Forum de FilmDeCulte

Steve Jobs (Danny Boyle, 2015)
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Auteur:  AxelMcFly42 [ 04 Déc 2012, 18:30 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs


Auteur:  AxelMcFly42 [ 04 Déc 2012, 18:34 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

Alors éclairez moi. Il y a deux biopics ? Si oui il y a un topic sur celui là ?

Auteur:  Film Freak [ 04 Déc 2012, 18:35 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

Non, parce qu'il compte pas.

Auteur:  AxelMcFly42 [ 04 Déc 2012, 18:38 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

Ah. Donc c'est pas du cinéma. C'est juste un film. Ok.

Auteur:  Mon Colonel [ 04 Déc 2012, 19:24 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

Kutcher c'est pas le film de Sorkin ?

Auteur:  sponge [ 04 Déc 2012, 19:29 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

AxelMcFly42 a écrit:
Ah. Donc c'est pas du cinéma. C'est juste un film. Ok.

Non c'est que l'un est un film écrit par Sorkin qui a l'air très audacieux, l'autre (avec Kutcher) est plus un biopic banal, qui s'annonce très consensuel.

Auteur:  Film Freak [ 13 Jan 2014, 23:15 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

Aaron Sorkin has turned in his long gestating screenplay about Steve Jobs.

Auteur:  Film Freak [ 26 Fév 2014, 16:51 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs


David Fincher in Early Talks to Direct Steve Jobs Film for Sony (Exclusive)

Based on Walter Isaacson's best-selling biography, the film would reteam Fincher with "Social Network" writer Aaron Sorkin and producer Scott Rudin.

David Fincher already has tackled one Silicon Valley billionaire in Mark Zuckerberg. Now, the Social Network director is poised to take on the late Steve Jobs for Sony.

Fincher is in early talks to helm the untitled film based on Walter Isaacson’s best-selling biography of the Apple co-founder, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter. If a deal comes together, the film would reunite the director with Oscar-winning Social Network writer Aaron Sorkin, who recently finished the adaptation, and the film's producer Scott Rudin.

Like Zuckerberg, Jobs was a complicated visionary who became a polarizing figure. Under Jobs' watch, Apple revolutionized several business, including personal computers, music, computer-generated animation and mobile phones. In the process, he became known as one of the greatest innovators of his generation. At the same time, he was unapologetic about his difficult personality, was at one point ousted at Apple and was criticized for the harsh treatment of workers in China who assembled Apple products.

Jobs' life already has inspired one big-screen feature: Open Road's 2011 film Jobs, starring Ashton Kutcher, which grossed just $35 million worldwide. But the Sorkin-penned project is considered a much more high-profile project due to the pedigree of those involved and the popularity of Isaacson's book, for which he obtained unrivaled access to Jobs during the last years of his life.

Sony boarded the project in October 2011, just weeks after Jobs succumbed to pancreatic cancer. Sorkin began writing the script in 2012, though he also has been heavily involved in his HBO series The Newsroom. No actor is attached yet, though the chance to play Jobs for Fincher and Sorkin likely would pique the interest of many A-list stars. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is participating in the film as a consultant.

Fincher is a notoriously picky director who can go years between film projects. He last directed Sony’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, which Rudin produced. Though the film was well received and earned more than $200 million worldwide, it never spawned a second and third chapter, as originally planned.

He recently finished shooting the Fox/New Regency mystery Gone Girl, based on Gillian Flynn’s best-seller. Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike star. Fincher also just launched season two of the critically acclaimed Netflix series House of Cards, which he executive produces. Fincher and Flynn also are reteaming on the HBO series Utopia.

Auteur:  Fire walk with me [ 26 Fév 2014, 16:54 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

Il lui restera plus qu'à faire Bill Gates ensuite (la trilogie des nerds).

Auteur:  Film Freak [ 26 Fév 2014, 16:57 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

Si c'est Sorkin au scénar, je signe.

Là je craindrais la redite si Sorkin n'avait pas évoqué la volonté de faire une structure atypique théâtrale et épurée.
Lui, il a pu le faire mais pour Fincher, c'est un challenge.

Auteur:  Fire walk with me [ 26 Fév 2014, 16:59 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

Ha mais si c'est du niveau de The Social Network sans redite, je signe aussi.

Auteur:  Wuxball [ 26 Fév 2014, 17:05 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs


Auteur:  Film Freak [ 26 Fév 2014, 17:06 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

Wuxball a écrit:

Chanmé, on tient un nouveau spécimen.

Auteur:  Prout Man [ 26 Fév 2014, 17:07 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

L'arlésienne 20 000 LIEUES SOUS LES MERS.

Auteur:  Film Freak [ 26 Fév 2014, 17:08 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Steve Jobs

Prout Man a écrit:
L'arlésienne 20 000 LIEUES SOUS LES MERS.

Nan mais c'est mort ça malheureusement.

En tout cas, quitte à risquer de se répéter, je préfère ça que des Gone Girl.

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