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MessagePosté: 15 Juin 2006, 13:06 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:39
Messages: 12154
Localisation: No soup for you!
Fox has announced special editions of the Robert Zemeckis directed Romancing The Stone and the follow-up Jewel of the Nile. Each will be presented in anamorphic widescreen, along with English Dolby Digital 5.1 tracks. Extras on Romancing will include eight deleted scenes ("Jack T. Colton", "By the River", "Keep Quiet", "Treasure Map", "Campfire on a Cargo Plane", "Romancing the Stone", "Alligator" and "The Book Signing") and four featurettes ("Rekindling The Romance: A Look Back", "A Hidden Treasure: The Screenwriter", "Romancing The Stone" and "Michael Douglas Remembers"). Jewel of the Nile will also include deleted scenes ("A Toast to Joan Wilder", "With the People", "Need Water", "This Ain't Easy You Know", "Jack, I Wish We Would Have Gone to Greece" and "The Ceremony"), and two featurettes entitled Romancing The Nile: A Winning Sequel, and Jewel of the Nile: Romance Novel. Each will retail at around $19.98. Alternatively, a two-pack containing both will be available for $29.98.


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