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 Sujet du message: Dark Universe (Doug Liman)
MessagePosté: 02 Nov 2012, 03:17 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Je me rappelle d'une époque où Spielberg n'avait pas son pareil pour accumuler les projets.
Aujourd'hui, il a enfin tourné ses arlésiennes (Indy 4 et Lincoln), en ayant même le temps de sortir des projets de nulle part (War Horse, Robopocalypse), et n'a rien de connu sur son planning à part Interstellar.

Et j'ai l'impression que c'est Guillermo del Toro et Joe Carnahan qui ont pris le relais.

Dans les projets que Del Toro développe ACTUELLEMENT (donc je parle même pas des projets développés jadis comme Monte Cristo, Mephisto in Onyx, 3993, The Coffin, etc.), il y a Pinocchio, La Belle et la bête, Frankenstein, Les Montagnes hallucinées, Le Manoir hanté, The se rajoute à cette liste une nouvelle adaptation de comics.

PACIFIC RIM is testing so well that Warner Brothers wants to offer him everything they have. He wants to do his own version of the Avengers, just supernaturally. Called HEAVEN SENT he is combining all the magical beings from DC Comics in one epic adventure. Deadman, The Spectre, Swamp Thing, Constantine Hellblazer, Phantom Stranger, Zatanna, Zatara, and Sargon as well as Etrigan the Demon will team up to no doubt save us from the Stay Puft Marshmallow man. Now this one is a ways away, but Warner’s lawyers have been working every night trying to clear the rights to all these characters.


Devin Faraci spécule que ça pourrait être de l'anim (perso j'en doute) :

Here's an interesting thought: what if this is to be an animated movie? These are weird characters all, and may not quite work in live action. But animated they would be great. And doing this animated - a process that takes years - would allow Guillermo to do Pacific Rim 2 at the same time. When I talked to him at the Dreamworks Rise of the Guardians event this week he mentioned that he saw his producing gigs at the studio as an animation apprenticeship, one that would allow him to finally direct an animated movie of his own.

Ce sera le cas avec Pinnochio.
Sinon, je trouve le projet excitant (ces persos, seuls, ne le sont pas, je trouve) même si j'ai peur de la redite avec ses Hellboy, surtout le second. Mais ça prouve bien ce que je disais vis-à-vis de Del Toro comme réal pour Justice League : ils sont pas assez freaks pour lui.


MessagePosté: 02 Nov 2012, 04:29 
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Putain, sérieux mec
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Inscription: 24 Juin 2009, 12:09
Messages: 5655
Film Freak a écrit:
Je me rappelle d'une époque où Spielberg n'avait pas son pareil pour accumuler les projets.
Aujourd'hui, il a enfin tourné ses arlésiennes (Indy 4 et Lincoln), en ayant même le temps de sortir des projets de nulle part (War Horse, Robopocalypse), et n'a rien de connu sur son planning à part Interstellar.

Et j'ai l'impression que c'est Guillermo del Toro et Joe Carnahan qui ont pris le relais.

Dans les projets que Del Toro développe ACTUELLEMENT (donc je parle même pas des projets développés jadis comme Monte Cristo, Mephisto in Onyx, 3993, The Coffin, etc.), il y a Pinocchio, La Belle et la bête, Frankenstein, Les Montagnes hallucinées, Le Manoir hanté, The se rajoute à cette liste une nouvelle adaptation de comics.

PACIFIC RIM is testing so well that Warner Brothers wants to offer him everything they have. He wants to do his own version of the Avengers, just supernaturally. Called HEAVEN SENT he is combining all the magical beings from DC Comics in one epic adventure. Deadman, The Spectre, Swamp Thing, Constantine Hellblazer, Phantom Stranger, Zatanna, Zatara, and Sargon as well as Etrigan the Demon will team up to no doubt save us from the Stay Puft Marshmallow man. Now this one is a ways away, but Warner’s lawyers have been working every night trying to clear the rights to all these characters.


Devin Faraci spécule que ça pourrait être de l'anim (perso j'en doute) :

Here's an interesting thought: what if this is to be an animated movie? These are weird characters all, and may not quite work in live action. But animated they would be great. And doing this animated - a process that takes years - would allow Guillermo to do Pacific Rim 2 at the same time. When I talked to him at the Dreamworks Rise of the Guardians event this week he mentioned that he saw his producing gigs at the studio as an animation apprenticeship, one that would allow him to finally direct an animated movie of his own.

Ce sera le cas avec Pinnochio.
Sinon, je trouve le projet excitant (ces persos, seuls, ne le sont pas, je trouve) même si j'ai peur de la redite avec ses Hellboy, surtout le second. Mais ça prouve bien ce que je disais vis-à-vis de Del Toro comme réal pour Justice League : ils sont pas assez freaks pour lui.

Je te passerai quelques uns des bons arcs de Swamp Thing de Miller, ça n'a pas grand chose à voir avec Hellboy une fois que tu les as lus, et ce projet me fait bander.


MessagePosté: 02 Nov 2012, 04:46 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Je parlais de l'aspect "équipe de streums, aventures fantastiques".


MessagePosté: 02 Nov 2012, 08:09 
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Schtroumpf sodomite
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Inscription: 22 Mar 2006, 22:43
Messages: 24601
Localisation: Arkham Asylum
Puck a écrit:
Je te passerai quelques uns des bons arcs de Swamp Thing de Miller, ça n'a pas grand chose à voir avec Hellboy une fois que tu les as lus, et ce projet me fait bander.

Moore plutôt, non ?

N'écoutez pas Film Freak

MessagePosté: 02 Nov 2012, 13:13 
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Putain, sérieux mec
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Inscription: 24 Juin 2009, 12:09
Messages: 5655
Oui, oui, Moore!

Je préfère Sean Connery.


MessagePosté: 02 Nov 2012, 14:13 
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Inscription: 22 Mar 2006, 22:43
Messages: 24601
Localisation: Arkham Asylum

N'écoutez pas Film Freak

MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2013, 23:29 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Film Freak a écrit:
Dans les projets que Del Toro développe ACTUELLEMENT (donc je parle même pas des projets développés jadis comme Monte Cristo, Mephisto in Onyx, 3993, The Coffin, etc.), il y a Pinocchio, La Belle et la bête, Frankenstein, Les Montagnes hallucinées, Le Manoir hanté, The se rajoute à cette liste une nouvelle adaptation de comics.

PACIFIC RIM is testing so well that Warner Brothers wants to offer him everything they have. He wants to do his own version of the Avengers, just supernaturally. Called HEAVEN SENT he is combining all the magical beings from DC Comics in one epic adventure. Deadman, The Spectre, Swamp Thing, Constantine Hellblazer, Phantom Stranger, Zatanna, Zatara, and Sargon as well as Etrigan the Demon will team up to no doubt save us from the Stay Puft Marshmallow man. Now this one is a ways away, but Warner’s lawyers have been working every night trying to clear the rights to all these characters.


Devin Faraci spécule que ça pourrait être de l'anim (perso j'en doute) :

Here's an interesting thought: what if this is to be an animated movie? These are weird characters all, and may not quite work in live action. But animated they would be great. And doing this animated - a process that takes years - would allow Guillermo to do Pacific Rim 2 at the same time. When I talked to him at the Dreamworks Rise of the Guardians event this week he mentioned that he saw his producing gigs at the studio as an animation apprenticeship, one that would allow him to finally direct an animated movie of his own.

Ce sera le cas avec Pinnochio.
Sinon, je trouve le projet excitant (ces persos, seuls, ne le sont pas, je trouve) même si j'ai peur de la redite avec ses Hellboy, surtout le second. Mais ça prouve bien ce que je disais vis-à-vis de Del Toro comme réal pour Justice League : ils sont pas assez freaks pour lui.

Here’s what del Toro had to say about the progress update on Dark Universe:

He’s finished the bible for the film and hopes to start in on the screenplay soon with an unnamed writer he also hopes to announce soon.
A blond John Constantine will be the lead character who tries to recruit the other heroes.
The story will include elements of the Demon Knights and Merlin.
The team’s origin will be revealed over time instead of presented up front: Swamp Thing is already at peace with his lot in life and Deadman is still in search of the man who shot him.
Del Toro said that his favorite characters growing up were Etrigan the Demon and Swamp Thing so he’s loving the experience on this film.

"The route we’re going is Constantine is our lead. Constantine is the guy who leads us in and out of the plot. We have Swamp Thing, Etrigan, we have Zatanna, we have—I will spoil it—the Floronic Man. We have stuff that those who love the darker side of the DC Universe are going to appreciate, and we’re trying to be true to the origins of the characters. I’m literally playing with two of my oldest and most favorite characters in my life—Swamp Thing and Etrigan. These were the guys I was drawing with crayons when I was a kid. I cannot tell you how happy I am, but I am finishing my bible, and then I deliver that bible, which is about 45 pages, to Warners, and we have a screenwriter that we like and that we talk to, but he is writing his own movie right now and is thinking about it. But I am going to try to wait for him. I won’t say who it is. I’m not allowed. But we’re waiting, and when the right time comes, hopefully that writer will take over, and then we’ll see if it’s directed by me or someone else and I’ll just produce. I don’t know."


MessagePosté: 02 Avr 2013, 00:41 
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Putain, sérieux mec
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Inscription: 24 Juin 2009, 12:09
Messages: 5655
Film Freak a écrit:
Film Freak a écrit:
Dans les projets que Del Toro développe ACTUELLEMENT (donc je parle même pas des projets développés jadis comme Monte Cristo, Mephisto in Onyx, 3993, The Coffin, etc.), il y a Pinocchio, La Belle et la bête, Frankenstein, Les Montagnes hallucinées, Le Manoir hanté, The se rajoute à cette liste une nouvelle adaptation de comics.

PACIFIC RIM is testing so well that Warner Brothers wants to offer him everything they have. He wants to do his own version of the Avengers, just supernaturally. Called HEAVEN SENT he is combining all the magical beings from DC Comics in one epic adventure. Deadman, The Spectre, Swamp Thing, Constantine Hellblazer, Phantom Stranger, Zatanna, Zatara, and Sargon as well as Etrigan the Demon will team up to no doubt save us from the Stay Puft Marshmallow man. Now this one is a ways away, but Warner’s lawyers have been working every night trying to clear the rights to all these characters.


Devin Faraci spécule que ça pourrait être de l'anim (perso j'en doute) :

Here's an interesting thought: what if this is to be an animated movie? These are weird characters all, and may not quite work in live action. But animated they would be great. And doing this animated - a process that takes years - would allow Guillermo to do Pacific Rim 2 at the same time. When I talked to him at the Dreamworks Rise of the Guardians event this week he mentioned that he saw his producing gigs at the studio as an animation apprenticeship, one that would allow him to finally direct an animated movie of his own.

Ce sera le cas avec Pinnochio.
Sinon, je trouve le projet excitant (ces persos, seuls, ne le sont pas, je trouve) même si j'ai peur de la redite avec ses Hellboy, surtout le second. Mais ça prouve bien ce que je disais vis-à-vis de Del Toro comme réal pour Justice League : ils sont pas assez freaks pour lui.

Here’s what del Toro had to say about the progress update on Dark Universe:

He’s finished the bible for the film and hopes to start in on the screenplay soon with an unnamed writer he also hopes to announce soon.
A blond John Constantine will be the lead character who tries to recruit the other heroes.
The story will include elements of the Demon Knights and Merlin.
The team’s origin will be revealed over time instead of presented up front: Swamp Thing is already at peace with his lot in life and Deadman is still in search of the man who shot him.
Del Toro said that his favorite characters growing up were Etrigan the Demon and Swamp Thing so he’s loving the experience on this film.

"The route we’re going is Constantine is our lead. Constantine is the guy who leads us in and out of the plot. We have Swamp Thing, Etrigan, we have Zatanna, we have—I will spoil it—the Floronic Man. We have stuff that those who love the darker side of the DC Universe are going to appreciate, and we’re trying to be true to the origins of the characters. I’m literally playing with two of my oldest and most favorite characters in my life—Swamp Thing and Etrigan. These were the guys I was drawing with crayons when I was a kid. I cannot tell you how happy I am, but I am finishing my bible, and then I deliver that bible, which is about 45 pages, to Warners, and we have a screenwriter that we like and that we talk to, but he is writing his own movie right now and is thinking about it. But I am going to try to wait for him. I won’t say who it is. I’m not allowed. But we’re waiting, and when the right time comes, hopefully that writer will take over, and then we’ll see if it’s directed by me or someone else and I’ll just produce. I don’t know."

Ca déboite.

Et cet arc de Swamp Thing est complètement OUF!


MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2015, 00:03 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Justice League Dark se tournerait l'an prochain.

Colin Farrell and Monica Bellucci are the frontrunners to play John Constantine and Madame Xanadu, respectively. Meanwhile, the odds are on Ron Perlman to play Swamp Thing.

Ewan McGregor has apparently also been approached to play Constantine as well in the movie that will still use del Toro's script, and Cara Delevigne's Enchantress from "Suicide Squad" might cameo.

All that said, the movie doesn't have a release date or director, and the claim that Warner Bros. is aiming to shoot the movie next year seems to be a bit odd, since Zack Snyder's "Justice League" will also be filming around that time.


MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2015, 01:05 
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Inscription: 19 Juin 2007, 16:19
Messages: 15204
Localisation: Lille
Farrell en Constantine je dis banco (du moment qu'il n'est pas blond).


MessagePosté: 20 Nov 2015, 01:16 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Film Freak a écrit:
- Justice League Dark se tournerait l'an prochain.
Colin Farrell and Monica Bellucci are the frontrunners to play John Constantine and Madame Xanadu, respectively. Meanwhile, the odds are on Ron Perlman to play Swamp Thing.

Ewan McGregor has apparently also been approached to play Constantine as well in the movie that will still use del Toro's script, and Cara Delevigne's Enchantress from "Suicide Squad" might cameo.

All that said, the movie doesn't have a release date or director, and the claim that Warner Bros. is aiming to shoot the movie next year seems to be a bit odd, since Zack Snyder's "Justice League" will also be filming around that time.

Fede Alvarez (Evil Dead) et Aharon Keshales & Navot Papushado (Big Bad Wolves) shortlisté pour réaliser.


MessagePosté: 24 Aoû 2016, 23:38 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Et donc comme sponge l'a dit ailleurs, Liman a quitté Gambit, ce qui est plutôt une bonne chose, pour réaliser ce projet, à partir d'un scénario de Del Toro et produit par Scott Rudin. C'est une équipe de luxe mais je m'interroge tout de même sur le plan de carrière de Liman.

Est-ce qu'il sait qu'American Made se dirige vers un bide et donc veut se garantir un blockbuster derrière? Sachant qu'il a tourné un petit film en scrèd cet été, The Wall, qui n'est pas taillé pour cartonner non plus.
Il s'est également attaché à une adaptation de série de livres Young Adult avec un scénario de Charlie Kaufman qui a jadis intéressé Zemeckis.

Ce sont pas forcément des projets pourris mais ça a l'air moins ambitieux/exigeant qu'un Edge of Tomorrow et moins personnel qu'un Fair Game.

Et sinon, je comprends pas comment Warner peut donner le feu vert à un film de ce genre après la débâcle Suicide Squad. Enfin, en même temps, le film marche a priori...

D'ailleurs, alors qu'il devait initialement être à part, le film fera partie de l'univers partagé DC...j'espère que la Warner fera pas chier Liman comme elle a fait chier Snyder et surtout Ayer.


 Sujet du message: Re: Dark Universe (Doug Liman)
MessagePosté: 08 Mai 2017, 20:54 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87550
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
“I think people will be surprised how character driven and how intimate Justice League Dark is — in kind of a field of bloated comic book movies. We’ve found a way to do something that’s actually really personal and small, and that’s my goal.

The Wall is about character. The scenario allows me to dive into what I think is… I just love people! I love putting people in crazy situations. For John Constantine, we have an amazing set-up for him for Justice League Dark that’s really human.

It’s going to have real horror elements, for sure. I love early horror films, be it The Exorcist, or Carrie, The Omen. In the same way that Bourne Identity, I went back to ’70s paranoia.

There’s stuff to be mined from the people who have come before me that I’m planning to bring to Justice League Dark. And also the arena, my good friend Simon Kinberg, with Deadpool really pushed the arena.

I’m never going to do something that’s straightforward, but I’m not going to do something campy either. I have a take on it that isn’t like anything else out there. At the end of the day, I make character driven movies.


 Sujet du message: Re: Dark Universe (Doug Liman)
MessagePosté: 09 Mai 2017, 23:04 
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Putain, sérieux mec
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Inscription: 24 Juin 2009, 12:09
Messages: 5655
J'ai joui.


 Sujet du message: Re: Dark Universe (Doug Liman)
MessagePosté: 09 Mai 2017, 23:06 
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Putain, sérieux mec
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Inscription: 24 Juin 2009, 12:09
Messages: 5655
Et l'amour de l'horreur fait qu'il s'inspire, je l'espère, beaucoup des Swamp Thing de Wrightson et Wein.


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12 Jan 2018, 01:47

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24 Fév 2009, 10:49

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23 Juil 2020, 20:10

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14 Mai 2010, 11:59

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13 Déc 2007, 04:23

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08 Avr 2016, 16:41

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25 Jan 2016, 17:35

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05 Fév 2007, 23:57

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