que Del Toro est un vrai, il rend hommage aux kaiju...en s'inspirant d'une peinture de Goya :


"Well I think that you know the strangest inspiration, the basic one was I wanted to bring sort of a central opera, to the size, the scale to the creatures and the robots. One of the first images that came to mind is an image that you wouldn't think would inspire a movie like this. It's a painting by Franciso Goya called "Colossus." It's a painting where you see this gigantic figure looming above a very small town. You know not referencing pop culture stuff, this was the first thing that came to mind when making Pacific Rim."

Je t'aime, Guillermo.


MessagePosté: 28 Sep 2012, 08:29 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37086
Localisation: Paris
C'est génial, j'ai trop trop hâte de les voir en vrai.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

MessagePosté: 28 Sep 2012, 10:55 
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Inscription: 04 Juin 2010, 12:55
Messages: 4352
Vu cette peinture au musée du Prado, c'est magnifique.

MessagePosté: 28 Sep 2012, 13:30 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:47
Messages: 3547
une variante, toujours de goya


MessagePosté: 28 Sep 2012, 17:34 
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Robot in Disguise
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37086
Localisation: Paris
Tryptique Films présente: Pacific Rim

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

MessagePosté: 02 Oct 2012, 23:27 
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2005, 11:52
Messages: 5388
Localisation: in Baltimore with Mcnulty
En attendant le trailer, une interview de Del Toro (à l'occasion de Blade II) l'un des réalisateurs les plus cool et sympathique qui soit : ... n-vampire/


MessagePosté: 11 Oct 2012, 20:53 
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Inscription: 12 Fév 2010, 02:40
Messages: 2088
Localisation: Avignon mdr


Comingsoon a écrit:
Pacific Rim will be front and center at the Legendary Entertainment booth during New York Comic Con 2012. Director Guillermo del Toro will headline the activities when he signs the below exclusive piece of art at the Legendary booth on Friday, October 12 at 2 pm. The art will also be unveiled at the Legendary panel on Friday, October 12 at 5:15 pm. The art was created by Spanish artist Raúl Monge (Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy 2), who serves as a Concept Artist for Pacific Rim.

"Raúl is one of my top concept designers. The idea with this particular piece was to emulate an old WWII propaganda poster/flyer that went along with the world we were creating,” said del Toro. “It symbolizes rationing - voluntary work force, no guts, no glory kind of heroism."

In other Pacific Rim activities, del Toro is also announcing a Pacific Rim graphic novel that will serve as a prequel to the upcoming film. A must-read for anyone who wants to see the movie, the graphic novel will serve as a prequel, providing important details on the characters and the lead up to the story arc of the movie. Written by the film’s writer Travis Beacham (Clash of the Titans), the graphic novel is written in three distinct parts – covering the in-world history from the first attack up to just before the movie, Additionally, the Legendary booth will, once again, be home to the pilot costumes worn by Charlie Hunnam and the female Russian pilot in the film.

"PACIFIC RIM" Massinfect

MessagePosté: 11 Oct 2012, 20:58 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
Messages: 15204
Localisation: Lille


MessagePosté: 10 Nov 2012, 00:08 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Del Toro revealed that the first trailer for Pacific Rim will be going public in mid-December, which seems to suggest that it will be attached to The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey given that both films are from Warner Bros. Steve asked del Toro just how involved he is in the process of cutting the trailer, and the director revealed that everything goes through him:

“They bring it to me and then I do a little pass myself, I help with the sound design, then we re-cut it again, and then I’m involved in the timing of the color and the mixing of the sound, so whatever you saw in San Diego or New York, I was completely part of the process.”

Concernant la suite :

“We certainly started tossing ideas for possibilities of a sequel and Travis Beacham and I are writing a proposal of ideas, but at the same time I know I don’t want to do that next. I want to do something else, I want to do something in a different genre that’s not so big. So I don’t know yet what it’s gonna be, but I know that next year I’m delivering Pacific Rim in July and then I’m doing—God willing—the voice shooting for Pinocchio and then the pilot for The Strain for FX.”


MessagePosté: 22 Nov 2012, 10:13 
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2005, 11:52
Messages: 5388
Localisation: in Baltimore with Mcnulty
Ce film va juste être démentiel....IL DOIT!!! (à 1:15)


MessagePosté: 22 Nov 2012, 10:23 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:47
Messages: 3547
J'espère que ça sera aussi sympa qu"Hellboy 2..Le seul Del toro qui me convainc

MessagePosté: 22 Nov 2012, 10:34 
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Inscription: 11 Juil 2005, 11:52
Messages: 5388
Localisation: in Baltimore with Mcnulty
Jack Griffin a écrit:
J'espère que ça sera aussi sympa qu"Hellboy 2..Le seul Del toro qui me convainc

perso j'espère du Del Toro pur jus : du Blade II, du Hellboy


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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Pinocchio (Guillermo del Toro)

Film Freak



26 Oct 2018, 08:23

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Zanbato (Guillermo del Toro)

Film Freak



03 Mar 2019, 13:16

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Trollhunters (Guillermo del Toro)

Film Freak



06 Avr 2016, 21:33

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Haters (Guillermo del Toro)

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12 Déc 2007, 00:42

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Pan's Labyrinth (Guillermo del Toro, 2006)

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31 Oct 2006, 18:46

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. The Fantastic Voyage (Guillermo del Toro)

Film Freak



27 Aoû 2017, 17:46

Film Freak Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. The Haunted Mansion (Guillermo del Toro)

Film Freak



10 Avr 2015, 07:35

Le Cow-boy Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. At the Mountains of Madness (Guillermo Del Toro)

The Xcapist



02 Fév 2008, 23:43

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Hellboy 2 (Guillermo del Toro, 2008)

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17 Juil 2012, 08:36

Karlito Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Crimson Peak (Guillermo del Toro, 2015)

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24 Avr 2015, 00:47

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