Forum de FilmDeCulte

USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)
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Auteur:  Qui-Gon Jinn [ 19 Nov 2023, 23:54 ]
Sujet du message:  USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

Crimson Tide en VO

Je l'avais vu en février 1996 loué en cassette aux States et a priori jamais revu depuis. Sauf que je me souvenais que le dernier plan c'était Gene Hackman avec son chien, du coup je me demande si je l'ai pas revu une fois dans le intervening quart de siècle, peut-être avec une escalope chez Film Freak ? Mais pas sûr, car je ne me souvenais pas de Viggo Mortensen, ni de cette flopée de seconds rôles de l'époque: Steve Zahn, James Gandolfini pré-stardom, Ryan Philippe, George Dzundza... Tout ce qu'on aime.

Dans l'excellent sous-genre du film de sous-marin ça tient bien la route, éminemment efficace et fonctionnel. Mais j'avoue que ça fait bizarre de revoir ce film post-découverte de Michael Bay, tant l'ensemble, aussi marqué dans l'esthétique soit-il, paraît fade par rapport à ce que Bay fera un an plus tard sur le ROCK (y a des plans au début lorsqu'ils arrivent en voiture dans la base qui sont littéralement LES MÊMES que dans THE ROCK mais... pas aussi efficace et punchy que chez Bay). Et puis Scott partira tellement en sucette esthétiquement par la suite que certains plans paraissent bien gentillets maintenant -- même si les débullages et certains codes couleur ici pètent bien.

Et niveau scénaristique, la réécriture de Tarantino est tellement voyante, le mec qui droppe des références méga-factices de toute part à Robert Mitchum, Star Trek, insère le nom de son pote Rand Vossler...

Enfin, c'est marrant de voir comment en 95 Viggo fait ce militaire avec un buzzcut, en 96 il fait un aventurier arrogant dans DAYLIGHT, en 97 un sergent instructeur badass pour Ridley dans G.I. JANE. Alors que post-LOTR le gars devient genre le roi philosophe...

Auteur:  JulienLepers [ 20 Nov 2023, 09:08 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

Le film qui dit toute la vérité sur le Silver Surfer.

Auteur:  Walt [ 20 Nov 2023, 11:28 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

JulienLepers a écrit:
Le film qui dit toute la vérité sur le Silver Surfer.

Jusqu'à ce que la version plus récente de Slott & Allred (une franche réussite lorgnant pas mal du côté du Doctor Who moderne) arrive à être en mesure de les concurrencer.


Auteur:  JulienLepers [ 20 Nov 2023, 11:29 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

Buscema 4life

Auteur:  Walt [ 20 Nov 2023, 11:32 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

JulienLepers a écrit:
Buscema 4life

Moins impliqué après ce tournant-là : ... um=reader2

A Comic Book On Sale 55 Years Ago Today, November 19, 1968


SILVER SURFER was a special book for everybody who worked on it during its launch, and sadly it disappointed just about everybody involved with it. The first one thus struck was Surfer creator Jack Kirby, who had been building up to a storyline that would reveal the character’s origin in FANTASTIC FOUR when he learned that Stan Lee would be doing his own version of such a character in a new book dedicated to the hero—one that Kirby would have no involvement in. The artist, rather, was John Buscema, a world-class draftsman who learned the dramatics of comic book storytelling by following Kirby’s example. Ever since he’d returned to the field following a stint in advertising, Buscema had been instructed by Lee to draw like Kirby, his storytelling approach, his dramatic style. And Buscema was a huge fan of Kirby’s work as a result. But he also wanted to so something that was all his own. His opportunity came in this fourth issue of SILVER SURFER, in which the Sky-Rider of the Spaceways would lock horns with the Thunder God Thor in the latter’s home realm of Asgard. John hated drawing cityscapes, but he was raised on the fantasy artwork of cartoonists such as PRINCE VALIANT’s Hal Foster, and so he saw this as an opportunity to produce a comic book story more in that idiom. John maintained a certain detachment about the work, often claiming that he didn’t care about super heroes at all, but in this instance, he threw himself into it. And the result was amazing, a terrific looking book all around. Everybody was agog when John brought it into the Marvel offices after he’d completed it. Everybody, that is, except editor Stan Lee. Once inside Stan’s office, Lee began to go through the job with Buscema, criticizing his approach for how much it deviated from the typical Marvel style. he reportedly savaged the job, and John left the meeting demoralized. He wandered down the hall to where John Romita was set up with a desk, and asked Romita just how to do comics. From that point on, John never again gave so much of himself to any particular job, though there were certainly many that he did exemplary work on. The punch line, of course, came a decade later, when the story was selected to be included in the Simon & Schuster Marvel collection MARVEL’S GREATEST SUPERHERO BATTLES. Called upon to write up an introduction to the story, Stan rung up John Buscema and proceeded to tell him how, looking back on this job, it was the best thing that John had ever done. Incredulous, John replied to Stan that he had hated it when John had first brought it in, and Stan had no memory of these events at all. But it broke John. SILVER SURFER also broke Stan, though it was later than this issue. At the time, Stan had begun to receive accolades from college-age readers, who likened him to a modern day Homer, spinning myths of the day. Stan liked the fact that his work in what had been considered a juvenile medium was being taken so seriously, and so he set out to produce a comic book that would tackle loftier issues than just the super-villain rampage of the day. No, this book would have something to say about the human condition. And it would feature the Silver Surfer, a character that Stan had fallen in love with in his initial appearances. In order to help separate it from the pack, and to give himself a larger canvas to tell more complex stories across, Stan decided to release the series in the larger 25 cent Annual format. This would also make it less likely that the youngest readers, who would likely be bored by its pontificating, would buy it. That part worked, though almost too well. SILVER SURFER struggled in sales from the get-go, and even reducing it to the size of a regular Marvel book and bringing in popular guest-stars from across the Marvel Universe didn’t halt its decay. In desperation, Lee shanghaied Kirby in to plot and draw what became the last issue, which was intended to set up a new direction for the character. But it was too little, too late. The most personal work that Lee had ever done failed to connect with an audience. For years thereafter, Lee forbade any other writers from using the Silver Surfer without his expressed sign-off.

Auteur:  Azazello [ 20 Nov 2023, 13:25 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

Stan Lee la pire fraude de la pop culture?

Sinon très bon souvenir du film, mais ça remonte un peu..

Auteur:  Qui-Gon Jinn [ 20 Nov 2023, 13:48 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

Azazello a écrit:
Stan Lee la pire fraude de la pop culture?
Fraude pire anglicisme d'aujourd'hui ?

Auteur:  Azazello [ 20 Nov 2023, 14:39 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

Oui mais je trouvais d'arnaque ça collait pas, fraude a un coté plus global, faut que je cherche l'équivalent en bon français.

Auteur:  oeil-de-lynx [ 20 Nov 2023, 14:57 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

On dirait escroquerie.

Auteur:  Azazello [ 20 Nov 2023, 15:39 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

Oui mais ça ne se dit pas de dire une personne qu'elle est un escroquerie, dans ce cas-là c'est un escroc..

Auteur:  Film Freak [ 20 Nov 2023, 15:44 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: USS Alabama (Tony Scott - 1995)

Revu cette année aussi, pour la énième fois, parce que si je n'avais jamais été à fond, ça restait un film éminemment rematable, mais la revoyure fut vraiment un plaisir, non seulement de se glisser dans un savoir-faire devenu rarissime ces temps-ci, mais parce que c'est un modèle d'écriture économique, qui ne s'embarrasse de rien de superflu, que ce soit dans la caractérisation ou la situation, créant deux protagonistes parfaits pour un face-à-face, porteurs au travers de leur comportement (et de leur âge et de leur couleur de peau) d'idéologies opposées au service d'un même ordre, et le décor choisi, à la portée symbolique et métaphorique indéniable, ne fait qu'amplifier la tension, soigneusement travaillée, découpée et construite par l'artisan Tony Scott.

Sans aucun doute son meilleur film (avec mon chouchou Le Dernier Samaritain et le cauchemar expressionniste Man on Fire).

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