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MessagePosté: 30 Sep 2009, 23:08 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Et la moitié en taule.


MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2009, 20:29 
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Inscription: 07 Oct 2005, 10:23
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Avary commence à twitter depuis la prison visiblement:

MessagePosté: 31 Oct 2009, 14:58 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Mr Chow a écrit:
Avary commence à twitter depuis la prison



MessagePosté: 02 Nov 2012, 03:17 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87503
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
C'est reparti!

SANTA MONICA, CA, NOVEMBER 1, 2012 – Panorama Media and Samuel Hadida announced today the production of CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN. The action-adventure film, inspired by the iconic game franchise, is written and will be directed by Academy Award® winner Roger Avary. Hadida will produce through his Davis Films Productions, and global sales will be handled by Panorama’s Marc Butan and Kimberly Fox. Talks with U.S. distributors are underway.

CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN is an action adventure film in the vein of CAPTAIN AMERICA and INGLORIOUS BASTERDS. The story follows a young US Army Captain and a British Special Agent on a top secret mission to Castle Wolfenstein, where Hitler will be for the unveiling of a new secret weapon. After reaching the Castle, our heroes are confronted with Himmler’s SS Paranormal Division and must fight, not only for their survival, but for a mission that could alter the course of the War.

Hadida explained, “With Roger at the helm, we expect everyone will join us for a wild and fun cinematic ride that will grab contemporary film audiences with the same irreverent, hip, over the top approach that Roger brought to PULP FICTION and the other films he has either written or directed. It is a big action adventure but also strongly character driven and based on a very solid story.”

Fox stated, “We are thrilled to be in business with Samuel and Roger on this amazing project. We have known Samuel for years as a distributor and as a producer who knows the pulse of the marketplace, from his productions of TRUE ROMANCE through the RESIDENT EVIL pictures, and including Roger’s KILLING ZOE and RULES OF ATTRACTION. Both Samuel and Roger bring a really fun sensibility to the screen, and WOLFENSTEIN gives them the perfect opportunity.”

Hadida added, “The film involves a classic assault on the bad guys, who are nominally Nazis, more evocative of INGLORIUS BASTERDS than the actual World War II. It is a vaguely futuristic retro world as fun as CAPTAIN AMERICA, which has recently been reintroduced to the world audience with great success.”

Avary noted, “I’ve been playing the WOLFENSTEIN games since I was a kid, and feel that their outlandish sensibility has deeply influenced my own writing and directing throughout my career. I have always thought WOLFENSTEIN, transformed and opened for the screen to wider audiences not familiar with the games, would be a major cinematic experience, which is why I introduced it to Samuel. He bought the rights, and I could not be happier that we are now embarking on this adventure.”

Panorama is licensing distribution rights at the current American Film Market now underway in Santa Monica.

Communiqué de presse qui ne mentionne pas que c'est un projet vieux de 5 ans...

Sinon, Avary aurait aussi un autre projet sur le feu :

Variety reports that John Cusack is set to star in the thriller Airspace with Roger Avary (The Rules of Attraction) in talks to direct. The movie is reportedly like Duel but set in the sky. Cusack would play a “work-absorbed charter pilot” flying home to his family who must escape the bizarre attack by a heavily-armed MiG fighter jet after discovering a mysterious briefcase.”

Le high concept foireux.


MessagePosté: 02 Nov 2012, 11:34 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:21
Messages: 23133
Localisation: Paris
A noter que son interview dans SoFilm est pas mal du tout, même si le mec parait un peu frimeur quand même.

Que lire cet hiver ?
Bien sûr, nous eûmes des orages, 168 pages, 14.00€ (Commander)
La Vie brève de Jan Palach, 192 pages, 16.50€ (Commander)

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Roger Rabbit 2 (Robert Zemeckis)

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Film Freak



30 Nov 2016, 10:53

Le Cow-boy Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Remake (Roger Gual) ----)Les projos presse




11 Jan 2007, 14:32

ForgetMeNot Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. The Children of Huang Shi (Roger Spottiswoode, 2008)

Le Cow-boy



06 Avr 2008, 09:51

Jericho Cane Voir le dernier message

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Qui-Gon Jinn



27 Sep 2007, 22:48

Mon Colonel Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Away We Go (Sam Mendes, 2009)




18 Mar 2009, 20:15

Le Pingouin Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Mostra de Venise 2009




11 Mai 2009, 12:55

Karloff Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2009)




01 Oct 2009, 13:55

Le Cow-boy Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Whip it (D. Barrymore, 2009)




16 Juil 2009, 17:00

deudtens Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. My son, my son, what have ye done (Werner Herzog, 2009)

Jericho Cane



19 Aoû 2009, 10:46

Jericho Cane Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. You Don't Even Know (Hong Sang Soo - 2009)




25 Avr 2009, 22:58

Mr Chow Voir le dernier message


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