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MessagePosté: 27 Juil 2014, 21:27 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87501
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Per Deadline, Wright will tackle the film, described as Stand By Me meets Attack The Block, after he finishes up Baby Driver. The script was written by Scott Rosenberg and is based on the book by Andrew Smith.

Here’s the synopsis for the book:
Simmering within Ealing, Iowa, is a deadly genetically engineered plague capable of unleashing unstoppable soldiers—six-foot-tall praying mantises with insatiable appetites for food and sex. No one knows it, of course, until Austin and his best friend Robby accidentally release it on the world. An ever-growing plague of giant, flesh-hungry insects is bad enough, but Austin is also up to his eyeballs in sexual confusion—is he in love with Robby or his girlfriend, Shann? Both of them make him horny, but most things do. In an admittedly futile attempt to capture the truth of his history, painfully honest Austin narrates the events of the apocalypse intermingled with a detailed account of the “connections that spiderweb through time and place,” leading from his great-great-great-grandfather Andrzej in Poland to Shann’s lucky discovery of an apocalypse-proof bunker in her new backyard.

Ça a l'air complètement barré.


MessagePosté: 27 Juil 2014, 21:35 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
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Localisation: Lille
Ah ouais quand même. J'achète.


MessagePosté: 13 Juin 2017, 11:30 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87501
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Asked if that’s next for him, he says:

“Potentially. It’s one of a couple of things that I’m developing. It’s a book that I really enjoyed and there’s a good screenplay and stuff. The exact next thing I don’t have entirely worked out, but that is one of the things in the mix, yeah. The book was really good, really interesting way of doing a coming-of-age movie and I thought it was really progressive as well.”


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Film Freak



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Film Freak



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Film Freak



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21 Sep 2010, 07:38

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Film Freak



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Film Freak Voir le dernier message

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10 Jan 2017, 08:11

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