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 Sujet du message: Re: Blade (2021)
MessagePosté: 22 Juil 2019, 11:38 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 14:38
Messages: 15542
sponge a écrit:
Ouais j'sais plus où j'ai lu ça, je m'emporte peut-être un peu. Mais il me semble que Reynolds avait dit que c'était bien parti pour un Deadpool 3

Oui il n'y a pas de raison que ça ne se fasse pas.

 Sujet du message: Re: Blade (2021)
MessagePosté: 22 Juil 2019, 12:28 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Pas évoqué parce que c'est pas le MCU.


 Sujet du message: ALBRIGI
MessagePosté: 27 Nov 2019, 07:29 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2019, 00:30
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Localisation: Italia
Each Albrigi tank meets an operational philosophy based on nearly thirty years of experience in the production of stainless steel systems, which has guided the company towards the application of the most modern technologies and the most advanced construction techniques. The high quality standards, supported by the almost entirely robotized production structure, complete the maximum precision of processing and finishing.
All Albrigi Tecnologie tanks are fully integrated with AISI 304, AISI 304L, AISI 316 and AISI 316L austenitic steel and comply with the second highest quality standard and the most restrictive norms of the sector (GMP, FDA, 3A).
These processes are added to the guarantee of the steel, a particular effectiveness and speed in the operations of maintenance and cleaning, according to the legislation.
In the last ten years Albrigi Tecnologie has specialized in the food sector in particular, providing high quality systems for famous brands in the industry such as Aia, Barilla and Zuegg. Its geographical location, in the heart of Valpantena, which is part of the so-called enlarged Valpolicella, where Amarone and Recioto is produced, has made it possible, however, that Albrigi Tecnologie immediately developed an attention for the wine sector, so much so that over the years it has become one of the most successful companies in Italy also in the construction of registered plants for the storage and fermentation of wines ..
The owner is Stefano Albrigi who, after a long experience in the sector, has understood the importance of investing in technological development and in in-house professional skills. For this reason, around 35% of turnover is spent on research and business improvements.
For Albrigi Tecnologie the search for ever new solutions is in the first place.
Among the innovations recently proposed at the latest trade fairs (Vinitaly, Simei, Sitevi), we recall Il Archimede System, control and vinification system for automation in the cellar, Picturetank and Colourtank, for a touch of liveliness in the cellar and Polifascia, economic and innovative system, an exclusive Albrigi patent to condition your existing tanks


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21 Juil 2019, 19:01

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