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 Sujet du message: Carnival Row
MessagePosté: 09 Jan 2015, 02:14 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87499
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité

Guillermo del Toro is returning to A Killing on Carnival Row. The long-in-the-works fantasy project, however, will no longer be a feature but is in development as a television series to be called Carnival Row.

Legendary acquired the script this past year for del Toro, and will develop Carnival Row with Amazon Studios.

Del Toro will co-write a pilot version of the feature script with Travis Beacham (who wrote the script for del Toro's Pacific Rim) and Rene Echevarria. He will direct the pilot, most likely this spring, before he begins work on his next feature film (he's in post on his Gothic horror movie Crimson Peak with Pacific Rim 2 due to be his next film).

Beacham, who wrote Carnival Row as a newbie writer back in 2005, will also executive produce along with del Toro and Echevarria.

Echevarria, who is a veteran in the genre television space with writer and producer credits ranging from Star Trek: The Next Generation to Castle and Terra Nova (he also co-created The 4400), will serve as showrunner partner.

Carnival Row is one of those Hollywood projects that have grown into fabled what ifs. New Line picked up the script, considered wildly original at the time, preemptively in 2005 with Del Toro quickly becoming attached. After several years in development, however, he left for other passions. Neil Jordan was also attached to direct but eventually the project was shed from the studio as it merged more fully with Warner Bros. The project’s last major breath of life was in 2011 when Tarsem Singh became attached, although no studio was willing to take a risk on it.

The story is set in a noir, Victorian-tinged city where humans, fairies and other creatures co-exist. The original script told of a detective investigating a serial killer who is preying on mystical creatures, only to find that he has become the prime suspect in the murders.

Since the script's inception, the TV landscape has changed considerably, with fantasy now a coveted genre and going the TV route for filmmakers now a road to prestige and a way to sidestep more risk-averse studios. By going the TV route, Carnival Row also has a chance to expand its world and offer more story directions.

“We tried to do it for so long as a film that the rights reverted back to Travis as a basic story,” del Toro told THR. And I’ve always talked about it to anyone that would listen.”

After the Strain, Legendary's Thomas Tull came to del Toro and said whether he would be willing to explore it as a series. Del Toro jumped at the chance.
“We always had too many ideas to fit into the feature,” he said. “We can now really focus on the world and the politics of what it is to be a magical being in Victorian steampunk atmosphere where you are seen as a lesser being."

Espérons que ce soit meilleur que The Strain.


 Sujet du message: Re: Carnival Row
MessagePosté: 09 Jan 2015, 11:31 
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Inscription: 08 Juin 2007, 17:57
Messages: 392
Localisation: Reykjavik
C'est peut être ce qui peut arriver de mieux au projet. Suite à sa chronique dithyrambique sur Scriptshadow, j'avais récupéré une version du script et trouvé ça super moyen : univers très riche, mais une trame et des personnages ultra, ultra basiques. Un peu comme Pacific rim en fait. Du coup si ils sont obligés de développer et surtout d'approfondir tout ça pour en sortir une série ça peut donner un truc vraiment bon.

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