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Layer Cake (Matthew Vaughn, 2004)
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Auteur:  Film Freak [ 30 Oct 2006, 19:22 ]
Sujet du message:  Layer Cake (Matthew Vaughn, 2004)

[Info modo : post en réponse à un premier message effacé]

Cool, j'aime quand un découvrisme de film se déroule sans accroc.

Perso, je réalise à chaque vision de Layer Cake que j'ai vraiment de la facilité à voir et revoir ce film pourtant loin d'être du simple divertissement et je demeure constamment étonné par la personnalité que Vaughn apporte à la mise en scène. A première vue, je doute que son second, Stardust adapté de Gaiman, puisse témoigner de thèmes récurrents et de marquer la confirmation d'un auteur (a priori, rien de commun dans X-Men 3 non plus, qu'il devait réalsier à partir de ce même scénario commandité par ses soins), mais je reste très curieux de voir la suite de sa carrière.

Il va sans dire qu'il s'est clairement détaché de l'aura de son ex-partenaire (Ritchie, plus ou moins coincé dans un genre qu'il ne maîtrise même plus sur son dernier) et présente le souhait de s'aventurer à des genres différents tel que la fantasy avec Stardust (et ses projets avortés : le comic book avec X3, l'espionnage avec l'adaptation de Des Agents très spéciaux).

Et surtout :

G: Let’s talk about some of the other projects that have bounced around in your short life as a director. True that Casino Royale was yours for the taking at one point?

MV: Casino Royale is a very extremely strange scenario. I spent a lot of time with the Broccolis, talking about it. I wanted to do it. I would have loved to have done it. And then I spent time with the studio. Then the studio offered the film to me. Then I met up again with the Broccolis, who didn’t offer it to me, asked me a lot of questions still about it. And they got a lot of script notes from me. And then we talked about the logistics of how to make the film, and it looked pretty unlikely 'cause they wanted to be shooting it last January and it coming out this November. And that was like, tight. And then, I think they decided to push it back a year. And then they hired Martin Campbell, which could be the right or the wrong thing to have done. But I’m not going to say. What do you think about Martin Campbell doing it?

G: Well, they’ve been there, haven’t they?

MV: Yeah. I mean, they're meant to be reinventing it some. They're going to reinvent it with someone who’s done it before. Could happen. Might not.

G: I’m curious what your pitch was like for Harry Potter?

MV: Hmmm. It's funny, I did a lot of work on that pitch 'cause, as I said, the producers...David Hayman is a great guy, the producer of it. And he’s like, "Do you want to come in and pitch for doing Potter?" and I’m like, "Yeah!" 'cause I like Harry Potter. That stuff's cool. And I think Alfonso did a really good job on it. So I—yeah, it was strange because I read the book and I wrote a treatment and gave it a lot of thought. But I wanted to make it a little bit darker. I wanted to make Voldemort scary...
There’s a scene in the end where the kids start fighting Voldemort. And I was like, "Well, then they should get the shit kicked out of them! They’re kids, for Christ’s sake—taking on these big guys. You know I like the idea that one goes, and they just punch—can you imagine a big guy just socks Neville, you know, and just smashes—breaks his nose, and then he kicks him, and he goes flying across the room? You know that’s how it’d be. These are hardcore bad-asses."
And there was an open-jaw silence in the room, going, "We’ve got a franchise here—it's for kids." "Yeah, I know. But the kids are getting older, so let’s go with them." But they’re right. I mean, I think they picked a good director, and they really know what they’re doing. Warner Brothers is a really seriously good studio. The people there are smart, and they’re true gentlemen at Warner Brothers. They’re good people. Really good people.

Et finalement, si sa participation aux franchises Bond et Des Agents très spéciaux est tombée à l'eau, il reste intéressé par l'espionnage et bosse sur un scénario avec John Hodge (les quatre premiers Danny Boyle). "We’re doing an original spy movie. A really cool original spy film. A new character, a new agency...a real John Hodge spin on it."

Ca tue.

Auteur:  juLILO [ 30 Oct 2006, 20:14 ]
Sujet du message: 

Film Freak Returns a écrit:
G: I’m curious what your pitch was like for Harry Potter?

MV: Hmmm. It's funny, I did a lot of work on that pitch 'cause, as I said, the producers...David Hayman is a great guy, the producer of it. And he’s like, "Do you want to come in and pitch for doing Potter?" and I’m like, "Yeah!" 'cause I like Harry Potter. That stuff's cool. And I think Alfonso did a really good job on it. So I—yeah, it was strange because I read the book and I wrote a treatment and gave it a lot of thought. But I wanted to make it a little bit darker. I wanted to make Voldemort scary...
There’s a scene in the end where the kids start fighting Voldemort. And I was like, "Well, then they should get the shit kicked out of them! They’re kids, for Christ’s sake—taking on these big guys. You know I like the idea that one goes, and they just punch—can you imagine a big guy just socks Neville, you know, and just smashes—breaks his nose, and then he kicks him, and he goes flying across the room? You know that’s how it’d be. These are hardcore bad-asses."
And there was an open-jaw silence in the room, going, "We’ve got a franchise here—it's for kids." "Yeah, I know. But the kids are getting older, so let’s go with them." But they’re right. I mean, I think they picked a good director, and they really know what they’re doing. Warner Brothers is a really seriously good studio. The people there are smart, and they’re true gentlemen at Warner Brothers. They’re good people. Really good people.


Auteur:  Janet [ 30 Oct 2006, 20:22 ]
Sujet du message: 

''it's for kids'' ! je veux pas dire mais au final le film était interdit aux moins de 12 ou 13 ans selon les pays alors tu parles

Auteur:  Film Freak [ 31 Oct 2006, 03:36 ]
Sujet du message: 

Janet a écrit:
''it's for kids'' ! je veux pas dire mais au final le film était interdit aux moins de 12 ou 13 ans selon les pays alors tu parles

Il parle du 5. Pas du 4.

Auteur:  Janet [ 31 Oct 2006, 16:10 ]
Sujet du message: 

ah ok j'ai juste lu en diagonale... enfin le 5 aussi il sera interdit aux moins de quelque chose probablement...

Auteur:  Z [ 12 Sep 2007, 03:55 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Layer Cake (Matthew Vaughn, 2004)

hal5 a écrit:
Si finalement, il ne brille pas par son originalité, Layer Cake a pour lui une classe (voir un certain classicisme) et un gros quota sympathie, dont les personnages à la fois élégants, féroces et sexy forment la très efficace matière première. 4/6

Même note pour moi. Après un prologue brillant, le film s'embourbe un peu dans son intrigue inutilement chargée, ménagée en rebondissements sans vie ici ou là. Heureusement la mise en image est réussie, les dialogues sont fluides et percutants, les transitions impeccables, les personnages réussis, et Daniel Craig charismatique à souhait. C'est ultra référencé, mais jamais lourdement, tout est bien digéré, Vaughn développe son popre style à la manière d'un Jonathan Glazer avec son Sexy Beast (deux films qui se ressemblent sur bien des points).

Je le reverrai avec plaisir. 4/6 donc.

Sinon, Craig ferait un bon Thor...

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