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 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 19 Déc 2012, 22:42 
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Successful superfucker
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Inscription: 28 Déc 2006, 21:20
Messages: 8711

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2012, 01:54 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24178
Yeah, Baby Yeah. Bon, la sélection 2012 refroidit un peu quand même.

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2012, 02:22 
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Successful superfucker
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Inscription: 28 Déc 2006, 21:20
Messages: 8711
Karloff a écrit:
Yeah, Baby Yeah. Bon, la sélection 2012 refroidit un peu quand même.

Avec aussi Carine Filloux

Non moi je trouve la sélection 2012 vraiment pas mal entre Tabou, Captive, Just the wind ou Royal affair, t'as qu'à comparer avec la sélection 2008 où la moitié de la sélection n'a jamais dû sortir en salles... Au contraire ça reste un grand festival de défrichage là où Cannes et Venise prennent un peu toujours les mêmes . Et puis ça sera toujours mieux que le festival des Arcs de Fredo Boyer avec le WKW assuré.

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2012, 11:02 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24178
oui, enfin le Festival des Arcs c'est trois jours à la neige tous frais payés, avec invit au spa, cadeaux variés et fondue à volonté

alors que Berlin, tu paies l'accréditation presse...

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2012, 14:35 
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Inscription: 19 Avr 2011, 19:03
Messages: 1400
Karloff a écrit:
oui, enfin le Festival des Arcs c'est trois jours à la neige tous frais payés, avec invit au spa, cadeaux variés et fondue à volonté

alors que Berlin, tu paies l'accréditation presse...

Et la prog n'est vraiment pas si mal... Rien que cette année, The deep, La horde, 5th season et quelques autres sont solides.
Sinon quelques nouvelles du Panorama :

Fictional films in the Main Programme and Panorama Special (15)

Baek Ya (White Night) - Republic of Korea
By Hee-il LeeSong
With Tae-hee Won, Yi-kyung Yi
European premiere

Chemi Sabnis Naketsi (A Fold in My Blanket) - Georgia
By Zaza Rusadze
With Tornike Bziava, Tornike Gogrichiani, Zura Kipshidze, Avtandil Makharadze, Giorgi Nakashidze
World premiere

Dduit-dam-hwa: Gam-dok-i-mi-cheot-eo-yo (Behind the Camera) - Republic of Korea
By E J-Yong
With Yuh-jung Youn, Hee-soon Park, Hye-jung Gang, Jung-se Oh, Min-hee Kim
International premiere

Deshora (Belated) - Argentina/Columbia/Norway
By Barbara Sarasola-Day
With Luis Ziembrowski, Alejandro Buitrago, Maria Ucedo
World premiere

Don Jon’s Addiction - USA
By Joseph Gordon-Levitt
With Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore
International premiere

Frances Ha - USA
By Noah Baumbach
With Greta Gerwig, Mickey Sumner, Charlotte D'Ambiose, Adam Driver
European premiere

Habi, la extranjera (Habi, the Foreigner) - Argentina/Brazil
By Maria Florencia Alvarez
With Martina Juncadella, Martin Slipak, Maria Luisa Mendonça, Lucia Alfonsin
World premiere

Inch´Allah - Canada
By Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette
With Evelyne Brochu, Sabrina Ouazani, Yousef Sweid, Sivan Levy, Carlo Brandt
International premiere

Kashi-ggot (Fatal) - Republic of Korea
By Don-ku Lee
With Yeon-woo Nam, Jo-a Yang, Jeong-ho Hong, Ki-doong Kang
European premiere

La Piscina (The Swimming Pool) - Cuba/Venezuela
By Carlos Machado Quintela
With Raul Capote, Monica Molinet, Felipe Garcia, Carlos Javier Martinez, Marcos Costa
International premiere

Lovelace - USA
With Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman
By Amanda Seyfried, Peter Sarsgaard, Sharon Stone, Robert Patrick, Juno Temple
International premiere

Meine Schwestern (My Sisters) - Germany
By Lars Kraume
With Jördis Triebel, Nina Kunzendorf, Lisa Hagmeister, Beatrice Dalle, Angela Winkler
World premiere

Rock the Casbah - Israel
By Yariv Horowitz
With Yon Tumarkin, Roy Nik, Yotam Ishay, Rave Iftach, Khawla Alhaj Debsi
International premiere

Tanta Agua (So Much Water) - Uruguay/Mexico/Netherlands/ Germany
By Ana Guevara Pose, Leticia Jorge Romero
With Malú Chouza, Néstor Guzzini, Joaquín Castiglioni
World premiere

The Broken Circle Breakdown - Belgium
By Felix van Groeningen
With Johan Heldenbergh, Veerle Baetens, Nell Cattrysse
International premiere

Panorama Dokumente (7)

Alam laysa lana (A World Not Ours) - Great Britain/Lebanon/Denmark
By Mahdi Fleifel
European premiere

Gut Renovation - USA
By Su Friedrich
International premiere

Naked Opera - Luxemburg/Germany
By Angela Christlieb
World premiere

Roland Klick - The Heart Is a Hungry Hunter - Germany
By Sandra Prechtel
With Roland Klick, Otto Sander, Eva Mattes, David Hess, Hark Bohm
World premiere

Sing Me the Songs That Say I Love You - A Concert for Kate McGarrigle - USA
By Lian Lunson
With Rufus Wainwright, Martha Wainwright, Emmylou Harris, Norah Jones, Anna McGarrigle
European premiere

State 194 - USA/Israel
By Dan Setton
With Yoram Millo, Daniel J. Chalfen, Ariel Setton, Margaret Yen
European premiere

The Act of Killing - Denmark/Norway/Great Britain
By Joshua Oppenheimer
With Janus Billekov Jansen, Carlos Mariano Arango de Montis, Mariko Montpetit, Henrik Gugge Garnov, Charlotte Munch Bengtsen
European premiere

Rien que pour la curiosité sur le Gordon-Levitt, Inch'allah et Lovelace (échos super bons) et revoir l'incroyable mélo de Van Groeningen ou le dément Act of killing....

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2012, 15:15 
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tape dans ses mains sur La Compagnie créole
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Inscription: 28 Juil 2005, 10:08
Messages: 22894
Localisation: 26, Rue du Labrador, Bruxelles
grunt a écrit:
The Broken Circle Breakdown - Belgium
By Felix van Groeningen
With Johan Heldenbergh, Veerle Baetens, Nell Cattrysse
International premiere

Déjà sorti ici cet automne. Énorme succès en Flandre.

Le film est très fort mais vaut surtout pour sa sublime BO (la BO de l'année, assurément) (du country/blue grass) et comment celle-ci prend place dans cette triste histoire de couple détruit par la maladie incurable de son enfant. C'est de très belle facture et les comédiens sont possédés par leur rôle (ils chantent eux-mêmes les chansons), mais c'est vraiment cette musique qui offre les plus beaux frissons, les plus belles scènes du film. 4/6

Ed Wood:"What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?"

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2012, 15:36 
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Inscription: 25 Nov 2005, 00:46
Messages: 87582
Localisation: Fortress of Précarité
grunt a écrit:
Lovelace (échos super bons)

Y a du cul?


 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2012, 15:46 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24178
grunt a écrit:
Karloff a écrit:
oui, enfin le Festival des Arcs c'est trois jours à la neige tous frais payés, avec invit au spa, cadeaux variés et fondue à volonté

alors que Berlin, tu paies l'accréditation presse...

Et la prog n'est vraiment pas si mal... Rien que cette année, The deep, La horde, 5th season et quelques autres sont solides.

de toute façon, ils viennent de m'accorder l'accréditation - efficaces les casques à pointe
Tu y vas ?

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2012, 18:52 
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Inscription: 19 Avr 2011, 19:03
Messages: 1400
Karloff a écrit:
de toute façon, ils viennent de m'accorder l'accréditation - efficaces les casques à pointe
Tu y vas ?

Oh que oui. Pas mal de rdv obligés avec des vendeurs et toujours des choses à fouiner au marché. De toutes façons, à force, je commence même à préférer Berlin à Cannes, en termes de mood, organisation, coût...

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 28 Déc 2012, 20:30 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24178
Tiens des prédictions sur le programme

Most Likely

PARADISE: HOPE by Ulrich Seidl
During the Venice Film Festival, Seidl confirmed the final part of his trilogy was going to be ready in time and that they were hoping to present it in Berlin.
SOURCES OF LIFE by Oskar Roehler
Roehler has been to Berlinale competition three times and his new film starring Moritz Belibtreu and Jurgen Vogel has a February release date in Germany.
BEFORE MIDNIGHT by Richard Linklater
Sunset and Sunrise both played in competition in Berlin. The new chapter wrapped in summer and is more than likely to be ready. Wheter it goes to Sundance first remains to be seen.
THE LOOK OF LOVE by Michael Winterbottom
Former bear-winner Winterbottom is a Berlinale darling and his new film is set for a March 8 release in theatres. Sundance question is valid for this title as well.
SIDE EFFECTS by Steven Soderbergh
Soderbergh's star-studded film is out on February 8, one day after the festival begins. The director has presented many films in Berlin before and can be granted the opening honours.
This long-awaited adaptation by two-time Golden Palm winner August will hit German theatres on February 28. Jeremy Irons, Bruno Ganz, Martina Gedeck, Melanie Laurent and Charlotte Rampling star.
SKYTTEN by Annette Olesen
Having presented three films in Berlinale competition before, Olesen will be welcomed back to Berlinale Palast with her new film. Set for a February release in Denmark.
TOKYO FAMILY by Yoji Yamada
This homage to Ozu will be out in Japan in January but an international premiere is very likely. Yamada has been to the festival multiple times, most notably with The Twilight Samurai in 2003.
Coixet can return to the festival with this new work starring Javier Camara. Spanish release is on February 22, so it will be completed on time.
While Dumont has never been to Berlin, I can't see him completely avoiding the festival circuit with this title starring Juliette Binoche. Out in France on March 13, not waiting for Cannes.

Quite Likely

STOKER by Park Chan Wook
Rumour says the film may skip the circuit but Park is beloved in Berlin, having won the bear for short films and an Alfred Bauer prize. US release on March 1.
INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS by Joel and Ethan Coen
Coens usually present their films in festivals and True Grit played right here a couple of years ago. They are not likely to compete, though.
MY FRIEND VIJAY by Sam Garbarski
After Irina Palm, Garbarski can return with this new film handled by The Match Factory, the company that had ten films in competition in the last two years.
Frears is another Berlinale darling abd this film is long into post-production. No specific release date set yer.
MOBIUS by Eric Rochant
Former Cannes contender Rochant returns with this new film starring Jean Dujardin, Cecille de France and Tim Roth. Our in France on February 27.
DEAD MAN DOWN by Niels Arden Oplev
Isabelle Huppert and Noomi Rapace in the new film by a former Golden Bear nominee. Release date is March 8. It may play out of competition.
WALESA by Andrzej Wajda
Wajda's biopic was delayed a number of times but is scheduled for a release in March now. The old master would be most welcome.
Prolific Japanese director had a breakthrough with Love Exposure in Berlin and this new film will be released in March.
THE BEST OFFER by Guiseppe Tornatore
Tornatore presented Malena in Berlin years ago. The international premiere of this new work starring Geoffrey Rush can be a hot ticket this year.
Stars walking on the red carpet for the international premiere of an American awards season contender. A familiar sight in Berlin.

Wouldn't be too surprised

The Unknown Known by Errol Morris
The Beloved Sisters by Dominik Graf
Exit Marakkech by Caroline Link
Qissa by Anup Singh
In Berlin by Ryoo Seung Wan
The Canyons by Paul Schrader
Lovelace by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman
Alceste a Bicyclette by Philippe Le Guay
Au Bout de Conte by Agnes Jaoui
Hard to be a God by Aleksey German

A Farewell to Fools by Bogdan Dreyer
Lupu by Bogdan Mustafa
The Perfect Man by Vanessa Jopp
3096 by Sherry Hormann
The Double by Richard Ayoade

Turkish Films
Kadin ve Erkek by Asli Ozge
Yozgat Blues by Mahmut Fazil Coskun
Sarki Soyleyen Kadinlar by Reha Erdem
Kumun Tadi by Melia Onel
Sesime Gel by Huseyin Karabey

All is Lost by J. C. Chandor
The Invisible Woman by Ralph Fiennes
Los Amantes Pasajeros by Pedro Almodovar
Devil's Knot by Atom Egoyan
Just Like a Woman by Rachid Bouchareb
Young and Lovely by Francois Ozon
The Siberian Education by Gabriele Salvatores
Under the Skin by Jonathan Glazer
Blind Detective by Johnnie To

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 29 Déc 2012, 01:18 
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Inscription: 19 Avr 2011, 19:03
Messages: 1400
Karloff a écrit:
Tiens des prédictions sur le programme

Most Likely

PARADISE: HOPE by Ulrich Seidl
During the Venice Film Festival, Seidl confirmed the final part of his trilogy was going to be ready in time and that they were hoping to present it in Berlin.

En tous cas c'est dans la logique entériné par son vendeur depuis le départ: grand chelem des festivals. Heureusement que Seidl n'a pas fait un décalogue, sinon, le dixième film finissait au festival de l'Alpe d'Huez... :)

While Dumont has never been to Berlin, I can't see him completely avoiding the festival circuit with this title starring Juliette Binoche. Out in France on March 13, not waiting for Cannes.

Plus un secret pour personne...

STOKER by Park Chan Wook
Rumour says the film may skip the circuit but Park is beloved in Berlin, having won the bear for short films and an Alfred Bauer prize. US release on March 1.
INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS by Joel and Ethan Coen
Coens usually present their films in festivals and True Grit played right here a couple of years ago. They are not likely to compete, though.

Peu probable pour le premier, pour cause de Sundance qui aurait donc un côté réchauffé. Un petit moins pour le second, quoique le lien quasi-familial des Coën avec Cannes...

Lovelace by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman

Déjà confirmé donc au Panorama.

Hard to be a God by Aleksey German

L'éternelle arlésienne russe...

Just Like a Woman by Rachid Bouchareb

Avec la récente diff' Arte, c'est clairement grillé.

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 29 Déc 2012, 01:19 
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Inscription: 18 Aoû 2005, 23:40
Messages: 19486
Localisation: Rebirth Island
grunt a écrit:

Just Like a Woman by Rachid Bouchareb

Avec la récente diff' Arte, c'est clairement grillé.

Et c'était naze.

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 29 Déc 2012, 17:34 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24178
Hard to be a God by Aleksey German

L'éternelle arlésienne russe...

Il va bien finir par arriver dans un festival, sinon la liste n'est pas de moi, of course

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 11 Jan 2013, 17:35 
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Inscription: 04 Juil 2005, 21:36
Messages: 24178
Elle est finie, là ?

 Sujet du message: Re: Berlin 2013
MessagePosté: 11 Jan 2013, 18:49 
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Successful superfucker
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Inscription: 28 Déc 2006, 21:20
Messages: 8711
Tiens, il y a plus de français que de films allemands.

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15 Fév 2012, 20:34

Karloff Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Mon festival de Berlin




06 Fév 2016, 14:51

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Berlin 2016




21 Fév 2016, 11:35

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Berlin 2010




14 Fév 2010, 17:57

Vintage Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Berlin 2020

Qui-Gon Jinn



09 Jan 2020, 17:26

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Berlin 2021

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25 Aoû 2020, 20:20

Vieux-Gontrand Voir le dernier message

Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Berlin 2023




23 Jan 2023, 22:01

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Berlin 2008




21 Jan 2008, 14:17

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Berlin 2022

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27 Jan 2022, 21:27

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Aucun nouveau message non-lu dans ce sujet. Festival de Berlin 2011

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