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 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2016, 11:55 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87556
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
La Couleur pourpre un peu ou Sugarland Express.

Ses films les plus faibles quoi :D


 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2016, 14:46 
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Vaut mieux l'avoir en journal
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 15:21
Messages: 23146
Localisation: Paris
Je pensais à La Couleur pourpre justement, en me disant que même là il ne sort pas vraiment de sa zone de confort. Je trouve ça dommage. J'aimerais voir un peu plus souvent des cinéastes se confronter à quelque chose de radicalement différent.

 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 17 Juin 2016, 16:24 
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Inscription: 18 Nov 2015, 05:09
Messages: 900
La Couleur Pourpre utilise les codes du cinéma de l'âge d'or hollywoodien, et un peu de la comédie musicale.

Sugarland Express se fout un peu plus des codes. À mon avis, c'est un de ses chef-d'oeuvre. ;-)

Spielberg a déjà dit en entrevue qu'il rêvait depuis longtemps de faire un grand drame familial basé sur sa famille, mais qu'il attendait que certaines personnes décèdent avant de se lancer. :lol:


 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 26 Fév 2018, 18:06 
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Inscription: 25 Déc 2008, 02:29
Messages: 14042
Dans le dernier Empire
It’s remarkable to me you made Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List in the same year.
I’ll tell you how it felt. I didn’t anticipate how emotionally caught up in the subject matter of the Holocaust I would become when I committed to shooting Schindler’s List. I didn’t anticipate what it would feel like after I returned from the set to spend three hours going over ILM effects shots on Jurassic Park and how angry I was and how I resented having to do that. I would sit there angry and bitter giving notes on how a Tyrannosaurus Rex should run chasing a jeep, when all I could think of was what I had shot that day in Krakow. So instead of celebrating these two genres that were not even close cousins, I just got mad at Jurassic Park every day I had to go back and do any work on it that would take me away from the zone I was in on Schindler’s List. I would be furious at the dinosaurs, just furious that I had to do this.

Ce qui répond à une question que je me pose depuis longtemps, puisque c'est à la fois remarquable et incompréhensible.

 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 26 Fév 2018, 18:34 
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Putain, sérieux mec
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Inscription: 24 Juin 2009, 12:09
Messages: 5656
C'est ouf!


 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 26 Fév 2018, 18:48 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Ça explique presque The Lost World.


 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 26 Fév 2018, 20:44 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28758
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
C'est génial comme info sur le processus créatif.

CroqAnimement votre

 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 10 Mar 2018, 21:52 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87556
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Hollywood is abuzz about the super-secret table read Steven Spielberg held on Wednesday for an undisclosed project with some of the town’s top talent.

It is unknown who participated at this time, as everyone involved was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. And they’re remaining mum lest they lose a chance to work with the legendary filmmaker. However, Variety has learned the project is an untitled biopic of conductor and composer Leonard Bernstein. Coincidentally, Bernstein wrote the music for “West Side Story,” which Spielberg is also considering taking on as a follow-up after “Indiana Jones 5.”

It is also unknown who wrote this specific Bernstein script, though sources say it is not the same one that Josh Singer (“Spotlight”) currently has set up at Paramount.

Insiders say that no matter how well the table read went, “Indiana Jones 5” will be Spielberg’s next film. His follow-up to the next Indy is still undecided. This table read was viewed as a third option, as the director is also weighing the “West Side Story” remake.

While Amblin had no comment, a source close to Spielberg said he frequently does read-throughs, and it doesn’t mean the director is committing to anything.

In recent weeks, it has been reported that with post-production on his upcoming film “Ready Player One” nearly finished, Spielberg would focus on not just one directing job, but his next two gigs for 2019. The plan was always to shoot the next installment in the “Indiana Jones” franchise at the beginning of 2019 with star Harrison Ford returning in the title role as the fedora-wearing archaeologist. He initially intended to follow that up with a remake of Bernstein’s classic “West Side Story.”

As previously reported, Spielberg had already hired a “West Side Story” casting director to search for actors of Puerto Rican descent. However, in recent weeks Spielberg began to move off the idea of committing to the “West Side Story” remake as being his next film after “Indiana Jones 5,” given this recent table read.

Sources say this new undisclosed project does not suggest Spielberg is abandoning “West Side Story,” and that the director has done this kind of shuffling several times before when deciding what film he’ll tackle next. At various points, Spielberg’s name has been linked to a remake of “Harvey” and a drama about the Chicago 7 trial, and “Lincoln” went through several incarnations before ultimately being made with Daniel Day-Lewis.

He took a similar route when choosing what to direct next after “Ready Player One,” having at first committed to helm “The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara” starring Mark Rylance and Oscar Isaac. When he was unable to find the young actor to play the title character, Spielberg decided to direct “The Post,” which ended up landing an Oscar nomination for best picture.

Whatever he decides to direct after “Indiana Jones 5,” it is very clear that Spielberg will not shoot another film until the beginning of 2019. He’ll take the rest of 2018 to prep both films.

En gros, Spielberg et un cast de gros talents ont fait une lecture d'un script qui serait un biopic du compositeur de West Side Story et qui pourrait devenir l'autre film que Spielberg tournera en 2019 après Indy 5 plutôt que le remake de West Side Story.



 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 11 Mar 2018, 00:31 
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tape dans ses mains sur La Compagnie créole
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Inscription: 28 Juil 2005, 10:08
Messages: 22891
Localisation: 26, Rue du Labrador, Bruxelles
Enfin un biopoc de Bernstein!!! :D #monhéros

Ed Wood:"What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?"

 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 11 Mar 2018, 09:47 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28758
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Ou comme lu sur Twitter ça pourrait être le même projet, remake de WSS mélangé au biopic de Bernstein. Dans les deux cas je peux pas dire que je sois hypé de ouf (on s'en bat les steaks de Bernstein).

CroqAnimement votre

 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 11 Mar 2018, 15:28 
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Schtroumpf sodomite
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Inscription: 22 Mar 2006, 22:43
Messages: 24601
Localisation: Arkham Asylum
Vraiment chelou. Il a une vie spéciale Bernstein ?

N'écoutez pas Film Freak

 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 11 Mar 2018, 15:49 
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Inscription: 14 Mai 2014, 10:12
Messages: 3702
Il animait des trucs pédagogiques pour les gosses. Seul lien ténu avec spielberg que je vois

 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 17 Avr 2018, 23:37 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
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Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
Steven Spielberg Joins DC Universe With ‘Blackhawk’ Movie


Steven Spielberg and Amblin Entertainment are again teaming up with Warner Bros. Pictures to produce the action adventure “Blackhawk,” based on the DC Comics series of the same name.

Spielberg also has an eye on directing the movie, Warner Bros. Pictures Group chairman Toby Emmerich said in a Tuesday announcement.

The move comes on the heels of “Ready Player One,” also a Spielberg-Amblin-Warner Bros. collaboration, and marks the filmmaker’s first feature centered on DC characters.

Blackhawk is the leader of a small team of ace pilots who fight tyranny and oppression — including Axis powers as well as various supervillains –while operating from a hidden base known only as “Blackhawk Island.” The comic book debuted in 1941 and features team members from around the world, with Blackhawk himself generally portrayed as a Polish freedom fighter.

Blackhawk was created by comics legends Chuck Cuidera, Bob Powell and Will Eisner for Quality Comics. The characters and concepts were sold to DC after Quality ceased publications in 1956.

“We are so proud to be the studio behind Steven Spielberg’s latest hit, and are thrilled to be working with him again on this new action adventure,” said Emmerich on Tuesday. “We can’t wait to see what new ground he will break in introducing ‘Blackhawk’ to movie audiences worldwide.”

The screenplay for “Blackhawk” is being written by David Koepp, who has collaborated with Spielberg on the blockbusters “Jurassic Park,” “The Lost World: Jurassic Park,” “War of the Worlds” and “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.”

Spielberg will produce the film along with Kristie Macosko Krieger, under the Amblin Entertainment banner, while Sue Kroll will executive produce, under her Kroll & Co. Entertainment shingle.

“It was wonderful working with the team at Warner Bros. to bring ‘Ready Player One’ to the screen,” said Spielberg, adding, “They bring a blend of passion and professionalism to everything they do and have a tremendous history in this genre. I am excited to reunite with them on ‘Blackhawk.'”

Spielberg’s next two films are the fifth installment of the Indiana Jones franchise and “West Side Story.”

Pas d'engagement encore vis-à-vis de la réa, deux projets immédiats avant (et Mortara toujours dans le mix), le sentiment d'une redite avec les Indiana Jones qui ont pour ennemis les nazis (et avec le premier Captain America), univers DC mais des années avant donc zéro impact et c'est pas dans le genre "super-héros" donc ça m'excite pas plus que ça...

Après, je me souviens encore de l'incroyable scène de l'avion dans Bridge of Spies donc s'il le fait, ça sera sûrement mortel mais bon...

Cela dit, c'est une BD avec laquelle il avait flirté dans les années 80 :



 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 18 Avr 2018, 07:23 
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Inscription: 18 Nov 2015, 05:09
Messages: 900
Il va enfin faire son film d'avion définitif après 1941, Empire of the Sun, The Mission, et Always.


 Sujet du message: Re: L'avenir de Spielberg
MessagePosté: 18 Avr 2018, 07:25 
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Inscription: 24 Nov 2007, 21:02
Messages: 28758
Localisation: In the Oniric Quest of the Unknown Kadath
Je suis chaud mais je doute qu'il le réalise.

CroqAnimement votre

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29 Jan 2024, 18:07

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01 Juil 2016, 10:54

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27 Fév 2025, 22:23

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08 Oct 2022, 13:09

Déjà-vu Voir le dernier message

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28 Nov 2017, 23:28

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13 Nov 2012, 01:36

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Jack Griffin



30 Sep 2005, 13:22

Le Cow-boy Voir le dernier message

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27 Déc 2011, 02:18

David Swinton Voir le dernier message

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20 Aoû 2010, 17:14

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05 Oct 2015, 07:22

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