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MessagePosté: 15 Avr 2011, 19:05 
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Bisounours priapique
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:35
Messages: 11944
Localisation: 48N50 -- 02E21
c'est quoi ces chaussures de geek ?

- Nazi violent 1961-2013?
"my... "double anale", c'est ce que je crois?" Chlochette
"J'ai toujours aimé la culture nain" Sponge
Marlo a écrit:
J'adore Hollande.

MessagePosté: 15 Avr 2011, 23:43 
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Inscription: 04 Nov 2007, 19:14
Messages: 3441
Localisation: Belgium

Fallait pas qu'elle se mette avec un vieux loup.

Je crois qu'elle a toujours eu tendance à la rondeur. Ce qui n'est pas un mal.

On l'a connu plus sexy.

"Un peuple qui élit des corrompus, des renégats, des imposteurs, des voleurs et des traîtres n’est pas victime ! Il est complice."
- George Orwell

MessagePosté: 16 Oct 2011, 20:32 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Spock est pédé.


MessagePosté: 04 Sep 2012, 18:10 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
L'Eglise de Scientologie aurait auditionné des meufs pour être Mme Cruise (et y a eu punition de celles avec qui il est sorti) :

“What do you think of Tom Cruise?” A question we've all been asked, but according to an upcoming Vanity Fair article, this was just one of the questions allegedly posed during “top secret” church auditions to be the actor's girlfriend in 2004. Utilizing accounts from former Scientologists including Mark Headley (who left the Church under police assistance in '05), the eagerly-anticipated piece by writer Maureen Orth purports that women were brought in under the guise of a church orientation video audition, only to then be stealthily tested on their opinion of Cruise. “It's not like you only have to please your husband--you have to toe the line for Scientology,” Headley commented on the tapes, which he reports to have seen through his former position working at the Church of Scientology's in-house studio.

After much deliberation, in the end it was British actress Nazanin Boniadi (best known for a “How I Met Your Mother” guest appearance) who was selected for further grooming, moving on and beginning a relationship with Cruise in November 2004. However, due to a number of vague transgressions including implied social superiority and unease around church head David Miscavige, Cruise broke up with her in January of the following year, through a third party nonetheless. This wasn't before severe punishments were apparently administered though, including Boniadi being forced to scrub toilets with a toothbrush and hawk L. Ron Hubbard's book "Dianetics" on the street. Naturally, Scientology church officials have vehemently denied the claims, stating that the Church “does not punish people, especially in [that] manner.”

Another view that supports Orth's claims is of course Paul Haggis, who at this point may be just as famous for his absorbing New Yorker profile regarding Scientology as he is for directing “Crash.” The director publicly left the church two years ago, and now has spoken out (via Showbiz 411) in support of Boniadi, whom he counts as a personal friend. “Naz was embarrassed by her unwitting involvement in this incident and never wanted it to come out, so I kept silent. However I was deeply disturbed by how the highest ranking members of a church could so easily justify using one of their members; how they so callously punished her and then so effectively silenced her when it was done.”

That's fucked up.


MessagePosté: 05 Sep 2012, 08:52 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28756
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Ah ouais quand même et après on veux te faire croire que c'est pas une secte...

CroqAnimement votre

MessagePosté: 05 Sep 2012, 10:18 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:39
Messages: 12159
Localisation: No soup for you!
Bien la meuf en plus: ... 80&bih=925


MessagePosté: 05 Sep 2012, 10:24 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28756
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Oui très jolie elle est dans les pubs Nespresso avec Clooney.

CroqAnimement votre

MessagePosté: 05 Sep 2012, 10:25 
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Inscription: 18 Aoû 2005, 23:40
Messages: 19486
Localisation: Rebirth Island
Meuf de la pub nespresso much more ristreto

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19 Avr 2008, 18:45

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12 Oct 2005, 16:23

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