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MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 10:26 
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Inscription: 15 Juil 2005, 17:40
Messages: 14155
Localisation: The Far Side of the World
Réponse demaaaaaaiiiiiiin... En 3d!

MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 10:27 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:38
Messages: 15542
Mufti a écrit:
Réponse demaaaaaaiiiiiiin... En 3d!

Si tu mets 5/6, on aura la preuve ultime que tu es un escroc :D

MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 10:30 
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Inscription: 15 Juil 2005, 17:40
Messages: 14155
Localisation: The Far Side of the World
Oh yeah!

Le problème c'est que la version 2D est à 11.30 et donc c'est trop tot pour un Burger King avant, alors que la 3D est à midi, donc ça va pour se remplir la panse du Double Whopper with Cheese.

Comment ça escroc? Escroc toi-même!

MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 10:43 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Mec, zappe la 3D :

CHUD : Maybe as soon as next week. While I thought Alice in Wonderland had simply wretched, barely-there 3D, Clash of the Titans manages to top that with 3D that swings wildly from barely there (taking your glasses off during the film resulted in only a slightly fuzzy - but much brighter - image) to atrociously rendered. Post-conversion creates pop-up book 3D, where everything is a flat plane that is separated from other flat planes, offering illusory depth, but Clash takes that to the next level. Some characters, apparently in an attempt to give their forms depth, exist on multiple planes - sometimes the front of Zeus' head appears to be three feet before the back of his head. Director Louis Leterrier flew all over the world to get impressive backgrounds for the epic, but in post-converted 3D many of these landscapes are ruined, with the planes being all over the place. In other scenes where the camera moves around a foreground object the object itself seems to be morphing as the planes are shifted to maintain a 3D image.

It's a goddamn disaster, frankly. I keep talking to people who simply took their glasses off for most of the movie - while the image was fuzzy it wasn't as bad as it looked through the glasses, which made the entire film look like it was shot through the dusty rear windshield of a Dodge Dart left in a garage for six years. I'm almost hesitant to review the film because I can't tell which of my problems with it stem from the movie and which stem from being irritated by the presentation the entire time.

AICN : The stuff that it should be able to show off (the millions of dollars worth of digital creature effects and world building) are marred by the single worst 3-D conversion of recent memory.
The 3-D is so bad there are shots where an actors’ hair is pushing out of his or her head or where a face looks distorted, like someone was screwing with an anamorphic lens.
It’s quite clear Leterrier didn’t shoot with 3-D in mind as so much of the movie is a quickly moving camera, which just causes blurs when you try 3-Dize the shot. It’s an ugly, ugly, ugly 3-D picture.

AICN bis : How about hair that floats mysteriously behind its subject, as if there was someone with near identical hair standing behind them? How about trees that wobble in place as the camera moves and the rendering computer tries to figure out what the fuck to do with it, or flat ground that appears convex as it mysteriously slopes up on all sides towards our sitting subjects? How about editing that breaks the PRINCIPAL RULE OF 3-D EDITING? As I understand it, the main thing one needs to consider while editing in 3-D is that no single shot can be shorter than 2 seconds. Any shorter than that and the brain doesn’t have time to adjust to the new 3-D surroundings and cannot properly process the information, leaving you confused and a little off balance if you cut away too soon.

One of the great things about AVATAR is that they went into the movie understanding this. You can have fast moving action, but it needs to be in sustained shots. Think back on the most stunning shots of that movie – they are fluid, but not rapidly edited. Instead they are more classically edited. Now imagine if those action sequences were directed by Paul Greengrass in full on BOURNE SUPREMACY-mode and you begin to get an idea of what watching action sequences in CLASH is like. There is a real, honest to god reason people like Michael Bay are resistant to 3-D – because it changes the way you are allowed to make movies. You have to frame them differently; color them differently; edit them differently. You cannot just take any old film and add 3-D to it, just like you can’t take any old Black & White film and colorize it. But that’s exactly what they did here.

And it positively destroyed the fucking film. To add insult to injury, they didn’t even color correct it to account for the sunglass-effect of the polarized lenses, making the experience very much like…watching a movie while wearing sunglasses. BRILLIANT!

HitFix : Much of the advertising for the film focuses on one thing and one thing only: see the film in 3D. Considering what a key part of the campaign that is, the 3D post-production conversion process used on "Clash" is an unwatchable mess, ugly and strange and difficult to sit through. Nothing in the film feels organic, and there's no part of the film that feels like it makes proper use of the format. This is the polar opposite of "Avatar," which was designed in 3D, shot in 3D, and which did all of its FX work with 3D in mind. If that film, carefully developed and produced over a half-decade, was the game-changer, as James Cameron claimed, then "Clash Of The Titans," rushed through post in four months to exploit the craze, has the potential to be the game-ender.

It's difficult to separate out the disappointment with the presentation from feelings about the movie, but I would strongly encourage anyone interested in the movie to find a 2D presentation so you can see the film that Louis Leterrier directed, as he intended, and skip the overpriced 3D presentations that essentially ruin anything enjoyable about the movie. You'll save yourself a headache, you'll save yourself the surcharges, and you'll be able to focus on the film itself.

Don't fall for the 3D hype. This outsourced rush job of a conversion is the one truly terrifying thing about the film, and viewers would be well-advised to only see the film in 2D. Send Hollywood the message that you don't want to be ripped off. If they'll take the time to design and film a movie in 3D, that's one thing, but it's not a license to empty every viewer's wallet with absolutely nothing to show for it in return.


MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 10:58 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28729
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
:shock: ! Ca rendrait presque curieux.

CroqAnimement votre

MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 11:30 
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2005, 09:00
Messages: 37086
Localisation: Paris
Grave, c'est ça qui rend fou.

Pourquoi vais-je voir BANLIEUE 13 - ULTIMATUM ? Pour me renseigner par rapport au cadre professionnel de mon (futur) métier.

Théoriquement c'est aussi pour ça que je devrais aller voir le CLASH en 3D... pour me renseigner. M'informer. Mieux comprendre les choses à faire ou ne pas faire.

Mais je vais le voir qu'une fois sans doute et j'ai peur que ça me gâche tout.

Liam Engle: réalisateur et scénariste

MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 11:39 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Qui-Gon Jinn a écrit:
Mais je vais le voir qu'une fois sans doute et j'ai peur que ça me gâche tout.

Sincèrement, y a même pas à avoir peur, ça me semble garanti là.

Moi je vais le voir en 2D.
Si je le revois au ciné, je tenterai peut-être le coup en 3D.

Mais mon premier avis, mon vrai avis sur le FILM, je me le fais en 2D.
Surtout que c'est comme ça qu'il a été designé, pensé, mis en scène, éclairé, etc.


MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 12:39 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:39
Messages: 12158
Localisation: No soup for you!
ma collègue l'as vu et m'as dit:

Pas besoin de le voir en 3D, ça ne sert à rien. Elle a même enlevé les lunettes tellement ça ne sert à rien
SFX mitigé. du bon et du moins bon...
De bonnes scènes d'actions.
Neeson et Fiennes très crédibles en frangins.

et moi ça me fait rire: Mouloud a trois phrases, mais sympa.


MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 12:42 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Toujours pour Mufti :

IESB : I recently saw HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON and was amazed by the quality of the 3D. CLASH OF THE TITANS was the antithesis to that 3D success. And to make matters considerably worse, the use of 3D made every one of the flick's flaws jump RIGHT OFF the screen.

My first recommendation is this : please do not see it in 3D. I repeat DO NOT SEE IT IN 3D. Do not reward the aforementioned bright minds at the studio by paying them an extra three or four bucks per ticket for such a lousy and unnecessary use of the medium. At no point did I feel the 3D added anything of value to the experience of watching this flick, and quite often I felt it detracted from the experience. I do not need to see a coin skipping on the water and flying off of the screen at me. That cheesy gimmick caused an audible groan from more than a handful of audience members (myself included). It all felt unnecessary and poorly executed. AVATAR and HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON were intended to be released as 3D movies from early in their development process, and it showed. CLASH OF THE TITANS was not originally intended to be 3D, and it could not have been more obvious.


MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 13:43 
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Inscription: 28 Déc 2006, 21:20
Messages: 8711
En parlant de 3D, ca commence a fire un bail que j ai vu le Joe Dante et toujours pas de date de sortie salles?

MessagePosté: 01 Avr 2010, 13:52 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Pas que je sache.


MessagePosté: 02 Avr 2010, 01:19 
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Inscription: 15 Juil 2005, 17:40
Messages: 14155
Localisation: The Far Side of the World
Bon on a laissé tomber... 3 dollars de plus pour la version 3d... Fuck it! On y retourne demain pour la version 2d...

MessagePosté: 02 Avr 2010, 13:46 
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Inscription: 01 Juil 2005, 14:10
Messages: 9564
Localisation: Montréal
Mufti a écrit:
Réponse demaaaaaaiiiiiiin... En 3d!

nous aussi réponse demain... en 2D par contre !


MessagePosté: 02 Avr 2010, 13:48 
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Inscription: 01 Juil 2005, 14:10
Messages: 9564
Localisation: Montréal
Mufti a écrit:
Bon on a laissé tomber... 3 dollars de plus pour la version 3d... Fuck it! On y retourne demain pour la version 2d...

Ahah !


MessagePosté: 02 Avr 2010, 15:23 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 17:56
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Localisation: Caché avec Charlie
38 sur metacritic...

C'est du bourrin con, apparemment.

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21 Oct 2009, 17:30

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