Mufti a écrit:
Qui-Gon Jinn a écrit:
New Zealand filmmaker Lee Tamahori, who directed the James Bond movie "Die Another Day," has been arrested in a Hollywood prostitution sting while dressed in drag.
Tamahori, 55, was arrested on January 8 when he allegedly sought sex with an undercover policeman while clad in women's clothes, according to a criminal complaint filed in the Los Angeles Superior Court.
"Mr Tamahori was arrested for soliciting. I can confirm he was dressed in women's clothing at the time of the arrest," Officer Jason Lee of the Los Angeles Police Department said.
Prosecutors confirmed they had filed two misdemeanour charges against the Hollywood filmmaker: agreeing to engage in an act of prostitution and unlawfully loitering on Hollywood's Santa Monica Boulevard.
"He was arrested after approaching an undercover officer who was sitting in his car and offering to perform a sex act," Frank Mateljan of the Los Angeles City Attorney's office.
"The defendant was dressed in drag, loitering on the sidewalk," the spokesman said.
Ouais c'est la fête !
En voilà un pour qui sa carrière à Hollywood est définitivement terminée. Déjà qu'elle était pas bien fameuse.
Bah, c'est un cinéaste, pas un acteur. Les spectateurs ne regardent pas le nom du cinéaste, surtout quand il fait plus de deux syllabes !
Il peut capitaliser sur le succès de son dernier film, et il a sans doute deux ou trois contrats de lancés.
(pure supposition, hein, je ne le connais pas, c'est pas mon pote)
Je pensais à lui il y a quelques jours, me demandant comment on peut passer d'un chef d'oeuvre tragique comme L'Ame des guerriers, aux daubes ou films impersonnels qui ont suivi.