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 Sujet du message: le jeu The Shield
MessagePosté: 26 Jan 2007, 16:30 
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Inscription: 01 Juil 2005, 14:10
Messages: 9564
Localisation: Montréal
Serve Justice by any means necessary.

You are Detective Vic Mackey. Experience the gritty recreation of the controversial television hit “The Shield.” Command the elite Strike Team police unit through 15 levels and 33 playable areas of the crime-ridden streets. Engage in the perilous police work of raiding crack dens and criminal hideouts while taking down the notorious Byz-Lat and One-Niner gangbangers. How you choose to enforce the law can be left out of the police report, as long as you keep your trail and the streets clean. Walk the razor’s edge of the law.

* Dive into fast-paced gameplay and interact with complex characters and unique locations that are key trademarks of the television series
* Experience the volatile dynamics between Vic and his Strike Team as they fight crime on the streets
* Turn in contraband to keep internal affairs off your back or place it in your personal locker to build up your retirement fund
* Peek around corners to assess the situation before launching a precise attack on your targeted perpetrators
* Choose from an array of techniques to break difficult suspects and obtain information


 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: 26 Jan 2007, 17:48 
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MC Désolé
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 22:03
Messages: 910
Ca fleure bon la grosse daube

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